📜  Golang 中的切片

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-24 13:34:39             🧑  作者: Mango

在 Go 语言中切片比数组更强大、灵活、方便,是一种轻量级的数据结构。 Slice 是一个可变长度的序列,它存储相似类型的元素,不允许在同一个切片中存储不同类型的元素。它就像一个具有索引值和长度的数组,但是切片的大小是调整大小的,它们不像数组那样是固定大小的。在内部,切片和数组相互连接,切片是对底层数组的引用。允许在切片中存储重复元素。切片中的第一个索引位置始终为 0,最后一个为 (length of slice – 1)




[]T{value1, value2, value3, ...value n}

这里,T 是元素的类型。例如:

var my_slice[]int 



  • 指针指针用于指向可通过切片访问的数组的第一个元素。这里,指向的元素不一定是数组的第一个元素。
  • 长度:长度是数组中存在的元素总数。
  • 容量:容量表示它可以扩展到的最大大小。



// Golang program to illustrate
// the working of the slice components
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating an array
    arr := [7]string{"This", "is", "the", "tutorial",
                         "of", "Go", "language"}
    // Display array
    fmt.Println("Array:", arr)
    // Creating a slice
    myslice := arr[1:6]
    // Display slice
    fmt.Println("Slice:", myslice)
    // Display length of the slice
    fmt.Printf("Length of the slice: %d", len(myslice))
    // Display the capacity of the slice
    fmt.Printf("\nCapacity of the slice: %d", cap(myslice))

// Golang program to illustrate how
// to create a slice using a slice
// literal
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating a slice
    // using the var keyword
    var my_slice_1 = []string{"Geeks", "for", "Geeks"}
    fmt.Println("My Slice 1:", my_slice_1)
    // Creating a slice
    //using shorthand declaration
    my_slice_2 := []int{12, 45, 67, 56, 43, 34, 45}
    fmt.Println("My Slice 2:", my_slice_2)

// Golang program to illustrate how to
// create slices from the array
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating an array
    arr := [4]string{"Geeks", "for", "Geeks", "GFG"}
    // Creating slices from the given array
    var my_slice_1 = arr[1:2]
    my_slice_2 := arr[0:]
    my_slice_3 := arr[:2]
    my_slice_4 := arr[:]
    // Display the result
    fmt.Println("My Array: ", arr)
    fmt.Println("My Slice 1: ", my_slice_1)
    fmt.Println("My Slice 2: ", my_slice_2)
    fmt.Println("My Slice 3: ", my_slice_3)
    fmt.Println("My Slice 4: ", my_slice_4)

// Golang program to illustrate how to
// create slices from the slice
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating s slice
    oRignAl_slice := []int{90, 60, 40, 50,
        34, 49, 30}
    // Creating slices from the given slice
    var my_slice_1 = oRignAl_slice[1:5]
    my_slice_2 := oRignAl_slice[0:]
    my_slice_3 := oRignAl_slice[:6]
    my_slice_4 := oRignAl_slice[:]
    my_slice_5 := my_slice_3[2:4]
    // Display the result
    fmt.Println("Original Slice:", oRignAl_slice)
    fmt.Println("New Slice 1:", my_slice_1)
    fmt.Println("New Slice 2:", my_slice_2)
    fmt.Println("New Slice 3:", my_slice_3)
    fmt.Println("New Slice 4:", my_slice_4)
    fmt.Println("New Slice 5:", my_slice_5)

// Go program to illustrate how to create slices
// Using make function
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating an array of size 7
    // and slice this array  till 4
    // and return the reference of the slice
    // Using make function
    var my_slice_1 = make([]int, 4, 7)
    fmt.Printf("Slice 1 = %v, \nlength = %d, \ncapacity = %d\n",
                   my_slice_1, len(my_slice_1), cap(my_slice_1))
    // Creating another array of size 7
    // and return the reference of the slice
    // Using make function
    var my_slice_2 = make([]int, 7)
    fmt.Printf("Slice 2 = %v, \nlength = %d, \ncapacity = %d\n",
                   my_slice_2, len(my_slice_2), cap(my_slice_2))

// Golang program to illustrate the
// iterating over a slice using
// for loop
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating a slice
    myslice := []string{"This", "is", "the", "tutorial",
        "of", "Go", "language"}
    // Iterate using for loop
    for e := 0; e < len(myslice); e++ {

// Golang program to illustrate the iterating
// over a slice using range in for loop
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating a slice
    myslice := []string{"This", "is", "the", "tutorial",
                                 "of", "Go", "language"}
    // Iterate slice
    // using range in for loop
    for index, ele := range myslice {
        fmt.Printf("Index = %d and element = %s\n", index+3, ele)

