📜  doument root phpp - PHP (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 15:14:47.681000             🧑  作者: Mango

PHP - Document Root

In PHP, the term "Document Root" refers to the root directory of your web server's document hierarchy. It is the top-level directory that serves as the entry point for all web requests.

Understanding Document Root

When a web server receives a request for a webpage, it needs to know where to look for the requested file. The document root specifies the directory on the server's filesystem from which the web server should serve the files. It acts as the starting point for locating and serving files for a specific website or application.

Configuring Document Root in PHP

The Document Root is typically set in the web server's configuration file or virtual host configuration. In PHP, you can set the document root using the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] superglobal variable. It contains the absolute path to the document root directory.

$documentRoot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
echo "Document Root: {$documentRoot}";

The above code snippet demonstrates how you can retrieve and display the document root using the $_SERVER superglobal.

Importance of Document Root in PHP

The document root is important for several reasons:

  1. Security: The document root helps to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive files and directories. By defining the document root properly, you can limit access to only the files that are intended to be publicly accessible.

  2. File Inclusion: PHP often uses relative paths when including or requiring other PHP files. With the document root properly configured, you can include files relative to the document root, ensuring that the correct files are included regardless of the file's location within the website directory structure.

  3. URL Generation: Many PHP frameworks and applications generate URLs dynamically. With the document root set, these frameworks can generate correct URLs based on the document root, ensuring that all URLs are accessible and pointing to the correct resources.


Understanding and properly configuring the document root is essential for PHP developers. It allows for proper file inclusion, URL generation, and enhances the security of your website or application. By utilizing the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] superglobal, you can easily retrieve the document root path and build your PHP applications accordingly.