📜  调制解调器和路由器的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2021-09-27 15:49:48             🧑  作者: Mango

调制解调器路由器都测量网络设备,只要有电子设备将您的笔记本电脑或网络连接到 Internet 服务提供商以访问网络。



S.NO Modem Router
1. Modem may be a device that contains a combination of a symptom modulator and a symptom rectifier. While router may be a device that connects multiple networks along.
2. A electronic equipment converts digital signal of your laptop to the analog signal and its vice-versa is also true. While router examines an information packet and verify it’s path to succeed in the destination PC.
3. Modem brings within the requested info from the net to your network. While router distributes that requested data to your PC.
4. Modem is crucial to access the net because it connects your laptop to ISP. While in which you can access the net while not employing a router.
5. It is implemented with data link layer. While it is implemented with network layer.
6. In modem, information packet is not examined; thus, security threat is often there. While in router, information packet is always examined before forwarding it, to work out the threat.
7. It is placed straight to the computer or it is also placed between a telephone line and a router. While a router is placed between a electronic equipment and a network.
8. Modem performs signal decoding by decode the ISP signal. While a router does not perform signal decoding.