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📜  将数组元素最大化到给定数量

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-17 07:09:04             🧑  作者: Mango

给定一个整数数组,一个数字和一个最大值,任务是计算可以从数组元素中获得的最大值。从头开始遍历的数组上的每个值都可以与从前一个索引获得的结果相加或相减,这样在任何时候结果都不小于 0 且不大于给定的最大值。对于索引 0,取等于给定数字的先前结果。如果没有可能的答案打印-1。

例子 :

Input : arr[] = {2, 1, 7}
        Number = 3
        Maximum value = 7
Output : 7
The order of addition and subtraction
is: 3(given number) - 2(arr[0]) - 
1(arr[1]) + 7(arr[2]).

Input : arr[] = {3, 10, 6, 4, 5}
        Number = 1
        Maximum value = 15
Output : 9
The order of addition and subtraction
is: 1 + 3 + 10 - 6 - 4 + 5
推荐:请先在 IDE 上尝试您的方法,然后再查看解决方案。

天真的方法:使用递归找到最大值。在每个索引位置有两种选择,或者将当前数组元素添加到从前一个元素到目前为止获得的值上,或者从从前一个元素到目前为止获得的值中减去当前数组元素。从索引 0 开始,从给定数字中添加或减去 arr[0] 并递归调用下一个索引以及更新后的数字。当遍历整个数组时,将更新后的数字与目前获得的数字的整体最大值进行比较。


// CPP code to find maximum
// value of number obtained by
// using array elements recursively.
using namespace std;
// Utility function to find maximum possible value
void findMaxValUtil(int arr[], int n, int num,
                    int maxLimit, int ind, int& ans)
    // If entire array is traversed, then compare
    // current value in num to overall maximum
    // obtained so far.
    if (ind == n) {
        ans = max(ans, num);
    // Case 1: Subtract current element from value so
    // far if result is greater than or equal to zero.
    if (num - arr[ind] >= 0)
        findMaxValUtil(arr, n, num - arr[ind],
                       maxLimit, ind + 1, ans);
    // Case 2 : Add current element to value so far
    // if result is less than or equal to maxLimit.
    if (num + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
        findMaxValUtil(arr, n, num + arr[ind],
                       maxLimit, ind + 1, ans);
// Function to find maximum possible
// value that can be obtained using
// array elements and given number.
int findMaxVal(int arr[], int n,
               int num, int maxLimit)
    // variable to store maximum value
    // that can be obtained.
    int ans = 0;
    // variable to store current index position.
    int ind = 0;
    // call to utility function to find maximum
    // possible value that can be obtained.
    findMaxValUtil(arr, n, num, maxLimit, ind, ans);
    return ans;
// Driver code
int main()
    int num = 1;
    int arr[] = { 3, 10, 6, 4, 5 };
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    int maxLimit = 15;
    cout << findMaxVal(arr, n, num, maxLimit);
    return 0;

// Java code to find maximum
// value of number obtained by
// using array elements recursively.
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class GFG {
    // variable to store maximum value
    // that can be obtained.
    static int ans;
    // Utility function to find maximum
    // possible value
    static void findMaxValUtil(int []arr, int n, int num,
                              int maxLimit, int ind)
        // If entire array is traversed, then compare
        // current value in num to overall maximum
        // obtained so far.
        if (ind == n) {
            ans = Math.max(ans, num);
        // Case 1: Subtract current element from value so
        // far if result is greater than or equal to zero.
        if (num - arr[ind] >= 0)
            findMaxValUtil(arr, n, num - arr[ind],
                            maxLimit, ind + 1);
        // Case 2 : Add current element to value so far
        // if result is less than or equal to maxLimit.
        if (num + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
            findMaxValUtil(arr, n, num + arr[ind],
                          maxLimit, ind + 1);
    // Function to find maximum possible
    // value that can be obtained using
    // array elements and given number.
    static int findMaxVal(int []arr, int n,
                             int num, int maxLimit)
        // variable to store current index position.
        int ind = 0;
        // call to utility function to find maximum
        // possible value that can be obtained.
        findMaxValUtil(arr, n, num, maxLimit, ind);
        return ans;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        int num = 1;
        int []arr = { 3, 10, 6, 4, 5 };
        int n = arr.length;
        int maxLimit = 15;
        System.out.print(findMaxVal(arr, n, num,
// This code is contributed by Manish Shaw
// (manishshaw1)

