先决条件 – 参考地点
1. 空间定位:
2. 时间地点:
S.No. | Spatial Locality | Temporal Locality |
1. | In Spatial Locality, nearby instructions to recently executed instruction are likely to be executed soon. | In Temporal Locality, a recently executed instruction is likely to be executed again very soon. |
2. | It refers to the tendency of execution which involve a number of memory locations . | It refers to the tendency of execution where memory location that have been used recently have a access. |
3. | It is also known as locality in space. | It is also known as locality in time. |
4. | It only refers to data item which are closed together in memory. | It repeatedly refers to same data in short time span. |
5. | Each time new data comes into execution. | Each time same useful data comes into execution. |
6. | Example : Data elements accessed in array (where each time different (or just next) element is being accessing ). |
Example : Data elements accessed in loops (where same data elements are accessed multiple times). |