📜  宝藏与城市

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-17 07:10:53             🧑  作者: Mango

给定 n 个城市:x1、x2、…… xn:每个城市都与 T[i](宝藏)和 C[i](颜色)相关。您可以选择参观一个城市或跳过它。只允许向前移动。当您访问一个城市时,您会收到以下金额:

  1. A*T[i] 如果访问城市的颜色与之前访问城市的颜色相同
  2. B*T[i] 如果这是第一个访问过的城市或者访问过的城市的颜色与之前访问过的城市的颜色不同。T[i]、A 和 B 的值可以为负,而 C[i] ] 范围从 1 到 n。



Input :  A = -5, B = 7
Treasure = {4, 8, 2, 9}
color = {2, 2, 3, 2}
Output : 133
Visit city 2, 3 and 4. Profit = 8*7+2*7+9*7 = 133

Input : A = 5, B = -7 
Treasure = {4, 8, 2, 9}
color = {2, 2, 3, 2}
Output: 57
Visit city 1, 2, 4. Profit = (-7)*4+8*5+9*5 = 57

来源:Oracle 面试经验集 61。

这是标准 0/1 背包问题的变体。这个想法是访问一个城市或跳过它并返回两种情况中的最大值。


using namespace std;
// k is current index and col is previous color.
int MaxProfit(int treasure[], int color[], int n,
              int k, int col, int A, int B)
    int sum = 0;
    if (k == n) // base case
        return 0;
    // we have two options
    // either visit current city or skip that
    // check if color of this city is equal
    // to prev visited city
    if (col == color[k])
        sum += max(A * treasure[k] +
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                       k + 1, color[k], A, B),
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                          k + 1, col, A, B));
        sum += max(B * treasure[k] +                                         
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                       k + 1, color[k], A, B),
               MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                          k + 1, col, A, B));
    // return max of both options
    return sum;
int main()
    int A = -5, B = 7;
    int treasure[] = { 4, 8, 2, 9 };
    int color[] = { 2, 2, 6, 2 };
    int n = sizeof(color) / sizeof(color[0]);
    // Initially begin with color 0
    cout << MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, 0, 0, A, B);
    return 0;

class GFG{
// k is current index and col is previous color.
static int MaxProfit(int treasure[], int color[], int n,
            int k, int col, int A, int B)
    int sum = 0;
    if (k == n) // base case
        return 0;
    // we have two options
    // either visit current city or skip that
    // check if color of this city is equal
    // to prev visited city
    if (col == color[k])
        sum += Math.max(A * treasure[k] +
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                    k + 1, color[k], A, B),
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                        k + 1, col, A, B));
        sum += Math.max(B * treasure[k] +                                        
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                    k + 1, color[k], A, B),
            MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                        k + 1, col, A, B));
    // return max of both options
    return sum;
public static void main(String[] args)
    int A = -5, B = 7;
    int treasure[] = { 4, 8, 2, 9 };
    int color[] = { 2, 2, 6, 2 };
    int n = color.length;
    // Initially begin with color 0
    System.out.print(MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, 0, 0, A, B));
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992

# k is current index and col
# is previous color.
def MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                    k, col, A, B):
    sum = 0
    if k == n:
        return 0
    # we have two options either
    # visit current city or skip that
    # check if color of this city
    # is equal to prev visited city
    if col== color[k]:
        sum += max(A * treasure[k] +
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                       k + 1, color[k], A, B),
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                            k + 1, col, A, B))
        sum += max(B * treasure[k] +                                       
               MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                        k + 1, color[k], A, B),
               MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                           k + 1, col, A, B))
    # return max of both options
    return sum
# Driver Code
A = -5
B= 7
treasure = [4, 8, 2, 9]
color = [2, 2, 6, 2]
n = len(color)
# Initially begin with color 0
print( MaxProfit(treasure, color,
                 n, 0, 0, A, B))
# This code is contributed
# by Shrikant13

using System;
class GFG
// k is current index and col is previous color.
static int MaxProfit(int []treasure, int []color, int n,
            int k, int col, int A, int B)
    int sum = 0;
    if (k == n) // base case
        return 0;
    // we have two options
    // either visit current city or skip that
    // check if color of this city is equal
    // to prev visited city
    if (col == color[k])
        sum += Math.Max(A * treasure[k] +
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                    k + 1, color[k], A, B),
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                        k + 1, col, A, B));
        sum += Math.Max(B * treasure[k] +                                        
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                    k + 1, color[k], A, B),
            MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,
                        k + 1, col, A, B));
    // return max of both options
    return sum;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int A = -5, B = 7;
    int []treasure = { 4, 8, 2, 9 };
    int []color = { 2, 2, 6, 2 };
    int n = color.Length;
    // Initially begin with color 0
    Console.Write(MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, 0, 0, A, B));
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992


