📜  Python|字典 has_key()(1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:04:25.357000             🧑  作者: Mango

Python | 字典 has_key()

has_key() 是 Python 中字典对象的一个方法,用于检查字典中是否包含给定的 key,并返回一个布尔值(True 或 False)。


has_key() 方法只接受一个参数:

  • key:要在字典中检查的 key。
  • 如果字典中包含给定的 key,则返回 True。
  • 如果字典中不包含给定的 key,则返回 False。
# 创建一个字典
employee = {
  "name": "John",
  "age": 30,
  "department": "HR"

# 检查字典中是否包含给定的 key
is_name_present = employee.has_key("name")
is_department_present = employee.has_key("department")
is_salary_present = employee.has_key("salary")

print(f"Is 'name' present in the dictionary? {is_name_present}")
print(f"Is 'department' present in the dictionary? {is_department_present}")
print(f"Is 'salary' present in the dictionary? {is_salary_present}")


Is 'name' present in the dictionary? True
Is 'department' present in the dictionary? True
Is 'salary' present in the dictionary? False
  • 在 Python 2.x 中,has_key() 方法是字典对象的成员方法,可以直接调用。但是在 Python 3.x 中,has_key() 方法已经被移除,所以我们不能再直接使用该方法。我们可以使用 in 关键字来替代 has_key() 方法来检查 key 是否存在于字典中。

  • 在 Python 3.x 中,in 关键字用于检查 key 是否存在于字典中:

    # 检查字典中是否包含给定的 key
    is_name_present = "name" in employee
    is_department_present = "department" in employee
    is_salary_present = "salary" in employee
    print(f"Is 'name' present in the dictionary? {is_name_present}")
    print(f"Is 'department' present in the dictionary? {is_department_present}")
    print(f"Is 'salary' present in the dictionary? {is_salary_present}")


    Is 'name' present in the dictionary? True
    Is 'department' present in the dictionary? True
    Is 'salary' present in the dictionary? False
  • 如果你需要在 Python 3.x 中使用 has_key() 方法,可以通过创建一个自定义的字典类来实现。例子如下:

    class MyDict(dict):
        def has_key(self, key):
            return key in self
    employee = MyDict()
    employee["name"] = "John"
    employee["age"] = 30
    employee["department"] = "HR"
    is_name_present = employee.has_key("name")
    is_department_present = employee.has_key("department")
    is_salary_present = employee.has_key("salary")
    print(f"Is 'name' present in the dictionary? {is_name_present}")
    print(f"Is 'department' present in the dictionary? {is_department_present}")
    print(f"Is 'salary' present in the dictionary? {is_salary_present}")


    Is 'name' present in the dictionary? True
    Is 'department' present in the dictionary? True
    Is 'salary' present in the dictionary? False
  • 在 Python 2.x 和 Python 3.x 中,建议使用 in 关键字来替代 has_key() 方法进行字典中 key 的检查,因为 has_key() 方法在 Python 3.x 中已经不推荐使用。

以上是关于 has_key() 方法的详细介绍及示例。希望本文能帮助你理解如何使用 has_key() 方法检查给定的 key 是否存在于 Python 字典中。