# Python3 code to find maximum
# value of number obtained by
# using array elements recursively.
# Utility def to find
# maximum possible value
# variable to store maximum value
# that can be obtained.
ans = 0;
def findMaxValUtil(arr, n, num, maxLimit, ind):
    global ans
    # If entire array is traversed,
    # then compare current value
    # in num to overall maximum
    # obtained so far.
    if (ind == n) :
        ans = max(ans, num)
    # Case 1: Subtract current element
    # from value so far if result is
    # greater than or equal to zero.
    if (num - arr[ind] >= 0) :
        findMaxValUtil(arr, n, num - arr[ind],
                            maxLimit, ind + 1)
    # Case 2 : Add current element to
    # value so far if result is less
    # than or equal to maxLimit.
    if (num + arr[ind] <= maxLimit) :
        findMaxValUtil(arr, n, num + arr[ind],
                            maxLimit, ind + 1)
# def to find maximum possible
# value that can be obtained using
# array elements and given number.
def findMaxVal(arr, n, num, maxLimit) :
    global ans
    # variable to store
    # current index position.
    ind = 0
    # call to utility def to
    # find maximum possible value
    # that can be obtained.
    findMaxValUtil(arr, n, num, maxLimit, ind)
    return ans
# Driver code
num = 1
arr = [3, 10, 6, 4, 5]
n = len(arr)
maxLimit = 15
print (findMaxVal(arr, n, num, maxLimit))
# This code is contributed by Manish Shaw
# (manishshaw1)

// C# code to find maximum
// value of number obtained by
// using array elements recursively.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
    // Utility function to find maximum
    // possible value
    static void findMaxValUtil(int []arr, int n, int num,
                      int maxLimit, int ind, ref int ans)
        // If entire array is traversed, then compare
        // current value in num to overall maximum
        // obtained so far.
        if (ind == n) {
            ans = Math.Max(ans, num);
        // Case 1: Subtract current element from value so
        // far if result is greater than or equal to zero.
        if (num - arr[ind] >= 0)
            findMaxValUtil(arr, n, num - arr[ind],
                            maxLimit, ind + 1, ref ans);
        // Case 2 : Add current element to value so far
        // if result is less than or equal to maxLimit.
        if (num + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
            findMaxValUtil(arr, n, num + arr[ind],
                          maxLimit, ind + 1, ref ans);
    // Function to find maximum possible
    // value that can be obtained using
    // array elements and given number.
    static int findMaxVal(int []arr, int n,
                             int num, int maxLimit)
        // variable to store maximum value
        // that can be obtained.
        int ans = 0;
        // variable to store current index position.
        int ind = 0;
        // call to utility function to find maximum
        // possible value that can be obtained.
        findMaxValUtil(arr, n, num, maxLimit, ind,
                                           ref ans);
        return ans;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        int num = 1;
        int []arr = { 3, 10, 6, 4, 5 };
        int n = arr.Length;
        int maxLimit = 15;
        Console.Write(findMaxVal(arr, n, num,
// This code is contributed by Manish Shaw
// (manishshaw1)

