📅  最后修改于: 2020-10-31 04:16:14             🧑  作者: Mango
public class StringWriter : TextWriter
Constructors | Description |
StringWriter() | It is used to initialize a new instance of the StringWriter class. |
StringWriter(IFormatProvider) | It is used to initialize a new instance of the StringWriter class with the specified format control. |
StringWriter(StringBuilder) | It is used to initialize a new instance of the StringWriter class that writes to the specified StringBuilder. |
StringWriter(StringBuilder,?IFormatProvider) | It is used to initialize a new instance of the StringWriter class that writes to the specified StringBuilder and has the specified format provider. |
Property | Description |
Encoding | It is used to get the Encoding in which the output is written. |
FormatProvider | It is used to get an object that controls formatting. |
NewLine | It is used to get or set the line terminator string used by the current TextWriter. |
Methods | Description |
Close() | It is used to close the current StringWriter and the underlying stream. |
Dispose() | It is used to release all resources used by the TextWriter object. |
Equals(Object) | It is used to determine whether the specified object is equal to the current object or not. |
Finalize() | It allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations. |
GetHashCode() | It is used to serve as the default hash function. |
GetStringBuilder() | It returns the underlying StringBuilder. |
ToString() | It returns a string containing the characters written to the current StringWriter. |
WriteAsync(String) | It is used to write a string to the current string asynchronously. |
Write(Boolean) | It is used to write the text representation of a Boolean value to the string. |
Write(String) | It is used to write a string to the current string. |
WriteLine(String) | It is used to write a string followed by a line terminator to the string or stream. |
WriteLineAsync(String) | Writes a string followed by a line terminator asynchronously to the current string.(Overrides TextWriter.WriteLineAsync(String).) |
在下面的程序中,我们使用StringWriter类将字符串信息写入StringBuilder类。 StringReader类用于将书面信息读取到StringBuilder。
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace CSharpProgram
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string text = "Hello, Welcome to the javatpoint \n" +
"It is nice site. \n" +
"It provides technical tutorials";
// Creating StringBuilder instance
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// Passing StringBuilder instance into StringWriter
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(sb);
// Writing data using StringWriter
// Closing writer connection
// Creating StringReader instance and passing StringBuilder
StringReader reader = new StringReader(sb.ToString());
// Reading data
while (reader.Peek() > -1)
Hello, Welcome to the javatpoint
It is nice site.
It provides technical tutorials