1. 观察者:
它是一个有效的数据发现平台,可以帮助大型和小型企业从其数据中收集价值,并通过实时获取数据帮助组织做出更高的商业企业选择。无论大小,信息都可以在 Looker 的 100% 数据库内和基于浏览器的平台内进行分析。这个平台使收集、可视化和检查信息更容易一些。 Looker 基于浏览器并提供特殊的建模语言。 Looker 易于使用。该软件可以方便地选择、自定义和创建一系列交互式可视化,提供一系列图形和图表供您选择。
2. 画面:
它是一种非常有效的数据可视化工具,可供数据分析师、科学家、统计学家等使用,主要基于数据分析将信息可视化并得出清晰的意见。它提供强大的 BI 设备,为各种公司和商业企业用户增强数据可视化和发现。它非常有名,因为它可以接收数据并在非常短的时间内生成所需的数据可视化输出。借助简单的拖放功能,客户可以毫不费力地分析关键数据,在整个企业范围内共享重要见解,并创建现代可视化和报告。
Looker 和 Tableau 的区别:
S.No. | Looker | Tableau |
1. | It is an interface with drag and drop feature. | It is an interface which does not have drag and drop feature. |
2. | Its cost is appx Rs. 2, 500/-. | Its cost depends on the quote. |
3. | It process task quickly because of having embedded dashboards. | It does not have embedded dashboards to process task. |
4. | It does not use pictorial graphs or charts to visualize the data, rather it uses tableau reader. | It uses pictorial graphs and charts to visualize the data. |
5. | To use this tool, the user has to perform the onetime transaction only. | To use this platform, the user need not have to perform a one-time transaction. |
6. | It is primarily used by large organizations. | It is primarily used by small organizations. |
7. | It does not have fully customizable tools to process task. | It has fully customizable tools to process task. |
8. | It does not provide tools for real-time data analysis. | It provides tools for real-time data analysis. |