= 0)
        findMaxValUtil($arr, $n,
                       $num - $arr[$ind],
                       $maxLimit, $ind + 1,
    // Case 2 : Add current element to
    // value so far if result is less
    // than or equal to maxLimit.
    if ($num + $arr[$ind] <= $maxLimit)
        findMaxValUtil($arr, $n,
                       $num + $arr[$ind],
                       $maxLimit, $ind + 1,
// Function to find maximum possible
// value that can be obtained using
// array elements and given number.
function findMaxVal($arr, $n,
                    $num, $maxLimit)
    // variable to store maximum value
    // that can be obtained.
    $ans = 0;
    // variable to store
    // current index position.
    $ind = 0;
    // call to utility function to
    // find maximum possible value
    // that can be obtained.
    findMaxValUtil($arr, $n, $num,
                   $maxLimit, $ind, $ans);
    return $ans;
// Driver code
$num = 1;
$arr = array(3, 10, 6, 4, 5);
$n = count($arr);
$maxLimit = 15;
echo (findMaxVal($arr, $n, $num, $maxLimit));
//This code is contributed by Manish Shaw


// C++ program to find maximum value of
// number obtained by using array
// elements by using dynamic programming.
using namespace std;
// Function to find maximum possible
// value of number that can be
// obtained using array elements.
int findMaxVal(int arr[], int n,
               int num, int maxLimit)
    // Variable to represent current index.
    int ind;
    // Variable to show value between
    //  0 and maxLimit.
    int val;
    // Table to store whether a value can
    // be obtained or not upto a certain index.
    // 1. dp[i][j] = 1 if value j can be
    //    obtained upto index i.
    // 2. dp[i][j] = 0 if value j cannot be
    //    obtained upto index i.
    int dp[n][maxLimit+1];
    for(ind = 0; ind < n; ind++)
        for(val = 0; val <= maxLimit; val++)
            // Check for index 0 if given value
            // val can be obtained by either adding
            // to or subtracting arr[0] from num.
            if(ind == 0)
                if(num - arr[ind] == val ||
                    num + arr[ind] == val)
                    dp[ind][val] = 1;
                    dp[ind][val] = 0;
                // 1. If arr[ind] is added to
                // obtain given val then val-
                // arr[ind] should be obtainable
                // from index ind-1.
                // 2. If arr[ind] is subtracted to
                // obtain given val then val+arr[ind]
                // should be obtainable from index ind-1.
                // Check for both the conditions.
                if(val - arr[ind] >= 0 &&
                   val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
                    // If either of one condition is true,
                    // then val is obtainable at index ind.
                    dp[ind][val] = dp[ind-1][val-arr[ind]] ||
                else if(val - arr[ind] >= 0)
                    dp[ind][val] = dp[ind-1][val-arr[ind]];
                else if(val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
                    dp[ind][val] = dp[ind-1][val+arr[ind]];
                    dp[ind][val] = 0;
    // Find maximum value that is obtained
    // at index n-1.
    for(val = maxLimit; val >= 0; val--)
            return val;
    // If no solution exists return -1.
    return -1;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int num = 1;
    int arr[] = {3, 10, 6, 4, 5};
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    int maxLimit = 15;
    cout << findMaxVal(arr, n, num, maxLimit);
    return 0;

