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📜  Go 和Python编程语言的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-13 02:49:08             🧑  作者: Mango

Golang是一种过程式编程语言。它由 Google 的 Robert Griesemer、Rob Pike 和 Ken Thompson 于 2007 年开发,但于 2009 年作为开源编程语言推出。程序是通过使用包来组装的,用于有效管理依赖关系。该语言还支持采用类似于动态语言的模式的环境。
Python是一种广泛使用的通用高级编程语言。它最初由 Guido van Rossum 于 1991 年设计,由Python软件基金会开发。它主要是为了强调代码可读性而开发的,它的语法允许程序员用更少的代码行表达概念。 Python是一种编程语言,可让您快速工作并更有效地集成系统。

Python与 Golang

Python Golang
It is a high-level programming language based on object-oriented programming. It is a procedural programming language based on concurrent programming.
Python support exceptions. Go does not support exceptions. Instead of exception Go has error.
Python has class and objects. Go does not support object-oriented programming. So, it does not have classes and objects.
It supports inheritance. It does not support inheritance.
It does not support Goroutines and channel. It supports Goroutines and channel.
It does not support interfaces. It supports interfaces.
It is a dynamically typed language. So, it uses interpreter. It is a statically typed language. So, it uses compiler.
It is less verbose than Go. It is more verbose than Python.
It does not contain any in-built concurrency mechanism. It fully supports concurrency.
It is good for data analysis and computing. It is good for system programming.