// A memoization based program to find maximum
// treasure that can be collected.
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 1001;
int dp[MAX][MAX];
// k is current index and col is previous color.
int MaxProfit(int treasure[], int color[], int n,
              int k, int col, int A, int B)
    if (k == n) // base case
        return dp[k][col] = 0;
    if (dp[k][col] != -1)
        return dp[k][col];
    int sum = 0;
    // we have two options
    // either visit current city or skip that
    if (col == color[k]) // check if color of this city is equal to prev visited city
        sum += max(A * treasure[k] +
               MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                     color[k], A, B), 
               MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                        col, A, B));
        sum += max(B * treasure[k] +
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                   color[k], A, B),
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                        col, A, B));
    // return max of both options
    return dp[k][col] = sum;
int main()
    int A = -5, B = 7;
    int treasure[] = { 4, 8, 2, 9 };
    int color[] = { 2, 2, 6, 2 };
    int n = sizeof(color) / sizeof(color[0]);
    memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp));
    cout << MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, 0, 0, A, B);
    return 0;

// A memoization based program to find maximum
// treasure that can be collected.
import java.util.*;
class GFG
static int MAX = 1001;
static int [][]dp = new int[MAX][MAX];
// k is current index and col is previous color.
static int MaxProfit(int treasure[], int color[], int n,
            int k, int col, int A, int B)
    if (k == n) // base case
        return dp[k][col] = 0;
    if (dp[k][col] != -1)
        return dp[k][col];
    int sum = 0;
    // we have two options
    // either visit current city or skip that
    // check if color of this city
    // is equal to prev visited city
    if (col == color[k])
        sum += Math.max(A * treasure[k] +
            MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                    color[k], A, B),
            MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                        col, A, B));
        sum += Math.max(B * treasure[k] +
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                color[k], A, B),
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                        col, A, B));
    // return max of both options
    return dp[k][col] = sum;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int A = -5, B = 7;
    int treasure[] = { 4, 8, 2, 9 };
    int color[] = { 2, 2, 6, 2 };
    int n = color.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < MAX; j++)
            dp[i][j] = -1;
    System.out.print(MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, 0, 0, A, B));
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

# A memoization based program to find maximum
# treasure that can be collected.
MAX = 1001
dp = [[-1 for i in range(MAX)] for i in range(MAX)]
# k is current index and col is previous color.
def MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,k, col, A, B):
    if (k == n):
        # base case
        dp[k][col] = 0
        return dp[k][col]
    if (dp[k][col] != -1):
        return dp[k][col]
    summ = 0
    # we have two options
    # either visit current city or skip that
    if (col == color[k]):
        # check if color of this city is equal to prev visited city
        summ += max(A * treasure[k] + MaxProfit(treasure,
                color, n, k + 1,color[k], A, B),
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1, col, A, B))
        summ += max(B * treasure[k] + MaxProfit(treasure,
                color, n, k + 1,color[k], A, B),
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1, col, A, B))
    dp[k][col] = summ
    # return max of both options
    return dp[k][col]
# Driver code
A = -5
B = 7
treasure = [ 4, 8, 2, 9 ]
color = [ 2, 2, 6, 2 ]
n = len(color)
print(MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, 0, 0, A, B))
# This code is contributed by shubhamsingh10

// A memoization based program to find maximum
// treasure that can be collected.
using System;
class GFG
static int MAX = 1001;
static int [,]dp = new int[MAX, MAX];
// k is current index and col is previous color.
static int MaxProfit(int []treasure, int []color, int n,
            int k, int col, int A, int B)
    if (k == n) // base case
        return dp[k, col] = 0;
    if (dp[k, col] != -1)
        return dp[k, col];
    int sum = 0;
    // we have two options
    // either visit current city or skip that
    // check if color of this city
    // is equal to prev visited city
    if (col == color[k])
        sum += Math.Max(A * treasure[k] +
            MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                    color[k], A, B),
            MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                        col, A, B));
        sum += Math.Max(B * treasure[k] +
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                color[k], A, B),
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                        col, A, B));
    // return max of both options
    return dp[k, col] = sum;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int A = -5, B = 7;
    int []treasure = { 4, 8, 2, 9 };
    int []color = { 2, 2, 6, 2 };
    int n = color.Length;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < MAX; j++)
            dp[i, j] = -1;
    Console.Write(MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, 0, 0, A, B));
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992