// Java program to find maximum
// value of number obtained by
// using array elements by using
// dynamic programming.
import java.io.*;
class GFG
    // Function to find maximum
    // possible value of number
    // that can be obtained
    // using array elements.
    static int findMaxVal(int []arr, int n,
                          int num, int maxLimit)
        // Variable to represent
        // current index.
        int ind;
        // Variable to show value
        // between 0 and maxLimit.
        int val;
        // Table to store whether
        // a value can be obtained
        // or not upto a certain
        // index 1. dp[i,j] = 1 if
        // value j can be obtained
        // upto index i.
        // 2. dp[i,j] = 0 if value j
        // cannot be obtained upto index i.
        int [][]dp = new int[n][maxLimit + 1];
        for(ind = 0; ind < n; ind++)
            for(val = 0; val <= maxLimit; val++)
                // Check for index 0 if given
                // value val can be obtained
                // by either adding to or
                // subtracting arr[0] from num.
                if(ind == 0)
                    if(num - arr[ind] == val ||
                       num + arr[ind] == val)
                        dp[ind][val] = 1;
                        dp[ind][val] = 0;
                    // 1. If arr[ind] is added
                    // to obtain given val then
                    // val- arr[ind] should be
                    // obtainable from index
                    // ind-1.
                    // 2. If arr[ind] is subtracted
                    // to obtain given val then
                    // val+arr[ind] should be
                    // obtainable from index ind-1.
                    // Check for both the conditions.
                    if(val - arr[ind] >= 0 &&
                        val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
                        // If either of one condition
                        // is true, then val is
                        // obtainable at index ind.
                        if(dp[ind - 1][val - arr[ind]] == 1
                        || dp[ind - 1][val + arr[ind]] == 1)
                            dp[ind][val] = 1;
                    else if(val - arr[ind] >= 0)
                        dp[ind][val] = dp[ind - 1][val -
                    else if(val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
                        dp[ind][val] = dp[ind - 1][val +
                        dp[ind][val] = 0;
        // Find maximum value that
        // is obtained at index n-1.
        for(val = maxLimit; val >= 0; val--)
            if(dp[n - 1][val] == 1)
                return val;
        // If no solution
        // exists return -1.
        return -1;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String args[])
        int num = 1;
        int []arr = new int[]{3, 10, 6, 4, 5};
        int n = arr.length;
        int maxLimit = 15;
        System.out.print(findMaxVal(arr, n,
                                    num, maxLimit));
// This code is contributed
// by Manish Shaw(manishshaw1)

# Python3 program to find maximum
# value of number obtained by
# using array elements by using
# dynamic programming.
# Function to find maximum
# possible value of number
# that can be obtained
# using array elements.
def findMaxVal(arr, n, num, maxLimit):
    # Variable to represent
    # current index.
    ind = -1;
    # Variable to show value
    # between 0 and maxLimit.
    val = -1;
    # Table to store whether
    # a value can be obtained
    # or not upto a certain
    # index 1. dp[i,j] = 1 if
    # value j can be obtained
    # upto index i.
    # 2. dp[i,j] = 0 if value j
    # cannot be obtained upto index i.
    dp = [[0 for i in range(maxLimit + 1)] for j in range(n)];
    for ind in range(n):
        for val in range(maxLimit + 1):
            # Check for index 0 if given
            # value val can be obtained
            # by either adding to or
            # subtracting arr[0] from num.
            if (ind == 0):
                if (num - arr[ind] == val or num + arr[ind] == val):
                    dp[ind][val] = 1;
                    dp[ind][val] = 0;
                # 1. If arr[ind] is added
                # to obtain given val then
                # val- arr[ind] should be
                # obtainable from index
                # ind-1.
                # 2. If arr[ind] is subtracted
                # to obtain given val then
                # val+arr[ind] should be
                # obtainable from index ind-1.
                # Check for both the conditions.
                if (val - arr[ind] >= 0 and val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit):
                    # If either of one condition
                    # is True, then val is
                    # obtainable at index ind.
                    if (dp[ind - 1][val - arr[ind]] == 1 or
                        dp[ind - 1][val + arr[ind]] == 1):
                        dp[ind][val] = 1;
                elif (val - arr[ind] >= 0):
                    dp[ind][val] = dp[ind - 1][val - arr[ind]];
                elif (val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit):
                    dp[ind][val] = dp[ind - 1][val + arr[ind]];
                    dp[ind][val] = 0;
    # Find maximum value that
    # is obtained at index n-1.
    for val in range(maxLimit, -1, -1):
        if (dp[n - 1][val] == 1):
            return val;
    # If no solution
    # exists return -1.
    return -1;
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    num = 1;
    arr = [3, 10, 6, 4, 5];
    n = len(arr);
    maxLimit = 15;
    print(findMaxVal(arr, n, num, maxLimit));
# This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