// Golang program to illustrate the iterating over
// a slice using range in for loop without an index
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating a slice
    myslice := []string{"This", "is", "the",
        "tutorial", "of", "Go", "language"}
    // Iterate slice
    // using range in for loop
    // without index
    for _, ele := range myslice {
        fmt.Printf("Element = %s\n", ele)

// Go program to illustrate a zero value slice
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating a zero value slice
    var myslice []string
    fmt.Printf("Length = %d\n", len(myslice))
    fmt.Printf("Capacity = %d ", cap(myslice))

// Golang program to illustrate
// how to modify the slice
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating a zero value slice
    arr := [6]int{55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 22}
    slc := arr[0:4]
    // Before modifying
    fmt.Println("Original_Array: ", arr)
    fmt.Println("Original_Slice: ", slc)
    // After modification
    slc[0] = 100
    slc[1] = 1000
    slc[2] = 1000
    fmt.Println("\nNew_Array: ", arr)
    fmt.Println("New_Slice: ", slc)

// Golang program to check if
// the slice is nil or not
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // creating slices
    s1 := []int{12, 34, 56}
    var s2 []int
    // If you try to run this commented
    // code compiler will give an error
    /*s3:= []int{23, 45, 66}
    // Checking if the given slice is nil or not
    fmt.Println(s1 == nil)
    fmt.Println(s2 == nil)

// Go program to illustrate the multi-dimensional slice
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating multi-dimensional slice
    s1 := [][]int{{12, 34},
        {56, 47},
        {29, 40},
        {46, 78},
    // Accessing multi-dimensional slice
    fmt.Println("Slice 1 : ", s1)
    // Creating multi-dimensional slice
    s2 := [][]string{
        []string{"Geeks", "for"},
        []string{"Geeks", "GFG"},
        []string{"gfg", "geek"},
    // Accessing multi-dimensional slice
    fmt.Println("Slice 2 : ", s2)

// Go program to illustrate how to sort
// the elements present in the slice
package main
import (
func main() {
    // Creating Slice
    slc1 := []string{"Python", "Java", "C#", "Go", "Ruby"}
    slc2 := []int{45, 67, 23, 90, 33, 21, 56, 78, 89}
    fmt.Println("Before sorting:")
    fmt.Println("Slice 1: ", slc1)
    fmt.Println("Slice 2: ", slc2)
    // Performing sort operation on the
    // slice using sort function
    fmt.Println("\nAfter sorting:")
    fmt.Println("Slice 1: ", slc1)
    fmt.Println("Slice 2: ", slc2)


Array: [This is the tutorial of Go language]
Slice: [is the tutorial of Go]
Length of the slice: 5
Capacity of the slice: 6

说明:在上面的例子中,我们从给定的数组中创建了一个切片。这里切片的指针指向索引 1,因为切片的下限设置为 1,所以它从索引 1 开始访问元素。切片的长度为 5,这意味着切片中存在的元素总数为5 和切片 6 的容量意味着它最多可以存储 6 个元素。

如何创建和初始化 Slice?

在 Go 语言中,可以使用以下方式创建和初始化切片:

  • 使用切片字面量:您可以使用切片字面量的切片。切片字面量的创建就像数组字面量,但有一个区别,您不能在方括号 [] 中指定切片的大小。如下例所示,该表达式的右侧是切片字面量。
var my_slice_1 = []string{"Geeks", "for", "Geeks"}



// Golang program to illustrate how
// to create a slice using a slice
// literal
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating a slice
    // using the var keyword
    var my_slice_1 = []string{"Geeks", "for", "Geeks"}
    fmt.Println("My Slice 1:", my_slice_1)
    // Creating a slice
    //using shorthand declaration
    my_slice_2 := []int{12, 45, 67, 56, 43, 34, 45}
    fmt.Println("My Slice 2:", my_slice_2)


My Slice 1: [Geeks for Geeks]
My Slice 2: [12 45 67 56 43 34 45]
  • 使用数组:我们已经知道切片是数组的引用,因此您可以从给定的数组创建一个切片。要首先从给定的数组创建切片,您需要指定下限和上限,这意味着切片可以从数组中获取从下限到上限的元素。它不包括上界以上的元素。如下例所示:


