📜  HTML5 | MathML 介绍

📅  最后修改于: 2021-10-29 03:46:49             🧑  作者: Mango

MathML出现在 HTML5 中,当前 MathML 版本是 3,它是在 2015 年推出的。 MathML 代表数学标记语言。它与其他 HTML 元素一样用于表示 Web 浏览器中的数学方程或表达式。 MathML 的第一个版本于 1998 年发布,之后发布了第二个版本。基本上 MathML 是一个复杂的数学公式或方程的可视化表示。 HTML5 支持 MathML,所有 MathML 标签都必须在标签内使用。

MathML 用于将数学描述为机器与机器通信的基础,它旨在由专门的创作工具(如方程编辑器)进行处理,并且对其他应用程序也很有意义。

MathML 不能:

  • MathML 不是计算或求解复杂方程的计算器,它只是显示方程的一种方式。
  • 它不是一种编程语言,而是一种数学标记语言。

MathML 有能力:

  • MathML 可用于表示矩阵形式。
  • MathML 可用于表示偏微分方程。
  • MathML 可用于表示化学反应方程式。



    HTML5 MathML






                                                      A             =                                                                                                               a                                                                               b                                                                                                                            x                                                                               y                                                                                                                      

                     Geeks             4                  +         Geeks         =                      G                                        e             2                           k         s         4                               G                                        e             2                           k         s        


注意:几乎有 30 多个 MathML 标签可用。所有标签都以表格形式列在下面:

Tag Description
MathML tag MathML element you want to use they should wrapped inside of the tag.
MathML tag This tag is used to show the bind action of any expression.
MathML Tag This tag is used to renders the contents which is inside of anbenclosing notation specified by the notation attribute.
MathML Tag This tag is used to wrap the expression in a box, makes that expression eye-catching.
MathML tag This tag is used to add custom open and closing parentheses.
MathML tag This tag is use to add fraction symbol between two digits or equations.
MathML Tag This tag is used only for those characters or symbols that are not available on Unicode characters.
MathML Tag This tag is used as an identifier such as any kind of symbol or function. You can put any statement inside this tag.
MathML tag This tag is used to represent a label in a row, either on the left or on the right side inside of the element.
MathML Tag This tag is used to create multi-dimensional matrices. The degree depends on the conditionality of a representative array.
MathML Tag THis tag is used to display a numeric character which is normally a sequence of digits with a possible separator.
MathML Tag This tag is used print operator between elements. Any kind of mathematical operator can be used by this tag.
MathML Tag This tag is used used to attach an accent or a limit over an expression.
MathML Tag This tag is used to add extra padding and to set the general adjustment of position and size of enclosed contents.
MathML Tag It is used to rendered invisibly but the dimensional are still kept.
MathML Tag This tag is use to display the power of the root like root squire.
MathML Tag This tag is used to create a row that contains some mathematical expression or any random text.
MathML Tag This tag is used to represent string that will represent the mathematical expression by programming languages and computer algebra systems.
MathML Tag This tag is used to print blank space. The size of the blank space has to be mentioned in the attributes.
MathML Tag It is use to display the root squire of the element content.