📜  AgensGraph 和 AnzoGraph 的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-13 02:39:44             🧑  作者: Mango

它是一个企业图数据库管理系统,用于存储和管理旧系统中包括关系数据在内的各种类型的数据。AgensGraph 是一个多模型数据库,它基于 PostgreSQL RDBMS,支持关系和图数据模型。 AgensGraph 在关系模型中支持索引类型,包括 BTree、Hash、Gist、Gin。AgensGraph 符合 ACID,并提供基于触发器的逻辑复制和高可用性工具,以确保您的稳定性。

2. AnzoGraph :
它是一个内存分布式图 DBMS,专为分析而设计。它用于嵌入式分析。该数据库是一个大规模并行处理的原生图形数据库,专为大规模、速度和深度链接洞察力的各种数据协调和分析而构建。

AgensGraph 和 AnzoGraph 的区别:

S.NO. AgensGraph AnzoGraph
1. It is developed By Bitnine Global Inc on 2016. It is developed By  Cambridge Semantics on 2018.
2. It is multi-model database supporting relational and graph data models and built upon PostgreSQL. It is in-memory distributed graph DBMS designed for analytics.
3. It is Open Source. It is commercial.
4. Its server operating systems for AgensGraph are linux, OS X and Windows. Its server operating systems for AnzoGraph is Linux.
5. Its primary database model are Graph DBMS and Relational DBMS. Its primary database model are Graph DBMS and RDF store.
6. It supports Server-side scripting. It supports user defined functions for Server-side scripting.
7. It does not support XML format. It also does not support XML format.
8. It supports SQL query language. It supports SPARQL is used as query language.
9. It does not support In-memory capabilities. It supports In-memory capabilities.
10. It provides concept of Referential Integrity. Hence, there is Foreign Keys. It does not provide the concept of Referential Integrity. Hence, no Foreign Keys.
11. It is not available as a cloud service It is not available as a cloud service
12. Programming language supported are C, Java, JavaScript and Python. Programming language supported are  C++ and Java.