📜  库存跨度问题

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:57:09.151000             🧑  作者: Mango


股票跨度问题是一个财务问题,我们有一系列股票的每日价格报价,我们需要计算所有 n 天的股票价格跨度。
股票在某一天 i 的价格跨度 Si 定义为当日股票价格低于当日价格的最大连续天数。
例如,如果将 7 天价格数组指定为 {100, 80, 60, 70, 60, 75, 85},则对应 7 天的跨度值为 {1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 4 , 6}



// C++ program for brute force method
// to calculate stock span values
using namespace std;
// Fills array S[] with span values
void calculateSpan(int price[], int n, int S[])
    // Span value of first day is always 1
    S[0] = 1;
    // Calculate span value of remaining days 
    // by linearly checking previous days
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
        S[i] = 1; // Initialize span value
        // Traverse left while the next element 
        // on left is smaller than price[i]
        for (int j = i - 1; (j >= 0) &&
                (price[i] >= price[j]); j--)
// A utility function to print elements of array
void printArray(int arr[], int n)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        cout << arr[i] << " ";
// Driver code
int main()
    int price[] = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
    int n = sizeof(price) / sizeof(price[0]);
    int S[n];
    // Fill the span values in array S[]
    calculateSpan(price, n, S);
    // print the calculated span values
    printArray(S, n);
    return 0;
// This is code is contributed by rathbhupendra

// C program for brute force method to calculate stock span values
// Fills array S[] with span values
void calculateSpan(int price[], int n, int S[])
    // Span value of first day is always 1
    S[0] = 1;
    // Calculate span value of remaining days by linearly checking
    // previous days
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        S[i] = 1; // Initialize span value
        // Traverse left while the next element on left is smaller
        // than price[i]
        for (int j = i - 1; (j >= 0) && (price[i] >= price[j]); j--)
// A utility function to print elements of array
void printArray(int arr[], int n)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        printf("%d ", arr[i]);
// Driver program to test above function
int main()
    int price[] = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
    int n = sizeof(price) / sizeof(price[0]);
    int S[n];
    // Fill the span values in array S[]
    calculateSpan(price, n, S);
    // print the calculated span values
    printArray(S, n);
    return 0;

// Java implementation for brute force method to calculate stock span values
import java.util.Arrays;
class GFG {
    // method to calculate stock span values
    static void calculateSpan(int price[], int n, int S[])
        // Span value of first day is always 1
        S[0] = 1;
        // Calculate span value of remaining days by linearly checking
        // previous days
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            S[i] = 1; // Initialize span value
            // Traverse left while the next element on left is smaller
            // than price[i]
            for (int j = i - 1; (j >= 0) && (price[i] >= price[j]); j--)
    // A utility function to print elements of array
    static void printArray(int arr[])
    // Driver program to test above functions
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int price[] = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
        int n = price.length;
        int S[] = new int[n];
        // Fill the span values in array S[]
        calculateSpan(price, n, S);
        // print the calculated span values
// This code is contributed by Sumit Ghosh

# Python program for brute force method to calculate stock span values
# Fills list S[] with span values
def calculateSpan(price, n, S):
    # Span value of first day is always 1
    S[0] = 1
    # Calculate span value of remaining days by linearly
    # checking previous days
    for i in range(1, n, 1):
        S[i] = 1   # Initialize span value
        # Traverse left while the next element on left is
        # smaller than price[i]
        j = i - 1
        while (j>= 0) and (price[i] >= price[j]) :
                       S[i] += 1
                       j -= 1
# A utility function to print elements of array
def printArray(arr, n):
    for i in range(n):
        print(arr[i], end = " ")
# Driver program to test above function   
price = [10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80]
n = len(price)
S = [None] * n
# Fill the span values in list S[]
calculateSpan(price, n, S)
# print the calculated span values
printArray(S, n)
# This code is contributed by Sunny Karira

// C# implementation for brute force method
// to calculate stock span values
using System;
class GFG {
    // method to calculate stock span values
    static void calculateSpan(int[] price,
                              int n, int[] S)
        // Span value of first day is always 1
        S[0] = 1;
        // Calculate span value of remaining
        // days by linearly checking previous
        // days
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            S[i] = 1; // Initialize span value
            // Traverse left while the next
            // element on left is smaller
            // than price[i]
            for (int j = i - 1; (j >= 0) && (price[i] >= price[j]); j--)
    // A utility function to print elements
    // of array
    static void printArray(int[] arr)
        string result = string.Join(" ", arr);
    // Driver function
    public static void Main()
        int[] price = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
        int n = price.Length;
        int[] S = new int[n];
        // Fill the span values in array S[]
        calculateSpan(price, n, S);
        // print the calculated span values
// This code is contributed by Sam007.

