1. 超级:
Mega 是由 Mega Limited 提供的文件托管服务和云存储。它基本上是为基于 Web 的应用程序设计的,但它也为 Android、Windows Phone 和 iPhone 提供移动应用程序。它由 Kim Dotcom 于 2013 年推出。它使用 C++、JavaScript、 Java和 Objective-C 开发。它提供 15 GB 的免费存储空间,另外还有 35 GB 的免费试用空间。
Wuala 是一种文件同步服务、文件存储服务、文件版本控制服务和备份存储服务,最初由 Caleido Incorporation 提供,但后来归希捷科技所有。它是由Dominik Grolimund和Luzius Meisserin 开发的。它主要是使用Java开发的。它提供了 5 GB 的免费存储空间。它于2008年推出。
Mega 和 Wuala 的区别:
It is owned by Mega Limited. | Originally owned by Caleido Incorporation but was later owned by Seagate Technology. |
It was launched in 2013. | It was launched in 2008. |
It offers 15 GB free storage space with additional 35 GB for free trial. | It offered 5 GB free storage space but later on it was made only paid-service. |
It was developed by Kim Dotcom. | It was developed by Dominik Grolimund and Luzius Meisserin. |
It does not provides additional free storage space for referral. | Initially it had referral system but later on referral service was suspended. |
It has the maximum storage size of 16 TB. | Maximum storage size offered was 2 TB here. |
It supports file versioning. | It also supported file versioning. |
It does not provide ability to trade local disk storage space. | It provided ability to trade local disk storage space against cloud storage. |
It is still in use. | This service was suspended in 2015. |
It supports client-side encryption. | It didn’t support client-side encryption. |
It was developed using C++, JavaScript, Java and Objective-C. | It was developed using Java. |