先决条件 – SHA-1 哈希、MD5 和 SHA1
MD5代表Message Digest和SHA1代表Secure Hash Algorithm平方衡量散列算法在任何地方 MD5 的速度与 SHA1 的速度相比更快。
但是,SHA1 提供比 MD5 更高的安全性。这些散列算法背后的构造是,这些惯用的平方度量会生成一种新的知识或消息数字指纹,该指纹被理解为散列或摘要。
- 功能不可抑制。
- 散列(或摘要)的大小通常是固定的,不依赖于信息的规模。
- 没有 2 个不同的信息集平方度量能够制造相同的散列。
让我们看看下面给出的 MD5 和 SHA1 之间的区别:
S.NO | MD5 | SHA1 |
1. | MD5 stands for Message Digest. | While SHA1 stands for Secure Hash Algorithm. |
2. | MD5 can have 128 bits length of message digest. | Whereas SHA1 can have 160 bits length of message digest. |
3. | The speed of MD5 is fast in comparison of SHA1’s speed. | While the speed of SHA1 is slow in comparison of MD5’s speed. |
4. | To make out the initial message the aggressor would want 2^128 operations whereas exploitation the MD5 algorithmic program. | On the opposite hand, in SHA1 it’ll be 2^160 that makes it quite troublesome to seek out. |
5. | MD5 is simple than SHA1. | While SHA1 is more complex than MD5. |
6. | MD5 provides indigent or poor security. | While it provides balanced or tolerable security. |
7. | In MD5, if the assailant needs to seek out the 2 messages having identical message digest then assailant would need to perform 2^64 operations. | Whereas in SHA1, assailant would need to perform 2^80 operations which is greater than MD5. |
8. | MD5 was presented in the year 1992. | While SHA1 was presented in the year 1995. |