在本文中,我们将学习如何在 android 中添加SoundPool类。音频样本的集合可以从资源加载到内存中并可以使用。 SoundPool类用于播放简短的重复声音,而 MediaPlayer 类用于播放较长的剪辑,如音乐。它使用MediaPlayer服务来解码音频。外汇:- 游戏由多个级别的游戏组成。对于每个级别,都有一组仅由该级别使用的独特声音。为此,我们使用SoundPool类来完成我们的工作。所以学习 SoundPool 类可以更好地理解处理短音频剪辑。
- 为此创建一个新的Android 资源目录
右键单击 res 文件夹 -> Android 资源目录,
确保选择资源类型为原始。在这个原始文件夹中粘贴您的音频剪辑。 - 在activity_main.xml文件中添加以下代码。这里添加了三个按钮。如果单击每个按钮,将调用playSound方法。
package org.geeksforgeeks.gfgsoundpool; import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity; import android.media.AudioAttributes; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.media.SoundPool; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { SoundPool soundPool; int game_over, level_complete, player_died; @Override protected void onCreate( Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { AudioAttributes audioAttributes = new AudioAttributes .Builder() .setUsage( AudioAttributes .USAGE_ASSISTANCE_SONIFICATION) .setContentType( AudioAttributes .CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION) .build(); soundPool = new SoundPool .Builder() .setMaxStreams(3) .setAudioAttributes( audioAttributes) .build(); } else { soundPool = new SoundPool( 3, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0); } // This load function takes // three parameter context, // file_name and priority. game_over = soundPool .load( this, R.raw.game_over, 1); level_complete = soundPool.load( this, R.raw.level_complete, 1); player_died = soundPool.load( this, R.raw.player_died, 1); } public void playSound(View v) { switch (v.getId()) { case R.id.button_sound1: // This play function // takes five parameter // leftVolume, rightVolume, // priority, loop and rate. soundPool.play( game_over, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1); soundPool.autoPause(); break; case R.id.button_sound2: soundPool.play( player_died, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1); break; case R.id.button_sound3: soundPool.play( level_complete, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1); break; } } }
- 在MainActivity 中添加以下代码。 Java文件。在这里,创建了 SoundPool 类的对象,并使用load方法添加了三个音频剪辑game_over 、 level_complete和player_died 。还添加了 playSound 方法,该方法播放与相应按钮关联的音频剪辑。
package org.geeksforgeeks.gfgsoundpool; import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity; import android.media.AudioAttributes; import android.media.AudioManager; import android.media.SoundPool; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { SoundPool soundPool; int game_over, level_complete, player_died; @Override protected void onCreate( Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { AudioAttributes audioAttributes = new AudioAttributes .Builder() .setUsage( AudioAttributes .USAGE_ASSISTANCE_SONIFICATION) .setContentType( AudioAttributes .CONTENT_TYPE_SONIFICATION) .build(); soundPool = new SoundPool .Builder() .setMaxStreams(3) .setAudioAttributes( audioAttributes) .build(); } else { soundPool = new SoundPool( 3, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0); } // This load function takes // three parameter context, // file_name and priority. game_over = soundPool .load( this, R.raw.game_over, 1); level_complete = soundPool.load( this, R.raw.level_complete, 1); player_died = soundPool.load( this, R.raw.player_died, 1); } public void playSound(View v) { switch (v.getId()) { case R.id.button_sound1: // This play function // takes five parameter // leftVolume, rightVolume, // priority, loop and rate. soundPool.play( game_over, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1); soundPool.autoPause(); break; case R.id.button_sound2: soundPool.play( player_died, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1); break; case R.id.button_sound3: soundPool.play( level_complete, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1); break; } } }