什么是正则表达式?正则表达式是著名的动漫字符吗?哎呀,如果你这么想,你很可能会失望。 Go 编程语言使用术语regexp来表示正则表达式。正则表达式在字符串处理领域非常重要。 Go 中的“ regexp ”包包含所有必要的预构建函数,这些函数实现正则表达式搜索,并保证在提供的输入大小上进行线性时间搜索。要了解有关正则表达式的更多信息,请阅读Golang 中的正则表达式是什么?
Regexp 包包含 Split函数,它有助于拆分输入文本字符串。在我们深入了解 regexp split函数,让我们向您简要介绍一些在使用 split函数值得记住的基本正则表达式:
Character(s) | What it signifies? | Example syntax | Result of regex |
[ ] |
[ ] Can be used for including or |
“[b-f]an” |
ban, can, dan, |
{ } |
The curly brackets are used when |
“gf{1,}g” |
gfg, gffg, gfffg,… |
( ) |
( ) Can be used for including or excluding a given range, or even mention specifically the characters that we want to include or exclude. ( ) means numbered capturing group. |
“(b-f)an” |
ban, can, dan, |
* |
* Matches 0/0+ occurrences |
“gee*k” |
gek, geek, geeek… |
+ |
+ Matches 1/1+ occurrences |
“gee+k” |
geek, geeek,… |
? |
? Matches 0 & 1 occurrences of the character that precedes the question mark (‘?’). |
“gee?k” |
gek, geek |
. |
Anything can replace the dot |
“g.g” |
gfg, gbg, gcg,… |
^ |
Any text that starts with the string Also used as a negation in groups |
“^ge” “[^0-8]*” |
ge, geek, geeks,… ‘ ‘,9, 99,999,… |
$ |
It denotes the end of the string in a single-lined text and the end of a line in a multi-line text. |
“$de” |
code, decode,… |
| |
| is the or operator. | “geek|principle” | geek, geeks, principle, principles.. |
\ |
This is the escape character If you need to mention anything like ‘\s’ then you need to use ‘ \\s’ so that the system understands that it is ‘\s’. |
“\A” |
\s |
Extracts all white spaces only |
“\\s” |
” “, ” “, ” “,… |
\S |
Extracts all text except white spaces |
“\\S” |
\d |
Extracts all digits only |
“\\d” |
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, |
\D |
Extracts all text except digits |
“\\D” |
func Split(s: string, n: int) []string
此函数接受一个字符串和一个整数,并返回所有子字符串的切片。输入字符串的‘是将进一步,分裂是成子按照由Split函数给定正则表达式的字符串。 ‘ n ‘ 表示决定要返回的子串数量的值。
- 如果n > 0 :表示最多有 n 个子串进行正则运算并返回。
- 如果n = 1则不执行正则表达式操作,因此将返回原始字符串。
- 如果n = 0 :表示不返回子字符串,应返回 nill。
- 如果n < 0 :表示创建的所有子串都将由函数返回。
示例 1:
package main
import (
f "fmt"
re "regexp"
// we import the regexp package
// as re
// SPLIT function hacks
// In layman terms, whenever the
// string (given to split as argument)
// occurs, the string is split into
// a substring.
func main() {
// str stores a sample string as shown below
str := "I am at GFG!\nYou can call me at 9087651234."
// just printing the original string: str
// We shall consider two scenarios
// in this example code
// Scenario 1:
// Store a regex object that
// contains digits only
// in obj1.
obj1 := re.MustCompile("\\d*")
// Scenario 2:
// Store a regex object that
// contains everything except digits
// in obj2.
obj2 := re.MustCompile("\\D*")
// Using obj1 as reference, we
// are splitting the string: str
// and -1 denotes that all substrings
// ever created will be included.
first := obj1.Split(str, -1)
// "first" holds all the substrings
// split from str w.r.t obj1 in a container
// A container like, say a list.
