1. 射频识别(RFID):
它是“射频识别”的首字母缩写词,是指借助无线电波在阅读器的帮助下捕获编码在 RFID 标签或智能标签中的数字数据的科学。在 RFID 中,标签或标签的数据是通过将数据存储在数据库中的小工具捕获的。然而,与使用条码资产监控软件的系统相比,RFID 有很多好处。最令人难以置信的是,可以在视线之外检查 RFID 标签统计信息。
RFID 标签包含一个连接到天线的传感器,允许将数据传输到阅读器。每个传感器都带有一个唯一标识符和一个 RFID 阅读器,可以同时扫描许多标签。
2. 条码:
扫描仪由一个传感器组成,该传感器从反射光或反射光中产生信号,然后解码器将符号解释为文本内容并将其发送到 PC 或数据库。条码扫描器需要视线,并且应该一次“看到”每个条码以获取数据。
S.No. | RFID | Barcode |
1. | It is based totally on radio-frequency. | It is primarily based on optical technology. |
2. | It does no longer require Line of sight. | It requires Line of sight because scanner must have an unobstructed view and must be oriented properly. |
3. | It has greater data storage as in contrast to barcodes. | It has much less data storage up to solely 24 characters. |
4. | Memory storage is possible in RFID with assist of tags. | Memory storage is not possible in barcodes. |
5. | It is more resistant or durable than a barcode. | It is much less resistant than RFID. |
6. | Several RFID tags can be examined simultaneously i.e. multiple read is allowed in RFID. | Only a single barcode can be scanned at a time i.e one card can be read at a time. |
7. | Read/write abilities using RFID tags. | Barcode has totally reading capabilities and can’t write anything. |
8. | It processes faster than Barcode. | It is slower than RFID. |