PriorityQueue 和 TreeSet 都是在 Collection Framework 中定义的类。在本文中,我们将了解 PriorityQueue 和 TreeSet 之间的区别。 PriorityQueue 是 Queue 接口的实现,TreeSet 是 Set 接口的实现。它们之间存在一些差异。所以我们试图列出 PriorityQueue 和 TreeSet 之间的区别。
1. PriorityQueue :当应该根据优先级处理对象时,使用 PriorityQueue。众所周知,队列遵循先进先出算法,但有时需要根据优先级处理队列中的元素,这就是PriorityQueue发挥作用的时候。 PriorityQueue 基于优先级堆。优先级队列的元素按照自然顺序排序,或者由队列构建时提供的 Comparator 排序,具体取决于使用的构造函数。
PriorityQueue 演示:
// Java program to demonstrate the
// working of PriorityQueue
import java.util.*;
class PriorityQueueDemo {
// Main Method
public static void main(String args[])
// Creating empty priority queue
PriorityQueue pQueue
= new PriorityQueue<>();
// Adding elements to the pQueue using add()
// Printing the top element of PriorityQueue
// Printing the top element and removing it
// from the PriorityQueue container
// Printing the top element again
// Java code to demonstrate
// the working of TreeSet
import java.util.*;
class TreeSetDemo {
public static void main(String[] args)
// Creating an empty TreeSet
TreeSet ts = new TreeSet();
// Elements are added using add() method
System.out.println("Tree Set is " + ts);
String check = "Geeks";
// Check if the above string exists in
// the treeset or not
System.out.println("Contains " + check + " "
+ ts.contains(check));
// Print the first element in
// the TreeSet
System.out.println("First Value " + ts.first());
// Print the last element in
// the TreeSet
System.out.println("Last Value " + ts.last());
String val = "Geek";
// Find the values just greater
// and smaller than the above string
System.out.println("Higher " + ts.higher(val));
System.out.println("Lower " + ts.lower(val));
2. TreeSet : TreeSet 是Java中SortedSet 接口最重要的实现之一,它使用Tree进行存储。无论是否提供显式比较器,元素的顺序都由使用其自然顺序的集合维护。如果要正确实现Set 接口,这必须与 equals 一致。它也可以由在集合创建时提供的 Comparator 进行排序,具体取决于使用的构造函数。 TreeSet通过继承AbstractSet 类实现了NavigableSet 接口。
// Java code to demonstrate
// the working of TreeSet
import java.util.*;
class TreeSetDemo {
public static void main(String[] args)
// Creating an empty TreeSet
TreeSet ts = new TreeSet();
// Elements are added using add() method
System.out.println("Tree Set is " + ts);
String check = "Geeks";
// Check if the above string exists in
// the treeset or not
System.out.println("Contains " + check + " "
+ ts.contains(check));
// Print the first element in
// the TreeSet
System.out.println("First Value " + ts.first());
// Print the last element in
// the TreeSet
System.out.println("Last Value " + ts.last());
String val = "Geek";
// Find the values just greater
// and smaller than the above string
System.out.println("Higher " + ts.higher(val));
System.out.println("Lower " + ts.lower(val));
PriorityQueue 和 TreeSet 的区别
PriorityQueue |
TreeSet |
PriorityQueue uses the Queue underlying data structure | TreeSet uses the Set underlying data structure. |
PriorityQueue allows the duplicate elements | TreeSet doesn’t allow the duplicate elements |
In PriorityQueue, apart from the root rest of the elements may or may not follow any order. | In TreeSet all the elements remain in the sorted order. |
Using PriorityQueue, we can retrieve largest or smallest element in O(1) time. | TreeSet doesn’t provide a way to retrieve largest or smallest element in O(1) time, but since they are in sorted order it gets the first or last element in O(1) time. |
PriorityQueue comes in JDK 1.5. | TreeSet comes in JDK 1.4. |