多处理是具有两个或多个处理器的系统。在这种情况下,增加了 CPU 以提高系统的计算速度。由于多处理,有许多进程同时执行。多处理进一步分为两类:对称多处理、非对称多处理。
2. 多道程序:
多道程序是一次运行多个进程,它通过组织作业(代码和数据)来提高 CPU 利用率,以便 CPU 始终有一个要执行。动机是在主内存中保留多个作业。如果一个作业被输入/输出占用,则 CPU 可以分配给其他作业。
S.No. | Multiprocessing | Multiprogramming |
1. | The availability of more than one processor per system, that can execute several set of instructions in parallel is known as multiprocessing. | The concurrent application of more than one program in the main memory is known as multiprogramming. |
2. | The number of CPU is more than one. | The number of CPU is one. |
3. | It takes less time for job processing. | It takes more time to process the jobs. |
4. | In this, more than one process can be executed at a time. | In this, one process can be executed at a time. |
5. | It is economical. | It is economical. |
6. | The number of users is can be one or more than one. | The number of users is one at a time. |
7. | Throughput is maximum. | Throughput is less. |
8. | Its efficiency is maximum. | Its efficiency is Less. |