Go 语言在 bits 包的帮助下为预先声明的无符号整数类型提供了对位计数和操作函数的内置支持。
Function | Description |
Add | This function returns the sum with carry of a, b and carry: sum = a + b + carry. |
Add32 | This function returns the sum with carry of a, b and carry: sum = a + b + carry. |
Add64 | This function returns the sum with carry of a, b and carry: sum = a + b + carry. |
Div | This function returns the quotient and remainder of (h, l) divided by x: quo = (h, l)/x, rem = (hi, lo)%x with the dividend bits’ upper half in parameter h and the lower half in parameter l. |
Div32 | This function returns the quotient and remainder of (h, l) divided by x: quo = (h, l)/x, rem = (h, l)%x with the dividend bits’ upper half in parameter h and the lower half in parameter l. |
Div64 | This function returns the quotient and remainder of (h, l) divided by x: quo = (h, l)/x, rem = (h, l)%x with the dividend bits’ upper half in parameter h and the lower half in parameter l. |
LeadingZeros | This function returns the number of leading zero bits in y. The result is UintSize for x == 0. |
LeadingZeros16 | This function returns the number of leading zero bits in y. The result is 16 for y == 0. |
LeadingZeros32 | This function returns the number of leading zero bits in y. The result is 32 for y == 0. |
LeadingZeros64 | This function returns the number of leading zero bits in y. The result is 64 for y == 0. |
LeadingZeros8 | This function returns the number of leading zero bits in y. The result is 8 for y == 0. |
Len | This function returns the minimum number of bits required to represent y. The result is 0 for y == 0. |
Len16 | This function returns the minimum number of bits required to represent y. The result is 0 for y == 0. |
Len32 | This function returns the minimum number of bits required to represent y. The result is 0 for y == 0. |
Len64 | This function returns the minimum number of bits required to represent y. The result is 0 for y == 0. |
Len8 | This function returns the minimum number of bits required to represent y. the result is 0 for y == 0. |
Mul | This function is used to return the full-width product of a and b, i.e., (hi, lo) = a * b with the product bits’ upper half returned in hi and the lower half returned in lo. |
Mul32 | This function is used to return the 64-bit product of a and b, i.e., (hi, lo) = a * b with the product bits’ upper half returned in hi and the lower half returned in lo. |
Mul64 | This function is used to return the 128-bit product of a and b, i.e., (hi, lo) = a * b with the product bits’ upper half returned in hi and the lower half returned in lo. |
OnesCount | This function returns the number of one bits (“population count”) in y. |
OnesCount16 | This function returns the number of one bits (“population count”) in y. |
OnesCount32 | This function returns the number of one bits (“population count”) in y. |
OnesCount64 | This function returns the number of one bits (“population count”) in y. |
OnesCount8 | This function returns the number of one bits (“population count”) in y. |
Rem | This function returns the remainder of (hi, lo) divided by x. |
Rem32 | This function returns the remainder of (hi, lo) divided by x. |
Rem64 | This function returns the remainder of (hi, lo) divided by x. |
Reverse | This function returns the value of y with its bits in reversed order. |
Reverse16 | This function returns the value of y with its bits in reversed order. |
Reverse32 | This function returns the value of y with its bits in reversed order. |
Reverse64 | This function returns the value of y with its bits in reversed order. |
Reverse8 | This function returns the value of y with its bits in reversed order. |
ReverseBytes | This function returns the value of x with its bytes in reversed order. |
ReverseBytes16 | This function returns the value of x with its bytes in reversed order. |
ReverseBytes32 | This function returns the value of x with its bytes in reversed order. |
ReverseBytes64 | This function returns the value of x with its bytes in reversed order. |
RotateLeft | This function returns the value of y rotated left by (j mod UintSize) bits. |
RotateLeft16 | This function returns the value of y rotated left by (j mod 16) bits. |
RotateLeft32 | This function returns the value of y rotated left by (j mod 32) bits. |
RotateLeft64 | This function returns the value of y rotated left by (j mod 64) bits. |
RotateLeft8 | This function returns the value of y rotated left by (j mod 8) bits. |
Sub | This function returns the difference of a, b and borrow: diff = a – b – borrow. |
Sub32 | This function returns the difference of a, b and borrow: diff = a – b – borrow. |
Sub64 | This function returns the difference of a, b and borrow: diff = a – b – borrow. |
TrailingZeros | This function returns the number of trailing zero bits in y. The result is UintSize for y == 0. |
TrailingZeros16 | This function returns the number of trailing zero bits in y. The result is 16 for y == 0. |
TrailingZeros32 | This function returns the number of trailing zero bits in y. The result is 32 for y == 0. |
TrailingZeros64 | This function returns the number of trailing zero bits in y. The result is 64 for y == 0. |
TrailingZeros8 | This function returns the number of trailing zero bits in y. The result is 8 for y == 0. |
示例 1:
// Golang program to illustrate bits.Sub() Function
package main
import (
// Main function
func main() {
// Finding diff and borrowOu
// of the specified numbers
// Using Sub() function
nvalue_1, borrowOut := bits.Sub(4, 3, 0)
fmt.Println("Diff:", nvalue_1)
fmt.Println("BorrowOut :", borrowOut)
Diff: 1
BorrowOut : 0
示例 2:
// Golang program to illustrate bits.TrailingZeros64() Function
package main
import (
// Main function
func main() {
// Using TrailingZeros64() function
a := bits.TrailingZeros64(15)
fmt.Printf("Total number of trailing"+
" zero bits in %d: %d", 15, a)
Total number of trailing zero bits in 15: 0