// C# program to find maximum value of
// number obtained by using array
// elements by using dynamic programming.
using System;
class GFG {
    // Function to find maximum possible
    // value of number that can be
    // obtained using array elements.
    static int findMaxVal(int []arr, int n,
                    int num, int maxLimit)
        // Variable to represent current index.
        int ind;
        // Variable to show value between
        // 0 and maxLimit.
        int val;
        // Table to store whether a value can
        // be obtained or not upto a certain
        // index 1. dp[i,j] = 1 if value j
        // can be obtained upto index i.
        // 2. dp[i,j] = 0 if value j cannot be
        // obtained upto index i.
        int [,]dp = new int[n,maxLimit+1];
        for(ind = 0; ind < n; ind++)
            for(val = 0; val <= maxLimit; val++)
                // Check for index 0 if given
                // value val can be obtained
                // by either adding to or
                // subtracting arr[0] from num.
                if(ind == 0)
                    if(num - arr[ind] == val ||
                        num + arr[ind] == val)
                        dp[ind,val] = 1;
                        dp[ind,val] = 0;
                    // 1. If arr[ind] is added
                    // to obtain given val then
                    // val- arr[ind] should be
                    // obtainable from index
                    // ind-1.
                    // 2. If arr[ind] is subtracted
                    // to obtain given val then
                    // val+arr[ind] should be
                    // obtainable from index ind-1.
                    // Check for both the conditions.
                    if(val - arr[ind] >= 0 &&
                         val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
                        // If either of one condition
                        // is true, then val is
                        // obtainable at index ind.
                        if(dp[ind-1,val-arr[ind]] == 1
                        || dp[ind-1,val+arr[ind]] == 1)
                            dp[ind,val] = 1;
                    else if(val - arr[ind] >= 0)
                        dp[ind,val] = dp[ind-1,val-arr[ind]];
                    else if(val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
                        dp[ind,val] = dp[ind-1,val+arr[ind]];
                        dp[ind,val] = 0;
        // Find maximum value that is obtained
        // at index n-1.
        for(val = maxLimit; val >= 0; val--)
            if(dp[n-1,val] == 1)
                return val;
        // If no solution exists return -1.
        return -1;
    // Driver Code
    static void Main()
        int num = 1;
        int []arr = new int[]{3, 10, 6, 4, 5};
        int n = arr.Length;
        int maxLimit = 15;
             findMaxVal(arr, n, num, maxLimit));
// This code is contributed by Manish Shaw
// (manishshaw1)

= 0 &&
                   $val + $arr[$ind] <= $maxLimit)
                    // If either of one condition is true,
                    // then val is obtainable at index ind.
                    $dp[$ind][$val] = $dp[$ind - 1][$val - $arr[$ind]] ||
                                      $dp[$ind - 1][$val + $arr[$ind]];
                else if($val - $arr[$ind] >= 0)
                    $dp[$ind][$val] = $dp[$ind - 1][$val - $arr[$ind]];
                else if($val + $arr[$ind] <= $maxLimit)
                    $dp[$ind][$val] = $dp[$ind - 1][$val + $arr[$ind]];
                    $dp[$ind][$val] = 0;
    // Find maximum value that is obtained
    // at index n-1.
    for($val = $maxLimit; $val >= 0; $val--)
        if($dp[$n - 1][$val])
            return $val;
    // If no solution exists return -1.
    return -1;
// Driver Code
$num = 1;
$arr = array(3, 10, 6, 4, 5);
$n = sizeof($arr);
$maxLimit = 15;
echo findMaxVal($arr, $n, $num, $maxLimit);
// This code is contributed by ajit.




时间复杂度: O(2^n)。

注意:对于 n <= 20 的小值,此解决方案将起作用。但是随着数组大小的增加,这将不是最佳解决方案。

一个有效的解决方案是使用动态规划。观察到每一步的值都被限制在 0 和 maxLimit 之间,因此,所需的最大值也将在这个范围内。在每个索引位置,将arr[i]加到或从结果中减去后,结果的新值也会在这个范围内。让我们尝试向后构建解决方案。假设所需的最大可能值是 x,其中 0 ≤ x ≤ maxLimit。这个值 x 是通过将 arr[n-1] 添加到/从直到索引位置 n-2 获得的值中获得的。可以对在索引位置 n-2 处获得的值给出相同的原因,即它取决于索引位置 n-3 处的值,依此类推。由此产生的递推关系可以表示为:

