📅  最后修改于: 2020-10-20 08:11:23             🧑  作者: Mango
C++ set equal_range()函数用于返回包含容器中等于val的所有元素的范围的边界。由于set容器中没有值的重复项,因此此范围最多包含一个元素。
pair equal_range (const value_type& val) const;
pair equal_range (const value_type& val);
该函数返回pair。其中pair :: first位于范围的下边界,具有与lower_bound(val)将返回的值相同的值,pair :: second是与upper_bound(val)将返回的值相同,它对应的范围的上限。
using namespace std;
int main(void) {
set m = {'a','b','c','d'};
auto ret = m.equal_range('b');
cout << "Lower bound of b is: " << *ret.first<< endl;
cout << "Upper bound of b is: " << *ret.second<< endl;
return 0;
Lower bound of b is: b
Upper bound of b is: c
using namespace std;
int main()
// initialize container
set mp;
// insert elements in random order
mp.insert( 4 );
mp.insert( 1 );
mp.insert( 6 );
pair::const_iterator,set::const_iterator> ret;
ret = mp.equal_range(10);
cout << "The lower bound is: " << *ret.first;
cout << "\nThe upper bound is: " << *ret.second;
return 0;
The lower bound is 3
The upper bound is 3
在上面的示例中,equal_range()函数返回到end()即3,因为它试图查找set mp中不存在的10。
int main( )
using namespace std;
typedef set > IntSet;
IntSet s1;
set > :: const_iterator s1_RcIter;
s1.insert( 10 );
s1.insert( 20 );
s1.insert( 30 );
pair p1, p2;
p1 = s1.equal_range( 20 );
cout << "The upper bound of the element with "
<< "a key of 20 in the set s1 is: "
<< *(p1.second) << "." << endl;
cout << "The lower bound of the element with "
<< "a key of 20 in the set s1 is: "
<< *(p1.first) << "." << endl;
// Compare the upper_bound called directly
s1_RcIter = s1.upper_bound( 20 );
cout << "A direct call of upper_bound( 20 ) gives "
<< *s1_RcIter << "," << endl
<< "matching the 2nd element of the pair"
<< " returned by equal_range( 20 )." << endl;
p2 = s1.equal_range( 40 );
// If no match is found for the key,
// both elements of the pair return end( )
if ( ( p2.first == s1.end( ) ) && ( p2.second == s1.end( ) ) )
cout << "The set s1 doesn't have an element "
<< "with a key less than 40." << endl;
cout << "The element of set s1 with a key >= 40 is: "
<< *(p1.first) << "." << endl;
return 0;
The upper bound of the element with a key of 20 in the set s1 is: 30.
The lower bound of the element with a key of 20 in the set s1 is: 20.
A direct call of upper_bound( 20 ) gives 30,
matching the 2nd element of the pair returned by equal_range( 20 ).
The set s1 doesn't have an element with a key less than 40.
using namespace std;
int main ()
std::set myset;
for (int i=1; i<=5; i++) myset.insert(i*10); // myset: 10 20 30 40 50
pair::const_iterator,set::const_iterator> ret;
ret = myset.equal_range(30);
cout << "The lower bound points to: " << *ret.first << '\n';
cout << "The upper bound points to: " << *ret.second << '\n';
return 0;
The lower bound points to: 30
The upper bound points to: 40