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📜  如何使用Java中的可比较接口对 TreeSet 元素进行排序?

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:18.847000             🧑  作者: Mango

如何使用Java中的可比较接口对 TreeSet 元素进行排序?

TreeSet是Java中 SortedSet 接口的实现,它使用 Tree 进行存储。无论是否提供显式比较器,元素的顺序都由 Set 使用它们的自然顺序来维护。

为了首先在Java中使用Comparable接口对 TreeSet 元素进行排序,我们创建了一个实现 Comparable 接口的 Student 类。在这个类中,我们覆盖了compareTo()方法。


// Student class implements comparable interface

class Student implements Comparable {
    Integer marks;

    Student(Integer marks) {
        this.marks = marks;

    // override toString method
    public String toString() {
        return (" " + this.marks);

    // Override compareTo method to sort LinkedHashSet in ascending order
    public int compareTo(Student stu) {
        return this.marks.compareTo(stu.marks);


示例 1:

// Java program to demonstrate how to Sort TreeSet using
// Comparable interface in ascending order
import java.util.*;
// Student class implements comparable interface
class Student implements Comparable {
    Integer marks;
    Student(Integer marks) { this.marks = marks; }
    // override toString method
    public String toString() { return (" " + this.marks); }
    // Override compareTo method to sort TreeSet in
    // ascending order
    public int compareTo(Student stu)
        return this.marks.compareTo(stu.marks);
class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // New TreeSet
        TreeSet set = new TreeSet<>();
        // Adding elements to the set
        set.add(new Student(500));
        set.add(new Student(300));
        set.add(new Student(400));
        set.add(new Student(100));
        set.add(new Student(200));
        // Print TreeSet sorted in ascending order
        System.out.println("Sort elements in ascending order : " + set);

// Java program demonstrate how to Sort TreeSet using
// Comparable interface in descending order
import java.util.*;
// Student class implements comparable interface
class Student implements Comparable {
    Integer marks;
    Student(Integer marks) { this.marks = marks; }
    // override toString method
    public String toString() { return (" " + this.marks); }
    // Override compareTo method to sort TreeSet in
    // descending order
    public int compareTo(Student stu)
        return stu.marks.compareTo(this.marks);
class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // New TreeSet
        TreeSet set = new TreeSet<>();
        // Adding elements to the set
        set.add(new Student(500));
        set.add(new Student(300));
        set.add(new Student(400));
        set.add(new Student(100));
        set.add(new Student(200));
        // Print TreeSet sorted in descending order
        System.out.println("Sort elements in descending order : " + set);

Sort elements in ascending order : [ 100,  200,  300,  400,  500]

示例 2:


// Java program demonstrate how to Sort TreeSet using
// Comparable interface in descending order
import java.util.*;
// Student class implements comparable interface
class Student implements Comparable {
    Integer marks;
    Student(Integer marks) { this.marks = marks; }
    // override toString method
    public String toString() { return (" " + this.marks); }
    // Override compareTo method to sort TreeSet in
    // descending order
    public int compareTo(Student stu)
        return stu.marks.compareTo(this.marks);
class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // New TreeSet
        TreeSet set = new TreeSet<>();
        // Adding elements to the set
        set.add(new Student(500));
        set.add(new Student(300));
        set.add(new Student(400));
        set.add(new Student(100));
        set.add(new Student(200));
        // Print TreeSet sorted in descending order
        System.out.println("Sort elements in descending order : " + set);
Sort elements in descending order : [ 500,  400,  300,  200,  100]