1. 硬盘:
2. 软盘:
It is magnetic disk made of aluminium. | It is magnetic disk made of plastic. |
It is used as main storage device of computer. | Initially it was used as main storage device but now-a-days it is not used. |
It uses 2-4 metallic disk called platter. | It contains single plastic disk. |
Data storing surface is coated by magnetic oxide. | Data storing surface is exposed. |
It is reliable. | It is not as reliable as hard disk. |
Storage capacity is very high. | Storage capacity is low. |
Stores data at high speed. | Stores data at low speed. |
Retrieves data at high speed. | Data access relatively slow. |
Data can not be damaged or corrupted. | Data cane be damaged or corrupted. |
It is not portable easily. | It is easily portable. |
Weight is heavier than floppy disk. | It has lighter weight. |
It is very costly compared to floppy disk. | It is quite cheap. |
Security from viruses is better. | Susceptible to viruses. |
It is widely used now-a-days. | It is very less used almost not used. |