📅  最后修改于: 2022-03-11 14:45:26.723000             🧑  作者: Mango
import webbrowser
# import os
import datetime
import pyttsx3
#***moduel section***#
time = datetime.datetime.now()
#***variable section***#
engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5')
voices = engine.getProperty('voices')
engine.setProperty('voice', voices[0].id)
def speak(audio):
print("Welcome to A.I assistant\n")
speak("Welcome to AI assistant")
print("I am A.I Sir. Please tell me how may I help you\n")
speak("I am AI Sir. Please tell me how may I help you")
#***print section***#
user = input("")
if user=='hi':
user = input("How may i help you!\n")
while True:
if (user=="what is your name"):
print("My name is A.I assistant\n")
speak("My name is AI assistant")
user = input("How may i help you!\n")
elif user=="open youtube":
print("opening youtube...\n")
speak("opening youtube")
print("youtube opened\n")
speak("youtube opened")
user = input("How may i help you!\n")
elif user=="open google":
print("opening google...\n")
speak("opening google")
print("google opened\n")
speak("google opened")
user = input("How may i help you!\n")
elif user=="what is the time":
print("The time is: ")
speak("The time is: ")
user = input("How may i help you!\n")
elif user=="AI is dangerous":
print("yes,AI could end mankind\n")
speak("yes,AI could end mankind")
user = input("How may i help you!\n")
elif user=="what is my birth date":
print("your birth date is: 15 december 2008 \n")
speak("your birthdate is: 15 december 2008")
user = input("How may i help you!\n")
elif user=="bye":
print("Ok bye,have a nice day!\n")
speak("Ok bye,have a nice day!")
# while user =="bye":
# (quit)
#***user input section***#