📜  Julia 与Java

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-12 11:11:36             🧑  作者: Mango

Java是最流行和广泛使用的编程语言和平台之一。平台是一种有助于开发和运行用任何编程语言编写的程序的环境。 Julia 是一种高级、高性能、动态编程语言。在本文中,讨论了两种语言之间的差异。

Java是 James Gosling 于 1995 年开发的一种基于类的面向对象编程语言。它的设计目的是为了使语言平台免费,即编写一次随处运行(WORA) 。它具有类似于 C/C++ 的复杂语法,但执行速度较慢。但是,它是安全且值得信赖的。它提供各种应用程序,如图像处理、移动和桌面应用程序开发、企业应用程序 Web 开发、客户端-服务器应用程序等等。它包含大量能够执行几乎所有任务的库和 API。

Julia 是一种开源动态编程语言,由麻省理工学院的 4 人于 2012 年开发。它旨在提供一种兼具简单和用户友好的语法以及高执行速度的语言。它专注于提高科学和统计计算以及数据分析的执行速度。它可以有效地用于并行和分布式计算。它有一个关键特性,称为多次调度,可用于各种数学和科学代码。它在云计算和分析大数据方面发挥着重要作用。 Julia 中的内置函数比用户定义类型的内置函数要快得多。 Julia Read-Eval-Print Loop(REPL)提供了关于代码行为的快速测试,并允许在 REPL 中立即进行文档和包管理。因此,可以得出结论,Julia 在语法、速度和应用程序方面击败了Java 。

下表展示了Java和 Julia 之间的区别:

Features Julia Java
Speed Julia is faster than Java as it has execution speed very similar to that of C/C++. Java, on the other hand is fast but is slower in comparison to C/C++.
Syntax Julia has a user-friendly syntax which is much easier than Java Java has a complex syntax and difficult to understand than that of Julia
Libraries Julia has limited sets of libraries. However, in order to make code simple and efficient, it can call libraries from C and Fortran. Java has numerous sets of libraries to work upon.
Community Being a young language, Julia has less popularity and hence it has less number of users than java. However, it is considered to be the future language in the field of data analytics Java has a vast community due to its high popularity for web and android app development.
Code Conversion Julia has syntax like python, hence hard to convert code directly from languages like C/C++. Java has syntax like C/C++, hence hard to convert code directly from languages like python.
Dynamically Typed Julia is a dynamic but weekly typed language having some benefits of static typed languages Java is a static and strongly typed language where variables can be an object or just a type.
Array Indexing Julia is a language where array indexing starts from 1. Java, like most of the other programming languages, starts its array indexing from 0.