// Using obj2 as reference, we
// are splitting the string: str
// and -1 denotes that all substrings
// ever created will be included.
second := obj2.Split(str, -1)
// "second" holds all the substrings
// split from str w.r.t obj2 in a container
// A container like, say a list.
f.Println("Now printing text split by obj1...")
for _, p := range first {
f.Println("Now printing text split by obj2...")
for _, q := range second {
package main
import (
f "fmt"
re "regexp"
// Simple example code to understand
// 1. Function of Split function
// 2. Parameters of split function
// regex-object.Split(string: , n: )
func main() {
// Sample string that will be used in this
// example "GeeksforGeeks loves bananas"
str := "GeeksforGeeks loves bananas"
f.Println("Part-1: Excluding all vowels from given string")
// a regexp object (geek) for storing all vowels
geek := re.MustCompile("[aeiou]")
f.Print("Printing all substring lists = ")
// Checking split for n = -1
f.Println(geek.Split(str, -1))
f.Print("For n = 0 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 0
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 0))
f.Print("For n = 1 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 1
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 1))
f.Print("For n = 10 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 10
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 10))
f.Print("For n = 100 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 100
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 100))
f.Println("\n\nPart-2: Extracting all vowels from given string")
// a regexp object (geek) for storing all consonants
geek = re.MustCompile("[^aeiou]")
f.Print("Printing all substring lists = ")
// Checking split for n = -1
f.Println(geek.Split(str, -1))
f.Print("For n = 0 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 0
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 0))
f.Print("For n = 1 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 1
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 1))
f.Print("For n = 10 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 10
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 10))
f.Print("For n = 100 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 100
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 100))
// Did you notice that split function
// does not modify the original regex
// matching object?
> go run (your_file_name).go
I am at GFG!
You can call me at 9087651234.
Now printing text split by obj1...
Now printing text split by obj2...
Visual Studio Code 上的 Visual I/O 演示:
示例 2:
package main
import (
f "fmt"
re "regexp"
// Simple example code to understand
// 1. Function of Split function
// 2. Parameters of split function
// regex-object.Split(string: , n: )
func main() {
// Sample string that will be used in this
// example "GeeksforGeeks loves bananas"
str := "GeeksforGeeks loves bananas"
f.Println("Part-1: Excluding all vowels from given string")
// a regexp object (geek) for storing all vowels
geek := re.MustCompile("[aeiou]")
f.Print("Printing all substring lists = ")
// Checking split for n = -1
f.Println(geek.Split(str, -1))
f.Print("For n = 0 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 0
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 0))
f.Print("For n = 1 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 1
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 1))
f.Print("For n = 10 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 10
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 10))
f.Print("For n = 100 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 100
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 100))
f.Println("\n\nPart-2: Extracting all vowels from given string")
// a regexp object (geek) for storing all consonants
geek = re.MustCompile("[^aeiou]")
f.Print("Printing all substring lists = ")
// Checking split for n = -1
f.Println(geek.Split(str, -1))
f.Print("For n = 0 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 0
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 0))
f.Print("For n = 1 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 1
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 1))
f.Print("For n = 10 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 10
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 10))
f.Print("For n = 100 substring list = ")
// Checking split for n = 100
f.Println(geek.Split(str, 100))
// Did you notice that split function
// does not modify the original regex
// matching object?
> go run (your_file_name).go
GeeksforGeeks loves bananas
Part-1: Excluding all vowels from given string
Printing all substring lists = [G ksf rG ks l v s b n n s]
For n = 0 substring list = []
For n = 1 substring list = [GeeksforGeeks loves bananas]
For n = 10 substring list = [G ksf rG ks l v s b n nas]
For n = 100 substring list = [G ksf rG ks l v s b n n s]
Part-2: Extracting all vowels from given string
Printing all substring lists = [ ee o ee o e a a a ]
For n = 0 substring list = []
For n = 1 substring list = [GeeksforGeeks loves bananas]
For n = 10 substring list = [ ee o ee loves bananas]
For n = 100 substring list = [ ee o ee o e a a a ]
Visual Studio Code 上的 Visual I/O 演示:
![运行上述编写的代码(代码 2)时,屏幕上的代码输出](https://mangodoc.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/geek8geeks/How_to_Split_Text_Using_Regex_in_Golang?_1.jpg)