Check can x be obtained from arr[0..n-1]:
   Check can x - arr[n-1] be obtained from arr[0..n-2] 
   || Check can x + arr[n-1] be obtained from arr[0..n-2]

可以创建一个布尔 DP 表,其中 dp[i][j] 为 1,如果值 j 可以使用 arr[0..i] 获得,否则为 0。对于每个索引位置,从 j = 0 开始并移动到值 maxLimit,并如上所述将 dp[i][j] 设置为 0 或 1。通过在 i = n-1 和 dp[n-1][j] = 1 时找到最大值 j,找到在索引位置 n-1 处可以获得的最大可能值。


// C++ program to find maximum value of
// number obtained by using array
// elements by using dynamic programming.
using namespace std;
// Function to find maximum possible
// value of number that can be
// obtained using array elements.
int findMaxVal(int arr[], int n,
               int num, int maxLimit)
    // Variable to represent current index.
    int ind;
    // Variable to show value between
    //  0 and maxLimit.
    int val;
    // Table to store whether a value can
    // be obtained or not upto a certain index.
    // 1. dp[i][j] = 1 if value j can be
    //    obtained upto index i.
    // 2. dp[i][j] = 0 if value j cannot be
    //    obtained upto index i.
    int dp[n][maxLimit+1];
    for(ind = 0; ind < n; ind++)
        for(val = 0; val <= maxLimit; val++)
            // Check for index 0 if given value
            // val can be obtained by either adding
            // to or subtracting arr[0] from num.
            if(ind == 0)
                if(num - arr[ind] == val ||
                    num + arr[ind] == val)
                    dp[ind][val] = 1;
                    dp[ind][val] = 0;
                // 1. If arr[ind] is added to
                // obtain given val then val-
                // arr[ind] should be obtainable
                // from index ind-1.
                // 2. If arr[ind] is subtracted to
                // obtain given val then val+arr[ind]
                // should be obtainable from index ind-1.
                // Check for both the conditions.
                if(val - arr[ind] >= 0 &&
                   val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
                    // If either of one condition is true,
                    // then val is obtainable at index ind.
                    dp[ind][val] = dp[ind-1][val-arr[ind]] ||
                else if(val - arr[ind] >= 0)
                    dp[ind][val] = dp[ind-1][val-arr[ind]];
                else if(val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
                    dp[ind][val] = dp[ind-1][val+arr[ind]];
                    dp[ind][val] = 0;
    // Find maximum value that is obtained
    // at index n-1.
    for(val = maxLimit; val >= 0; val--)
            return val;
    // If no solution exists return -1.
    return -1;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int num = 1;
    int arr[] = {3, 10, 6, 4, 5};
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
    int maxLimit = 15;
    cout << findMaxVal(arr, n, num, maxLimit);
    return 0;


