SVG:可缩放矢量图形 (SVG) 是一种基于 XML 的图像格式,用于为 Web 定义基于二维矢量的图形。与光栅图像(例如 .jpg、.gif、.png 等)不同,矢量图像可以放大或缩小到任何程度,而不会降低图像质量。
使用一系列遵循 XML 模式的语句绘制 SVG 图像——这意味着可以使用任何文本编辑器(例如记事本)创建和编辑 SVG 图像。与其他图像格式(如 JPEG、GIF、PNG 等)相比,使用 SVG 还具有其他几个优点。
SVG Circle(Geeks For Geeks)
Canvas: HTML 元素用于通过脚本(通常是 JavaScript)动态绘制图形。元素只是图形的容器。您必须使用脚本来实际绘制图形。 Canvas 有几种绘制路径、框、圆、文本和添加图像的方法。
HTML5 Canvas Tag
Canvas Square(Geeks For Geeks)
SVG 和 HTML5 Canvas 的区别:
SVG | Canvas |
Vector based (composed of shapes) | Raster based (composed of pixel) |
SVG has better scalability. So it can be printed with high quality at any resolution. | Canvas has poor scalability. Hence it is not suitable for printing on higher resolution. |
SVG gives better performance with smaller number of objects or larger surface. | Canvas gives better performance with smaller surface or larger number of objects. |
SVG can be modified through script and CSS. | Canvas can be modified through script only. |
Multiple graphical elements, which become the part of the page’s DOM tree. | Single element similar to |