注意:下限的默认值为 0,上限的默认值为给定数组中存在的元素总数。


// Golang program to illustrate how to
// create slices from the array
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating an array
    arr := [4]string{"Geeks", "for", "Geeks", "GFG"}
    // Creating slices from the given array
    var my_slice_1 = arr[1:2]
    my_slice_2 := arr[0:]
    my_slice_3 := arr[:2]
    my_slice_4 := arr[:]
    // Display the result
    fmt.Println("My Array: ", arr)
    fmt.Println("My Slice 1: ", my_slice_1)
    fmt.Println("My Slice 2: ", my_slice_2)
    fmt.Println("My Slice 3: ", my_slice_3)
    fmt.Println("My Slice 4: ", my_slice_4)


My Array:  [Geeks for Geeks GFG]
My Slice 1:  [for]
My Slice 2:  [Geeks for Geeks GFG]
My Slice 3:  [Geeks for]
My Slice 4:  [Geeks for Geeks GFG]
  • 使用已经存在的切片:也可以从给定的切片创建一个切片。要首先从给定的切片创建切片,您需要指定下限和上限,这意味着切片可以从给定的切片中获取从下限到上限的元素。它不包括上界以上的元素。如下例所示:


注意:下限的默认值为 0,上限的默认值为给定切片中存在的元素总数。


// Golang program to illustrate how to
// create slices from the slice
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating s slice
    oRignAl_slice := []int{90, 60, 40, 50,
        34, 49, 30}
    // Creating slices from the given slice
    var my_slice_1 = oRignAl_slice[1:5]
    my_slice_2 := oRignAl_slice[0:]
    my_slice_3 := oRignAl_slice[:6]
    my_slice_4 := oRignAl_slice[:]
    my_slice_5 := my_slice_3[2:4]
    // Display the result
    fmt.Println("Original Slice:", oRignAl_slice)
    fmt.Println("New Slice 1:", my_slice_1)
    fmt.Println("New Slice 2:", my_slice_2)
    fmt.Println("New Slice 3:", my_slice_3)
    fmt.Println("New Slice 4:", my_slice_4)
    fmt.Println("New Slice 5:", my_slice_5)


Original Slice: [90 60 40 50 34 49 30]
New Slice 1: [60 40 50 34]
New Slice 2: [90 60 40 50 34 49 30]
New Slice 3: [90 60 40 50 34 49]
New Slice 4: [90 60 40 50 34 49 30]
New Slice 5: [40 50]
  • 使用 make()函数:您还可以使用 go 库提供的make()函数创建切片。该函数接受三个参数,即类型、长度和容量。这里,容量值是可选的。它分配一个大小等于给定容量的底层数组,并返回一个引用底层数组的切片。通常,make()函数用于创建一个空切片。这里,空切片是那些包含空数组引用的切片。
func make([]T, len, cap) []T


// Go program to illustrate how to create slices
// Using make function
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating an array of size 7
    // and slice this array  till 4
    // and return the reference of the slice
    // Using make function
    var my_slice_1 = make([]int, 4, 7)
    fmt.Printf("Slice 1 = %v, \nlength = %d, \ncapacity = %d\n",
                   my_slice_1, len(my_slice_1), cap(my_slice_1))
    // Creating another array of size 7
    // and return the reference of the slice
    // Using make function
    var my_slice_2 = make([]int, 7)
    fmt.Printf("Slice 2 = %v, \nlength = %d, \ncapacity = %d\n",
                   my_slice_2, len(my_slice_2), cap(my_slice_2))


Slice 1 = [0 0 0 0], 
length = 4, 
capacity = 7
Slice 2 = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0], 
length = 7, 
capacity = 7



  • 使用 for 循环:这是迭代 slice 的最简单方法,如下例所示:

// Golang program to illustrate the
// iterating over a slice using
// for loop
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating a slice
    myslice := []string{"This", "is", "the", "tutorial",
        "of", "Go", "language"}
    // Iterate using for loop
    for e := 0; e < len(myslice); e++ {


  • 在 for 循环中使用 range:允许在 for 循环中使用 range迭代切片。在 for 循环中使用 range,您可以获得索引和元素值,如示例所示:

// Golang program to illustrate the iterating
// over a slice using range in for loop
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating a slice
    myslice := []string{"This", "is", "the", "tutorial",
                                 "of", "Go", "language"}
    // Iterate slice
    // using range in for loop
    for index, ele := range myslice {
        fmt.Printf("Index = %d and element = %s\n", index+3, ele)


Index = 3 and element = This
Index = 4 and element = is
Index = 5 and element = the
Index = 6 and element = tutorial
Index = 7 and element = of
Index = 8 and element = Go
Index = 9 and element = language
  • 在 for 循环中使用空白标识符:在 for 循环范围内,如果您不想获取元素的索引值,则可以使用空格 (_) 代替索引变量,如下例所示:

