📜  使用段树的最长递增子序列 (LIS) 的长度

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:04.571000             🧑  作者: Mango

使用段树的最长递增子序列 (LIS) 的长度

给定一个大小为N的数组arr[] ,任务是计算给定数组中存在的最长递增子序列的数量。



  • 将段树初始化为一个对数组,最初包含 (0, 0) 对,其中第一个元素表示 LIS 的长度,第二个元素表示 LIS 的长度 element 表示当前长度的 LIS 的计数。
  • 可以类似于本文中讨论的方法来计算段树的一个元素。
  • 可以使用以下步骤计算线段树的第二个元素:
    • 如果左孩子的长度>右孩子的长度,则父节点变得等于左孩子,因为 LIS 将成为左孩子。
    • 如果左孩子的长度<右孩子的长度,则父节点变得等于右孩子,因为 LIS 将成为右孩子。
    • 如果左孩子的长度=右孩子的长度,则父节点等于左孩子和右孩子的LIS计数之和。
  • 所需答案是线段树根的第二个元素。


// C++ implementation of the above approach
using namespace std;
#define M 100000
// Stores the Segment tree
vector > tree(4 * M + 1);
// Function to update Segment tree, the root
// of which contains the length of the LIS
void update_tree(int start, int end,
                 int update_idx, int length_t,
                 int count_c, int idx)
    // If the intervals
    // are overlapping completely
    if (start == end
        && start == update_idx) {
            = max(tree[idx].first, length_t);
        tree[idx].second = count_c;
    // If intervals are not overlapping
    if (update_idx < start
        || end < update_idx) {
    // If intervals are partially overlapping
    int mid = (start + end) / 2;
    update_tree(start, mid, update_idx,
                length_t, count_c,
                2 * idx);
    update_tree(mid + 1, end, update_idx,
                length_t, count_c,
                2 * idx + 1);
    // If length_t of left and
    // right child are equal
    if (tree[2 * idx].first
        == tree[2 * idx + 1].first) {
            = tree[2 * idx].first;
            = tree[2 * idx].second
              + tree[2 * idx + 1].second;
    // If length_t of left > length_t right child
    else if (tree[2 * idx].first
             > tree[2 * idx + 1].first) {
        tree[idx] = tree[2 * idx];
    // If length_t of left < length_t right child
    else {
        tree[idx] = tree[2 * idx + 1];
// Function to find the LIS length
// and count in the given range
pair query(int start, int end,
                     int query_start,
                     int query_end, int idx)
    // If the intervals
    // are overlapping completely
    if (query_start <= start
        && end <= query_end) {
        return tree[idx];
    // If intervals are not overlapping
    pair temp({ INT32_MIN, 0 });
    if (end < query_start
        || query_end < start) {
        return temp;
    // If intervals are partially overlapping
    int mid = (start + end) / 2;
    auto left_child
        = query(start, mid, query_start,
                query_end, 2 * idx);
    auto right_child
        = query(mid + 1, end, query_start,
                query_end, 2 * idx + 1);
    // If length_t of left child is greater
    // than length_t of right child
    if (left_child.first > right_child.first) {
        return left_child;
    // If length_t of right child is
    // greater than length_t of left child
    if (right_child.first > left_child.first) {
        return right_child;
    // If length_t of left
    // and right child are equal
    // return there sum
    return make_pair(left_child.first,
                         + right_child.second);
// Comparator function to sort an array of pairs
// in increasing order of their 1st element and
// thereafter in decreasing order of the 2nd
bool comp(pair a, pair b)
    if (a.first == b.first) {
        return a.second > b.second;
    return a.first < b.first;
// Function to find count
// of LIS in the given array
int countLIS(int arr[], int n)
    // Generating value-index pair array
    vector > pair_array(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        pair_array[i].first = arr[i];
        pair_array[i].second = i;
    // Sort array of pairs with increasing order
    // of value and decreasing order of index
         pair_array.end(), comp);
    // Traverse the array
    // and perform query updates
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int update_idx = pair_array[i].second;
        // If update index is the 1st index
        if (update_idx == 0) {
            update_tree(0, n - 1, 0, 1, 1, 1);
        // Query over the interval [0, update_idx -1]
        pair temp
            = query(0, n - 1, 0,
                    update_idx - 1, 1);
        // Update the segment tree
        update_tree(0, n - 1, update_idx,
                    temp.first + 1,
                    max(1, temp.second), 1);
    // Stores the final answer
    pair ans
        = query(0, n - 1, 0, n - 1, 1);
    // Return answer
    return ans.second;
// Driver Code
int main()
    int arr[] = { 1, 3, 5, 4, 7 };
    int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(int);
    cout << countLIS(arr, n);
    return 0;



时间复杂度: O(N*log N)
辅助空间: O(N)