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📜  计算具有恰好 K 个非零数字和不同奇数数字和的数字

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-17 06:59:49             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个整数N和一个数字K ,任务是找出从 0 到 N 恰好有 K 个非零数字的总数,这些数字的总和应该是奇数,并且该总和应该是不同的。数字 N 可以大到10^18

一种在 O(N) 中线性遍历从 0 到 N 的所有元素并计算 log(n) 中的数字总和(其中 n 是该数字中的数字位数)的简单方法,对于 N 的大量输入将失败。

  1. 我们可以使用动态规划,这是一个非常有用的技术,即 digit-dp 来解决这个问题。
  2. 因此,我们不是保留非零整数的记录,而是保留可以保留在不同索引处的零记录,即变量 K 中的idx 。我们可以保留的零的数量最初可以通过将 K 中的位数减去N。
  3. 我们将 N 的所有数字保存到一个向量中,比如数字
  4. 现在,我们通过分析 K 来计算我们可以保留在索引 idx 处的元素范围。
    • 假设在索引idx 处,我们剩下K = 1 (非零值),那么我们放置元素的范围是[0, j] ,其中 j 是由从当前索引获得的紧值决定的上限来自矢量数字的数字。
    • 如果在idx ,我们剩下K = 0 ,那么我们的范围变成[1, j]因为我们不能在那里输入 0 。
  5. 现在,还有一个参数sum ,它将计算一个数字的数字总和,直到基本案例成功命中。
  6. 此外,使用布尔映射将存储已经计算的所有奇数和,因此它给出了不同的奇数和。
  7. 重复将是:
    f(idx, K, tight, sum) = $\sum_{i=0}^{j} f(idx+1, K-1, newtight, sum+i) f(idx, K, tight, sum) = $\sum_{i=1}^{j} f(idx+1, K, newtight, sum+i)
    其中 j = 数字 [idx] 如果紧 = 0,否则 j = 9
  8. 基本情况:
    • idx = digits.size() 时K == 0sum为奇数。
      我们将总和标记为真并返回 1 否则返回 0。
    • 如果idx >digits.size()则返回 0。

所以我们创建了一个 DP 表,比如DP[idx][K][tight][sum] ,它将存储我们从上面的循环中得到的结果,并通过将它记忆到这个 DP 表来返回计数。

// C++ program to Count the numbers having
// exactly K non-zero digits and sum
// of digits are odd and distinct.
using namespace std;
// To store digits of N
vector digits;
// visited map
bool vis[170] = { false };
// DP Table
int dp[19][19][2][170];
// Push all the digits of N into
// digits vector
void ConvertIntoDigit(int n)
    while (n) {
        int dig = n % 10;
        n /= 10;
    reverse(digits.begin(), digits.end());
// Function returns the count
int solve(int idx, int k,
          int tight, int sum)
    // If desired number is formed
    // whose sum is odd
    if (idx == digits.size()
        && k == 0 && sum & 1) {
        // If it is not present in map,
        // mark it as true and return 1
        if (!vis[sum]) {
            vis[sum] = 1;
            return 1;
        // Sum is present in map already
        return 0;
    // Desired result not found
    if (idx > digits.size()) {
        return 0;
    // If that state is already calculated
    // just return that state value
    if (dp[idx][k][tight][sum]) {
        return dp[idx][k][tight][sum];
    // Upper limit
    int j;
    if (tight == 0) {
        j = digits[idx];
    else {
        j = 9;
    // To store the count of
    // desired numbers
    int cnt = 0;
    // If k is non-zero, i ranges from
    // 0 to j else [1, j]
    for (int i = (k ? 0 : 1);
         i <= j; i++) {
        int newtight = tight;
        if (i < j) {
            newtight = 1;
        // If current digit is 0, decrement
        // k and recurse sum is not changed
        // as we are just adding 0 that
        // makes no difference
        if (i == 0)
            cnt += solve(idx + 1, k - 1,
                         newtight, sum);
        // If i is non zero, then k remains
        // unchanged and value is added to sum
            cnt += solve(idx + 1, k, newtight,
                         sum + i);
    // Memoize and return
    return dp[idx][k][tight][sum] = cnt;
// Driver code
int main()
    // K is the number of exact non-zero
    // elements to have in number
    int N, k;
    N = 169, k = 2;
    // break N into its digits
    // We keep record of 0s we need to
    // place in the number
    k = digits.size() - k;
    cout << solve(0, k, 0, 0);

