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📜  使用 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 创建可悬停的侧边导航

📅  最后修改于: 2021-11-07 07:45:43             🧑  作者: Mango

要在任何网站上创建带有图标的可悬停侧边导航,需要 HTML 和 CSS 两件事。如果你想在导航栏上附加图标,那么你需要一个字体很棒的 CDN 链接。这些功能使网站看起来比导航栏采用老式设计的普通网站更酷。在本文中,我们将创建带有侧边导航栏的侧边结构,即创建结构部分和用于设计网站的其他部分,即设计结构。下面是完整代码的输出。
创建结构:在本节中,我们将创建基本的网站结构,并为将用作悬停导航栏图标的图标附加 Font-Awesome 的 CDN 链接。

  • Font Awesome 中图标的 CDN 链接:
  • 用于制作结构的 HTML 代码:


        Hoverable Side Navigation with Icon



Hoverable Side Navigation with Icon


            There are many kind of sidebar, hoverable             sidebars are on them and quite popular.             You can easily create hoverable sidebar             by using the HTML and CSS only. To add             extra features may you need to add some             jQuery. But that totally depends on your             requirements.         





    Hoverable Side Navigation with Icon



Hoverable Side Navigation with Icon


            There are many kind of sidebar, hoverable             sidebars are on them and quite popular.             You can easily create hoverable sidebar by             using the HTML and CSS only. To add extra             features may you need to add some jQuery.             But that totally depends on your             requirements.         



  • 看起来不错的 CSS 代码结构:





    Hoverable Side Navigation with Icon



Hoverable Side Navigation with Icon


            There are many kind of sidebar, hoverable             sidebars are on them and quite popular.             You can easily create hoverable sidebar by             using the HTML and CSS only. To add extra             features may you need to add some jQuery.             But that totally depends on your             requirements.         

