给定一个由N 个字符串组成的数组arr[] ,任务是在修改每个字符串后按升序对数组进行排序,删除所有不是 2 的完美幂的字符,然后按降序对修改后的字符串进行排序。
Input: arr[] = {“aaacbb”, “geeks”, “aaa”}
Output: cbb skgee
Following are the modified strings in the array arr[]:
- For the string “aaacbb”: The frequency of a is not the power of 2. Therefore, removing ‘a’ modifies the string to “cbb”. Now, sorting the string “cbb” in increasing order of frequency modifies the string to “cbb”.
- For the string “aaacbb”: The frequency of every character is a power of 2. Now, sorting the string “geeks” in increasing order of frequency modifies the string to “skgee”.
- For the string “aaacbb”: The frequency of a is not the power of 2. Therefore, removing ‘a’ modifies the string to “”.
Therefore, sorting the above strings in increasing order gives {“cbb”, “skgee”}.
Input: S[] = {“c”, “a”, “b”}
Output: a b c
- 遍历给定的字符串数组arr[]并对每个字符串执行以下操作:
- 将每个字符的频率存储在 Map 中。
- 创建一个空字符串,比如T来存储修改后的字符串。
- 现在遍历地图并将频率为 2 的幂的字符附加到字符串T 。
- 按升序对字符串T进行排序,并将其添加到字符串res[]数组中。
- 按升序对数组res[]进行排序。
- 完成上述步骤后,打印数组res[] 中的字符串作为结果。
// C++ program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to check if N is power of
// 2 or not
bool isPowerOfTwo(int n)
// Base Case
if (n == 0)
return false;
// Return true if N is power of 2
return (ceil(log2(n))
== floor(log2(n)));
// Function to print array of strings
// in ascending order
void printArray(vector res)
// Sort strings in ascending order
sort(res.begin(), res.end());
// Print the array
for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
cout << res[i] << " ";
// Function to sort the strings after
// modifying each string according to
// the given conditions
void sortedStrings(string S[], int N)
// Store the frequency of each
// characters of the string
unordered_map freq;
// Stores the required
// array of strings
vector res;
// Traverse the array of strings
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
// Temporary string
string st = "";
// Stores frequency of each
// alphabet of the string
for (int j = 0;
j < S[i].size(); j++) {
// Update frequency of S[i][j]
// Traverse the map freq
for (auto i : freq) {
// Check if the frequency
// of i.first is a power of 2
if (isPowerOfTwo(i.second)) {
// Update string st
for (int j = 0;
j < i.second; j++) {
st += i.first;
// Clear the map
// Null string
if (st.size() == 0)
// Sort the string in
// descending order
sort(st.begin(), st.end(),
// Update res
// Print the array of strings
// Driver Code
int main()
string arr[] = { "aaacbb", "geeks", "aaa" };
int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
sortedStrings(arr, N);
return 0;
// Java program for the above approach
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
class GFG{
// Function to check if N is power of
// 2 or not
static boolean isPowerOfTwo(int n)
// Base Case
if (n == 0)
return false;
// Return true if N is power of 2
return (Math.ceil(Math.log(n) / Math.log(2)) ==
Math.floor(Math.log(n) / Math.log(2)));
// Function to print array of strings
// in ascending order
static void printArray(ArrayList res)
// Sort strings in ascending order
// Print the array
for(int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++)
System.out.print(res.get(i) + " ");
// Function to sort the strings after
// modifying each string according to
// the given conditions
static void sortedStrings(String S[], int N)
// Store the frequency of each
// characters of the string
HashMap freq = new HashMap<>();
// Stores the required
// array of strings
ArrayList res = new ArrayList<>();
// Traverse the array of strings
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
// Temporary string
String st = "";
// Stores frequency of each
// alphabet of the string
for(int j = 0; j < S[i].length(); j++)
// Update frequency of S[i][j]
freq.getOrDefault(S[i].charAt(j), 0) + 1);
// Traverse the map freq
for(char ch : freq.keySet())
