📜  Dropbox 和 OneDrive 之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-15 01:38:36             🧑  作者: Mango

1. 保管箱:
Dropbox 是美国公司 Dropbox Incorporation 提供的文件托管服务。它提供云存储、文件同步、个人云和客户端软件。它成立于 2007 年。 Dropbox 是由两位麻省理工学院的学生Drew HoustonArash Ferdowsi 开发的。它仅提供 2 GB 的免费存储空间。它是最早的云存储服务之一。

2. OneDrive:
OneDrive 或 Microsoft OneDrive 是 Microsoft 提供的文件托管和同步服务。它为用户存储文件、个人数据和共享文件提供了便利。它提供 5 GB 的免费存储空间。它由微软于 2007 年推出,主要供专业工作者使用,用于存储可能需要更高安全性的工作相关数据。

Dropbox 和 OneDrive 的区别:

It is owned by Dropbox Incorporation. It is owned by Microsoft Corporation.
It was developed by Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi. It was developed by Microsoft.
It was launched in June 2007. It was launched in August 2007.
It offers only 2 GB free storage space. It offers 5 GB free storage space.
It charges an amount of $9.99 per month for 2 TB additional storage. It charges an amount of $9.99 per month for 5 TB additional storage.
It supports less types of file formats. It supports more types of file formats.
It shares files through web applications. While it shares files through links.
It is compatible with all kinds of operating systems. It is compatible with some selected operating systems.
It uses block-syncing to update changes quickly. While it does not use block-syncing to update.
It does not allow to set expiry dates on files. While it allows to set expiry dates on links.
It has the referral program for gaining additional storage. While it does not have any such referral program.