先决条件 – http:// 和 https:// 之间的区别
1. 超文本传输协议(HTTP):
超文本传输协议 (HTTP) 是一种协议,使用该协议通过 Web 传输超文本。由于其简单性,http 一直是最广泛使用的网络数据传输协议,但使用 http 交换的数据(即超文本)并不像我们希望的那样安全。事实上,使用http 交换的超文本是纯文本,也就是说,如果拦截这种数据交换,浏览器和服务器之间的任何人都可以相对容易地阅读它。
2. 超文本传输协议安全(HTTPS):
超文本传输协议安全 (HTTPS) 是超文本传输协议 (HTTP) 的扩展。它用于安全通信。在 HTTPS 中,通信协议使用传输层安全性进行加密。
HTTP 和 HTTPs 的区别:
S.No. | HTTP | HTTPS |
1. | HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. | HTTPS for HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure. |
2. | In HTTP, URL begins with “http://”. | In HTTPs, URL starts with “https://”. |
3. | HTTP uses port number 80 for communication. | HTTPs uses 443 port number for communication. |
4. | HTTP is considered to be unsecure. | HTTPs is considered as secure. |
5. | HTTP works at Application Layer. | HTTPS works at Transport Layer. |
6. | In HTTP, Encryption is absent. | Encryption is present in HTTPS. |
7. | HTTP does not require any certificates. | HTTPS needs SSL Certificates. |