// Check if the frequency
// of i.first is a power of 2
if (isPowerOfTwo(freq.get(ch)))
// Update string st
for(int j = 0; j < freq.get(ch); j++)
st += ch;
// Clear the map
// Null string
if (st.length() == 0)
// Sort the string in
// descending order
char myCharArr[] = st.toCharArray();
String ns = "";
for(int j = myCharArr.length - 1; j >= 0; --j)
ns += myCharArr[j];
// Update res
// Print the array of strings
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
String arr[] = { "aaacbb", "geeks", "aaa" };
int N = arr.length;
sortedStrings(arr, N);
// This code is contributed by Kingash
# Python3 program for the above approach
from collections import defaultdict
import math
# Function to check if N is power of
# 2 or not
def isPowerOfTwo(n):
# Base Case
if (n == 0):
return False
# Return true if N is power of 2
return (math.ceil(math.log2(n)) ==
# Function to print array of strings
# in ascending order
def printArray(res):
# Sort strings in ascending order
# Print the array
for i in range(len(res)):
print(res[i], end = " ")
# Function to sort the strings after
# modifying each string according to
# the given conditions
def sortedStrings(S, N):
# Store the frequency of each
# characters of the string
freq = defaultdict(int)
# Stores the required
# array of strings
res = []
# Traverse the array of strings
for i in range(N):
# Temporary string
st = ""
# Stores frequency of each
# alphabet of the string
for j in range(len(S[i])):
# Update frequency of S[i][j]
freq[S[i][j]] += 1
# Traverse the map freq
for i in freq:
# Check if the frequency
# of i.first is a power of 2
if (isPowerOfTwo(freq[i])):
# Update string st
for j in range(freq[i]):
st += i
# Clear the map
# Null string
if (len(st) == 0):
# Sort the string in
# descending order
st = list(st)
st = ''.join(st)
# Update res
# Print the array of strings
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
arr = [ "aaacbb", "geeks", "aaa" ]
N = len(arr)
sortedStrings(arr, N)
# This code is contributed by ukasp
// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG
// Function to check if N is power of
// 2 or not
static bool isPowerOfTwo(int n)
// Base Case
if (n == 0)
return false;
// Return true if N is power of 2
return (Math.Ceiling(Math.Log(n) / Math.Log(2)) ==
Math.Floor(Math.Log(n) / Math.Log(2)));
// Function to print array of strings
// in ascending order
static void printArray(List res)
// Sort strings in ascending order
// Print the array
for(int i = 0; i < res.Count; i++)
Console.Write(res[i] + " ");
// Function to sort the strings after
// modifying each string according to
// the given conditions
static void sortedStrings(string[] S, int N)
// Store the frequency of each
// characters of the string
Dictionary freq = new Dictionary();
// Stores the required
// array of strings
List res = new List();
// Traverse the array of strings
for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
// Temporary string
string st = "";
// Stores frequency of each
// alphabet of the string
for(int j = 0; j < S[i].Length; j++)
// Update frequency of S[i][j]
// Traverse the map freq
foreach(KeyValuePair ch in freq)
// Check if the frequency
// of i.first is a power of 2
if (isPowerOfTwo(freq[ch.Key]))
// Update string st
for(int j = 0; j < freq[ch.Key]; j++)
st += ch.Key;
// Clear the map
// Null string
if (st.Length == 0)
// Sort the string in
// descending order
char[] myCharArr = st.ToCharArray();
string ns = "";
for(int j = myCharArr.Length - 1; j >= 0; --j)
ns += myCharArr[j];
// Update res
// Print the array of strings
// Driver Code
static public void Main ()
string[] arr = { "aaacbb", "geeks", "aaa" };
int N = arr.Length;
sortedStrings(arr, N);
// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155
cbb skgee
时间复杂度: O(N * log N + M * log M),其中 M 是S[] 中字符串的最大长度
辅助空间: O(N)
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