// A memoization based program to find maximum
// treasure that can be collected.
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 1001;
int dp[MAX][MAX];
// k is current index and col is previous color.
int MaxProfit(int treasure[], int color[], int n,
              int k, int col, int A, int B)
    if (k == n) // base case
        return dp[k][col] = 0;
    if (dp[k][col] != -1)
        return dp[k][col];
    int sum = 0;
    // we have two options
    // either visit current city or skip that
    if (col == color[k]) // check if color of this city is equal to prev visited city
        sum += max(A * treasure[k] +
               MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                     color[k], A, B), 
               MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                        col, A, B));
        sum += max(B * treasure[k] +
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                   color[k], A, B),
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                        col, A, B));
    // return max of both options
    return dp[k][col] = sum;
int main()
    int A = -5, B = 7;
    int treasure[] = { 4, 8, 2, 9 };
    int color[] = { 2, 2, 6, 2 };
    int n = sizeof(color) / sizeof(color[0]);
    memset(dp, -1, sizeof(dp));
    cout << MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, 0, 0, A, B);
    return 0;


// A memoization based program to find maximum
// treasure that can be collected.
import java.util.*;
class GFG
static int MAX = 1001;
static int [][]dp = new int[MAX][MAX];
// k is current index and col is previous color.
static int MaxProfit(int treasure[], int color[], int n,
            int k, int col, int A, int B)
    if (k == n) // base case
        return dp[k][col] = 0;
    if (dp[k][col] != -1)
        return dp[k][col];
    int sum = 0;
    // we have two options
    // either visit current city or skip that
    // check if color of this city
    // is equal to prev visited city
    if (col == color[k])
        sum += Math.max(A * treasure[k] +
            MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                    color[k], A, B),
            MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                        col, A, B));
        sum += Math.max(B * treasure[k] +
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                color[k], A, B),
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                        col, A, B));
    // return max of both options
    return dp[k][col] = sum;
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int A = -5, B = 7;
    int treasure[] = { 4, 8, 2, 9 };
    int color[] = { 2, 2, 6, 2 };
    int n = color.length;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < MAX; j++)
            dp[i][j] = -1;
    System.out.print(MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, 0, 0, A, B));
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


# A memoization based program to find maximum
# treasure that can be collected.
MAX = 1001
dp = [[-1 for i in range(MAX)] for i in range(MAX)]
# k is current index and col is previous color.
def MaxProfit(treasure, color, n,k, col, A, B):
    if (k == n):
        # base case
        dp[k][col] = 0
        return dp[k][col]
    if (dp[k][col] != -1):
        return dp[k][col]
    summ = 0
    # we have two options
    # either visit current city or skip that
    if (col == color[k]):
        # check if color of this city is equal to prev visited city
        summ += max(A * treasure[k] + MaxProfit(treasure,
                color, n, k + 1,color[k], A, B),
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1, col, A, B))
        summ += max(B * treasure[k] + MaxProfit(treasure,
                color, n, k + 1,color[k], A, B),
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1, col, A, B))
    dp[k][col] = summ
    # return max of both options
    return dp[k][col]
# Driver code
A = -5
B = 7
treasure = [ 4, 8, 2, 9 ]
color = [ 2, 2, 6, 2 ]
n = len(color)
print(MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, 0, 0, A, B))
# This code is contributed by shubhamsingh10


// A memoization based program to find maximum
// treasure that can be collected.
using System;
class GFG
static int MAX = 1001;
static int [,]dp = new int[MAX, MAX];
// k is current index and col is previous color.
static int MaxProfit(int []treasure, int []color, int n,
            int k, int col, int A, int B)
    if (k == n) // base case
        return dp[k, col] = 0;
    if (dp[k, col] != -1)
        return dp[k, col];
    int sum = 0;
    // we have two options
    // either visit current city or skip that
    // check if color of this city
    // is equal to prev visited city
    if (col == color[k])
        sum += Math.Max(A * treasure[k] +
            MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                    color[k], A, B),
            MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                        col, A, B));
        sum += Math.Max(B * treasure[k] +
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                color[k], A, B),
                MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, k + 1,
                                        col, A, B));
    // return max of both options
    return dp[k, col] = sum;
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int A = -5, B = 7;
    int []treasure = { 4, 8, 2, 9 };
    int []color = { 2, 2, 6, 2 };
    int n = color.Length;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < MAX; j++)
            dp[i, j] = -1;
    Console.Write(MaxProfit(treasure, color, n, 0, 0, A, B));
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992



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