📜  Apache Commons IO-NameFileFilter(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:39:16.155000             🧑  作者: Mango

Apache Commons IO - NameFileFilter

Apache Commons IO is an open source library that provides utilities for working with files and directories. One of its components is the NameFileFilter class, which allows you to filter files by their name.


The NameFileFilter class has the following features:

  • Matches files that have a specific name or extension
  • Supports case-sensitive and case-insensitive matching
  • Can be used with other file filters to create more complex filters
  • Implements the FileFilter interface, so it can be used with any class that accepts a file filter

Creating a NameFileFilter object is easy. Here's an example that matches all files with the name "example.txt":

FileFilter filter = new NameFileFilter("example.txt");

By default, NameFileFilter is case sensitive. To perform a case-insensitive match, use the following constructor instead:

FileFilter filter = new NameFileFilter("example.txt", IOCase.INSENSITIVE);

You can also match files by their extension. The following example matches all files with the extension ".txt":

FileFilter filter = new NameFileFilter(".txt", IOCase.SYSTEM);

Note that the "." character is required before the extension.

NameFileFilter can be used with other file filters to create more complex filters. For example, the following code matches all files with the name "example" and the extension ".txt":

FileFilter nameFilter = new NameFileFilter("example");
FileFilter extensionFilter = new NameFileFilter(".txt");
FileFilter filter = new AndFileFilter(nameFilter, extensionFilter);

The NameFileFilter class is a simple yet powerful way to filter files by their name or extension. It's part of the Apache Commons IO library, which provides many other useful utilities for working with files and directories. If you're looking for an easy way to filter files, give NameFileFilter a try!