// Java program to find maximum
// value of number obtained by
// using array elements by using
// dynamic programming.
import java.io.*;
class GFG
    // Function to find maximum
    // possible value of number
    // that can be obtained
    // using array elements.
    static int findMaxVal(int []arr, int n,
                          int num, int maxLimit)
        // Variable to represent
        // current index.
        int ind;
        // Variable to show value
        // between 0 and maxLimit.
        int val;
        // Table to store whether
        // a value can be obtained
        // or not upto a certain
        // index 1. dp[i,j] = 1 if
        // value j can be obtained
        // upto index i.
        // 2. dp[i,j] = 0 if value j
        // cannot be obtained upto index i.
        int [][]dp = new int[n][maxLimit + 1];
        for(ind = 0; ind < n; ind++)
            for(val = 0; val <= maxLimit; val++)
                // Check for index 0 if given
                // value val can be obtained
                // by either adding to or
                // subtracting arr[0] from num.
                if(ind == 0)
                    if(num - arr[ind] == val ||
                       num + arr[ind] == val)
                        dp[ind][val] = 1;
                        dp[ind][val] = 0;
                    // 1. If arr[ind] is added
                    // to obtain given val then
                    // val- arr[ind] should be
                    // obtainable from index
                    // ind-1.
                    // 2. If arr[ind] is subtracted
                    // to obtain given val then
                    // val+arr[ind] should be
                    // obtainable from index ind-1.
                    // Check for both the conditions.
                    if(val - arr[ind] >= 0 &&
                        val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
                        // If either of one condition
                        // is true, then val is
                        // obtainable at index ind.
                        if(dp[ind - 1][val - arr[ind]] == 1
                        || dp[ind - 1][val + arr[ind]] == 1)
                            dp[ind][val] = 1;
                    else if(val - arr[ind] >= 0)
                        dp[ind][val] = dp[ind - 1][val -
                    else if(val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
                        dp[ind][val] = dp[ind - 1][val +
                        dp[ind][val] = 0;
        // Find maximum value that
        // is obtained at index n-1.
        for(val = maxLimit; val >= 0; val--)
            if(dp[n - 1][val] == 1)
                return val;
        // If no solution
        // exists return -1.
        return -1;
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String args[])
        int num = 1;
        int []arr = new int[]{3, 10, 6, 4, 5};
        int n = arr.length;
        int maxLimit = 15;
        System.out.print(findMaxVal(arr, n,
                                    num, maxLimit));
// This code is contributed
// by Manish Shaw(manishshaw1)


# Python3 program to find maximum
# value of number obtained by
# using array elements by using
# dynamic programming.
# Function to find maximum
# possible value of number
# that can be obtained
# using array elements.
def findMaxVal(arr, n, num, maxLimit):
    # Variable to represent
    # current index.
    ind = -1;
    # Variable to show value
    # between 0 and maxLimit.
    val = -1;
    # Table to store whether
    # a value can be obtained
    # or not upto a certain
    # index 1. dp[i,j] = 1 if
    # value j can be obtained
    # upto index i.
    # 2. dp[i,j] = 0 if value j
    # cannot be obtained upto index i.
    dp = [[0 for i in range(maxLimit + 1)] for j in range(n)];
    for ind in range(n):
        for val in range(maxLimit + 1):
            # Check for index 0 if given
            # value val can be obtained
            # by either adding to or
            # subtracting arr[0] from num.
            if (ind == 0):
                if (num - arr[ind] == val or num + arr[ind] == val):
                    dp[ind][val] = 1;
                    dp[ind][val] = 0;
                # 1. If arr[ind] is added
                # to obtain given val then
                # val- arr[ind] should be
                # obtainable from index
                # ind-1.
                # 2. If arr[ind] is subtracted
                # to obtain given val then
                # val+arr[ind] should be
                # obtainable from index ind-1.
                # Check for both the conditions.
                if (val - arr[ind] >= 0 and val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit):
                    # If either of one condition
                    # is True, then val is
                    # obtainable at index ind.
                    if (dp[ind - 1][val - arr[ind]] == 1 or
                        dp[ind - 1][val + arr[ind]] == 1):
                        dp[ind][val] = 1;
                elif (val - arr[ind] >= 0):
                    dp[ind][val] = dp[ind - 1][val - arr[ind]];
                elif (val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit):
                    dp[ind][val] = dp[ind - 1][val + arr[ind]];
                    dp[ind][val] = 0;
    # Find maximum value that
    # is obtained at index n-1.
    for val in range(maxLimit, -1, -1):
        if (dp[n - 1][val] == 1):
            return val;
    # If no solution
    # exists return -1.
    return -1;
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    num = 1;
    arr = [3, 10, 6, 4, 5];
    n = len(arr);
    maxLimit = 15;
    print(findMaxVal(arr, n, num, maxLimit));
# This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// C# program to find maximum value of
// number obtained by using array
// elements by using dynamic programming.
using System;
class GFG {
    // Function to find maximum possible
    // value of number that can be
    // obtained using array elements.
    static int findMaxVal(int []arr, int n,
                    int num, int maxLimit)
        // Variable to represent current index.
        int ind;
        // Variable to show value between
        // 0 and maxLimit.
        int val;
        // Table to store whether a value can
        // be obtained or not upto a certain
        // index 1. dp[i,j] = 1 if value j
        // can be obtained upto index i.
        // 2. dp[i,j] = 0 if value j cannot be
        // obtained upto index i.
        int [,]dp = new int[n,maxLimit+1];
        for(ind = 0; ind < n; ind++)
            for(val = 0; val <= maxLimit; val++)
                // Check for index 0 if given
                // value val can be obtained
                // by either adding to or
                // subtracting arr[0] from num.
                if(ind == 0)
                    if(num - arr[ind] == val ||
                        num + arr[ind] == val)
                        dp[ind,val] = 1;
                        dp[ind,val] = 0;
                    // 1. If arr[ind] is added
                    // to obtain given val then
                    // val- arr[ind] should be
                    // obtainable from index
                    // ind-1.
                    // 2. If arr[ind] is subtracted
                    // to obtain given val then
                    // val+arr[ind] should be
                    // obtainable from index ind-1.
                    // Check for both the conditions.
                    if(val - arr[ind] >= 0 &&
                         val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
                        // If either of one condition
                        // is true, then val is
                        // obtainable at index ind.
                        if(dp[ind-1,val-arr[ind]] == 1
                        || dp[ind-1,val+arr[ind]] == 1)
                            dp[ind,val] = 1;
                    else if(val - arr[ind] >= 0)
                        dp[ind,val] = dp[ind-1,val-arr[ind]];
                    else if(val + arr[ind] <= maxLimit)
                        dp[ind,val] = dp[ind-1,val+arr[ind]];
                        dp[ind,val] = 0;
        // Find maximum value that is obtained
        // at index n-1.
        for(val = maxLimit; val >= 0; val--)
            if(dp[n-1,val] == 1)
                return val;
        // If no solution exists return -1.
        return -1;
    // Driver Code
    static void Main()
        int num = 1;
        int []arr = new int[]{3, 10, 6, 4, 5};
        int n = arr.Length;
        int maxLimit = 15;
             findMaxVal(arr, n, num, maxLimit));
// This code is contributed by Manish Shaw
// (manishshaw1)


