1. 根工具包:
Rootkit 是一组应用程序,是一种恶意软件,旨在感染目标 PC 并允许攻击者安装一组工具,授予他对计算机的持久远程访问权限。恶意软件通常将自己伪装成“隐藏在视线中”的普通文件,因此您的防病毒软件会忽略它们。它支持对计算机或计算机网络的管理员级别访问。其动机是从您的计算机中窃取身份信息,通常是为了获得对系统的控制权。很难检测和去除,需要专门的工具去除。
2. 广告软件:
Rootkit 和广告软件的区别:
1. | Rootkit is set of malicious program that enables administrator-level access to a computer network. | Adware is similar to a spyware and it can be both intrusive and difficult to eradicate. |
2. | The main objective of rootkit is to steal the identity information, often to gain control of a system. | The main objective of adware is to monitor your interests and display relevant ads. |
3. | Detecting and removing a rootkit is a complex process and typically requires the use of specialized tools. | Adware can be detected and removed by the antivirus program. |
4. | It give unauthorized access and control of the system to the attacker. | It provides profit to the developer by generating online advertisement. |
5. | Rootkit is one of the type of malware. | Adware is also one of the type of malware. |
6. | It is more harmful. | It is less harmful as compared. |
7. | TDSS, ZeroAccess, Alureon and Necurs are some of the common rootkit. | Fireball, Appearch, Gator and dollarrevenue are some of the examples of adware. |