1. 搜索引擎:
顾名思义,搜索引擎基本上被定义为旨在执行网络搜索并使用户能够在 WWW 上定位信息的应用程序。搜索引擎是机器驱动的,用于查找分配给单个词的资源,例如网页、usenet 论坛、视频等。
2. 主题目录:
示例: Yahoo 目录、Open 目录、Google 目录等。
Search Engine |
Subject Directory |
It is an online tool that is used to locate or search information on WWW. | It is an online database of websites and online information set up by subject and category. |
It is generally maintained and reviewed by computer robotics. | It is created, maintained and reviewed by human editors or experts. |
It allows users to find or locate information on internet using phrases and keywords. | It allows users to find or locate information in internet using hierarchy. |
It locates and display relevant information based on formula and algorithm using automated software program. | Directories are organized by human beings who discover new websites and relevant information by exploring internet themselves and by reviewing submitted websites. |
They are used mainly for research, shopping and entertainment. | They are used mainly to search broad topics, current events, organization or business homepages, etc. |
They are bigger than directories as it includes billions of web pages. | They tend to be smaller than search engine databases. |
It is considered good to look for specific or complex information and its advanced features allow to refine search and improve results. | It is considered best if one wants to browse broad topics and it can give good idea about amount and type of web-based information on topic. |
User search content or information on database of search engine. | User search only websites included and identified by directory. |