= 0 &&
                   $val + $arr[$ind] <= $maxLimit)
                    // If either of one condition is true,
                    // then val is obtainable at index ind.
                    $dp[$ind][$val] = $dp[$ind - 1][$val - $arr[$ind]] ||
                                      $dp[$ind - 1][$val + $arr[$ind]];
                else if($val - $arr[$ind] >= 0)
                    $dp[$ind][$val] = $dp[$ind - 1][$val - $arr[$ind]];
                else if($val + $arr[$ind] <= $maxLimit)
                    $dp[$ind][$val] = $dp[$ind - 1][$val + $arr[$ind]];
                    $dp[$ind][$val] = 0;
    // Find maximum value that is obtained
    // at index n-1.
    for($val = $maxLimit; $val >= 0; $val--)
        if($dp[$n - 1][$val])
            return $val;
    // If no solution exists return -1.
    return -1;
// Driver Code
$num = 1;
$arr = array(3, 10, 6, 4, 5);
$n = sizeof($arr);
$maxLimit = 15;
echo findMaxVal($arr, $n, $num, $maxLimit);
// This code is contributed by ajit.



时间复杂度: O(n*maxLimit),其中 n 是数组的大小,maxLimit 是给定的最大值。
辅助空间: O(n*maxLimit),n 是数组的大小,maxLimit 是给定的最大值。
优化:所需的空间可以减少到 O(2*maxLimit)。请注意,在每个索引位置,我们只使用前一行的值。所以我们可以创建一个包含两行的表,其中一行存储前一次迭代的结果,另一行存储当前迭代的结果。

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