// Java program to count the numbers having
// exactly K non-zero digits and sum
// of digits are odd and distinct.
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// To store digits of N
static Vector digits = new Vector();
// visited map
static boolean []vis = new boolean[170];
// DP Table
static int [][][][]dp = new int[19][19][2][170];
// Push all the digits of N into
// digits vector
static void ConvertIntoDigit(int n)
    while (n > 0)
        int dig = n % 10;
        n /= 10;
// Function returns the count
static int solve(int idx, int k,
                 int tight, int sum)
    // If desired number is formed
    // whose sum is odd
    if (idx == digits.size() &&
          k == 0 && sum % 2 == 1)
        // If it is not present in map,
        // mark it as true and return 1
        if (!vis[sum])
            vis[sum] = true;
            return 1;
        // Sum is present in map already
        return 0;
    // Desired result not found
    if (idx > digits.size())
        return 0;
    // If that state is already calculated
    // just return that state value
    if (dp[idx][k][tight][sum] > 0)
        return dp[idx][k][tight][sum];
    // Upper limit
    int j;
    if (idx < digits.size() && tight == 0)
        j = digits.get(idx);
        j = 9;
    // To store the count of
    // desired numbers
    int cnt = 0;
    // If k is non-zero, i ranges from
    // 0 to j else [1, j]
    for(int i = (k > 0 ? 0 : 1); i <= j; i++)
        int newtight = tight;
        if (i < j)
            newtight = 1;
        // If current digit is 0, decrement
        // k and recurse sum is not changed
        // as we are just adding 0 that
        // makes no difference
        if (i == 0)
            cnt += solve(idx + 1, k - 1,
                         newtight, sum);
        // If i is non zero, then k remains
        // unchanged and value is added to sum
            cnt += solve(idx + 1, k, newtight,
                         sum + i);
    // Memoize and return
    return dp[idx][k][tight][sum] = cnt;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    // K is the number of exact non-zero
    // elements to have in number
    int N, k;
    N = 169; k = 2;
    // break N into its digits
    // We keep record of 0s we need to
    // place in the number
    k = digits.size() - k;
    System.out.print(solve(0, k, 0, 0));
// This code is contributed by amal kumar choubey

# Python3 program to Count the numbers having
# exactly K non-zero digits and sum
# of digits are odd and distinct.
# To store digits of N
digits = []
# visited map
vis = [False for i in range(170)]
# DP Table
dp = [[[[0 for l in range(170)] for k in range(2)] for j in range(19)] for i in range(19)]
# Push all the digits of N into
# digits vector
def ConvertIntoDigit(n):
    while (n > 0):
        dig = n % 10;
        n //= 10;
# Function returns the count
def solve(idx, k, tight, sum):
    # If desired number is formed
    # whose sum is odd
    if (idx == len(digits) and k == 0 and sum % 2 == 1):
        # If it is not present in map,
        # mark it as true and return 1
        if (not vis[sum]):
            vis[sum] = True;
            return 1;
        # Sum is present in map already
        return 0;
    # Desired result not found
    if (idx > len(digits)):
        return 0;
    # If that state is already calculated
    # just return that state value
    if (dp[idx][k][tight][sum]):
        return dp[idx][k][tight][sum];
    # Upper limit
    j = 0;
    if (idx

// C# program to count the numbers having
// exactly K non-zero digits and sum
// of digits are odd and distinct.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
// To store digits of N
static List digits = new List();
// visited map
static bool []vis = new bool[170];
// DP Table
static int [,,,]dp = new int[ 19, 19, 2, 170 ];
// Push all the digits of N into
// digits vector
static void ConvertIntoDigit(int n)
    while (n > 0)
        int dig = n % 10;
        n /= 10;
// Function returns the count
static int solve(int idx, int k,
                 int tight, int sum)
    // If desired number is formed
    // whose sum is odd
    if (idx == digits.Count &&
          k == 0 && sum % 2 == 1)
        // If it is not present in map,
        // mark it as true and return 1
        if (!vis[sum])
            vis[sum] = true;
            return 1;
        // Sum is present in map already
        return 0;
    // Desired result not found
    if (idx > digits.Count)
        return 0;
    // If that state is already calculated
    // just return that state value
    if (dp[idx, k, tight, sum] > 0)
        return dp[idx, k, tight, sum];
    // Upper limit
    int j;
    if (idx < digits.Count && tight == 0)
        j = digits[idx];
        j = 9;
    // To store the count of
    // desired numbers
    int cnt = 0;
    // If k is non-zero, i ranges from
    // 0 to j else [1, j]
    for(int i = (k > 0 ? 0 : 1); i <= j; i++)
        int newtight = tight;
        if (i < j)
            newtight = 1;
        // If current digit is 0, decrement
        // k and recurse sum is not changed
        // as we are just adding 0 that
        // makes no difference
        if (i == 0)
            cnt += solve(idx + 1, k - 1,
                         newtight, sum);
        // If i is non zero, then k remains
        // unchanged and value is added to sum
            cnt += solve(idx + 1, k, newtight,
                         sum + i);
    // Memoize and return
    return dp[idx, k, tight, sum] = cnt;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    // K is the number of exact non-zero
    // elements to have in number
    int N, k;
    N = 169; k = 2;
    // break N into its digits
    // We keep record of 0s we need to
    // place in the number
    k = digits.Count - k;
    Console.Write(solve(0, k, 0, 0));
// This code is contributed by amal kumar choubey



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