1. 运营技术(OT)网络:
OT 系统通过持续监控来确保工业运营的安全,还有助于支持制造、国防公用事业等基础设施。 OT 网络在工业层面工作,以处理任何组织的运营数据。
2. 信息技术(IT)网络:
IT 或信息技术处理的系统主要是计算机和电信,用于执行各种操作,例如提供输入、存储、恢复、传输、操作和保护数据或信息,以便数据可以在不同的组织之间交换。
IT 网络包括硬件(计算机、物理服务器和网络设备)、软件(操作系统、应用程序)和外围设备。 IT 可以通过多种不同的方式进行调整和重新编程,而不是执行一组静态的功能,以满足不断发展和变化的应用程序、业务需求和用户需求。任何行业的 IT 网络都用于以更安全的方式管理计算机系统和公司数据。 OT网络与IT网络的区别:
S.No. | OT Network | IT Network |
1. | OT network is industrial-oriented, which mainly interacts with machines. | IT network is business-oriented, which mainly deals with information rather machines. |
2. | Different types of data in OT networks include : monitoring, control and supervisory data. | Different types of data in IT networks include : Transactional, voice, video and bulky data. |
3. | OT network is connected with the outside world whose access is not limited. | IT network is limited to people which have certain privileges. |
4. | OT network works on real-time processing of data. | IT network works on transactional processing of data. |
5. | OT network may have risk regarding the information. | IT network may have automation risk. |
6. | OT network failure can result in end-of life. | IT network failure can result in loss of data. |
7. | OT has less changing environment as the requirements are not frequently changing. | IT has frequently changing environment. |
8. | OT network requires network upgrades only during operational maintenance windows. | IT network often requires network upgrades. |
9. | If there is any disturbance in OT network, it will directly impact the overall business. | IT network failure can be business impacting, and it depends on industry. |
10. | OT network controls physical access to any device. | IT network ensures security by authenticating the devices and users to the network. |