// Golang program to illustrate the iterating over
// a slice using range in for loop without an index
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating a slice
    myslice := []string{"This", "is", "the",
        "tutorial", "of", "Go", "language"}
    // Iterate slice
    // using range in for loop
    // without index
    for _, ele := range myslice {
        fmt.Printf("Element = %s\n", ele)


Element = This
Element = is
Element = the
Element = tutorial
Element = of
Element = Go
Element = language

关于 Slice 的要点

  • 零值切片:在 Go 语言中,您可以创建一个不包含任何元素的 nil 切片。所以这个切片的容量和长度为 0。 Nil 切片不包含数组引用,如下例所示:

// Go program to illustrate a zero value slice
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating a zero value slice
    var myslice []string
    fmt.Printf("Length = %d\n", len(myslice))
    fmt.Printf("Capacity = %d ", cap(myslice))


Length = 0
Capacity = 0
  • 修改切片:正如我们已经知道的,切片是一种引用类型,它可以引用底层数组。因此,如果我们更改切片中的某些元素,那么更改也应该发生在引用的数组中。或者换句话说,如果您对切片进行了任何更改,那么它也会反映在数组中,如下例所示:

// Golang program to illustrate
// how to modify the slice
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating a zero value slice
    arr := [6]int{55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 22}
    slc := arr[0:4]
    // Before modifying
    fmt.Println("Original_Array: ", arr)
    fmt.Println("Original_Slice: ", slc)
    // After modification
    slc[0] = 100
    slc[1] = 1000
    slc[2] = 1000
    fmt.Println("\nNew_Array: ", arr)
    fmt.Println("New_Slice: ", slc)


Original_Array:  [55 66 77 88 99 22]
Original_Slice:  [55 66 77 88]

New_Array:  [100 1000 1000 88 99 22]
New_Slice:  [100 1000 1000 88]
  • Slice 的比较:在 Slice 中,您只能使用==运算符来检查给定的切片是否为 nill。如果您尝试在==运算符的帮助下比较两个切片,则会出现错误,如下例所示:

// Golang program to check if
// the slice is nil or not
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // creating slices
    s1 := []int{12, 34, 56}
    var s2 []int
    // If you try to run this commented
    // code compiler will give an error
    /*s3:= []int{23, 45, 66}
    // Checking if the given slice is nil or not
    fmt.Println(s1 == nil)
    fmt.Println(s2 == nil)



注意:如果要比较两个切片,请使用 range for 循环来匹配每个元素,或者您可以使用DeepEqual函数。

  • 多维切片:多维切片与多维数组类似,只是切片不包含大小。

// Go program to illustrate the multi-dimensional slice
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating multi-dimensional slice
    s1 := [][]int{{12, 34},
        {56, 47},
        {29, 40},
        {46, 78},
    // Accessing multi-dimensional slice
    fmt.Println("Slice 1 : ", s1)
    // Creating multi-dimensional slice
    s2 := [][]string{
        []string{"Geeks", "for"},
        []string{"Geeks", "GFG"},
        []string{"gfg", "geek"},
    // Accessing multi-dimensional slice
    fmt.Println("Slice 2 : ", s2)


Slice 1 :  [[12 34] [56 47] [29 40] [46 78]]
Slice 2 :  [[Geeks for] [Geeks GFG] [gfg geek]]
  • 切片的排序:在 Go 语言中,您可以对切片中存在的元素进行排序。 Go 语言标准库提供了 sort 包,其中包含对intsfloat64s字符串的切片进行排序的不同类型的排序方法。这些函数总是按升序对可用元素进行排序。

// Go program to illustrate how to sort
// the elements present in the slice
package main
import (
func main() {
    // Creating Slice
    slc1 := []string{"Python", "Java", "C#", "Go", "Ruby"}
    slc2 := []int{45, 67, 23, 90, 33, 21, 56, 78, 89}
    fmt.Println("Before sorting:")
    fmt.Println("Slice 1: ", slc1)
    fmt.Println("Slice 2: ", slc2)
    // Performing sort operation on the
    // slice using sort function
    fmt.Println("\nAfter sorting:")
    fmt.Println("Slice 1: ", slc1)
    fmt.Println("Slice 2: ", slc2)


Before sorting:
Slice 1:  [Python Java C# Go Ruby]
Slice 2:  [45 67 23 90 33 21 56 78 89]

After sorting:
Slice 1:  [C# Go Java Python Ruby]
Slice 2:  [21 23 33 45 56 67 78 89 90]