= 0) &&
            ($price[$i] >= $price[$j]); $j--)
        // print the calculated
        // span values
        for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++)
        echo $S[$i] . " ";;
    // Driver Code
    $price = array(10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80);
    $n = count($price);
    $S = array($n);
    // Fill the span values in array S[]
    calculateSpan($price, $n, $S);
// This code is contributed by Sam007


// C++ linear time solution for stock span problem
using namespace std;
// A stack based efficient method to calculate
// stock span values
void calculateSpan(int price[], int n, int S[])
    // Create a stack and push index of first
    // element to it
    stack st;
    // Span value of first element is always 1
    S[0] = 1;
    // Calculate span values for rest of the elements
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        // Pop elements from stack while stack is not
        // empty and top of stack is smaller than
        // price[i]
        while (!st.empty() && price[st.top()] < price[i])
        // If stack becomes empty, then price[i] is
        // greater than all elements on left of it,
        // i.e., price[0], price[1], ..price[i-1].  Else
        // price[i] is greater than elements after
        // top of stack
        S[i] = (st.empty()) ? (i + 1) : (i - st.top());
        // Push this element to stack
// A utility function to print elements of array
void printArray(int arr[], int n)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        cout << arr[i] << " ";
// Driver program to test above function
int main()
    int price[] = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
    int n = sizeof(price) / sizeof(price[0]);
    int S[n];
    // Fill the span values in array S[]
    calculateSpan(price, n, S);
    // print the calculated span values
    printArray(S, n);
    return 0;

// Java linear time solution for stock span problem
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class GFG {
    // A stack based efficient method to calculate
    // stock span values
    static void calculateSpan(int price[], int n, int S[])
        // Create a stack and push index of first element
        // to it
        Stack st = new Stack<>();
        // Span value of first element is always 1
        S[0] = 1;
        // Calculate span values for rest of the elements
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            // Pop elements from stack while stack is not
            // empty and top of stack is smaller than
            // price[i]
            while (!st.empty() && price[st.peek()] <= price[i])
            // If stack becomes empty, then price[i] is
            // greater than all elements on left of it, i.e.,
            // price[0], price[1], ..price[i-1]. Else price[i]
            // is greater than elements after top of stack
            S[i] = (st.empty()) ? (i + 1) : (i - st.peek());
            // Push this element to stack
    // A utility function to print elements of array
    static void printArray(int arr[])
    // Driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int price[] = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
        int n = price.length;
        int S[] = new int[n];
        // Fill the span values in array S[]
        calculateSpan(price, n, S);
        // print the calculated span values
// This code is contributed by Sumit Ghosh

# Python linear time solution for stock span problem
# A stack based efficient method to calculate s
def calculateSpan(price, S):
    n = len(price)
    # Create a stack and push index of first element to it
    st = []
    # Span value of first element is always 1
    S[0] = 1
    # Calculate span values for rest of the elements
    for i in range(1, n):
        # Pop elements from stack while stack is not
        # empty and top of stack is smaller than price[i]
        while( len(st) > 0 and price[st[-1]] <= price[i]):
        # If stack becomes empty, then price[i] is greater
        # than all elements on left of it, i.e. price[0],
        # price[1], ..price[i-1]. Else the price[i] is
        # greater than elements after top of stack
        S[i] = i + 1 if len(st) <= 0 else (i - st[-1])
        # Push this element to stack
# A utility function to print elements of array
def printArray(arr, n):
    for i in range(0, n):
        print (arr[i], end =" ")
# Driver program to test above function
price = [10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80]
S = [0 for i in range(len(price)+1)]
# Fill the span values in array S[]
calculateSpan(price, S)
# Print the calculated span values
printArray(S, len(price))
# This code is contributed by Nikhil Kumar Singh (nickzuck_007)

// C# linear time solution for
// stock span problem
using System;
using System.Collections;
class GFG {
    // a linear time solution for
    // stock span problem A stack
    // based efficient method to calculate
    // stock span values
    static void calculateSpan(int[] price, int n, int[] S)
        // Create a stack and Push
        // index of first element to it
        Stack st = new Stack();
        // Span value of first
        // element is always 1
        S[0] = 1;
        // Calculate span values
        // for rest of the elements
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            // Pop elements from stack
            // while stack is not empty
            // and top of stack is smaller
            // than price[i]
            while (st.Count > 0 && price[(int)st.Peek()] <= price[i])
            // If stack becomes empty, then price[i] is
            // greater than all elements on left of it, i.e.,
            // price[0], price[1], ..price[i-1]. Else price[i]
            // is greater than elements after top of stack
            S[i] = (st.Count == 0) ? (i + 1) : (i - (int)st.Peek());
            // Push this element to stack
    // A utility function to print elements of array
    static void printArray(int[] arr)
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
            Console.Write(arr[i] + " ");
    // Driver method
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int[] price = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
        int n = price.Length;
        int[] S = new int[n];
        // Fill the span values in array S[]
        calculateSpan(price, n, S);
        // print the calculated span values
// This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu


// C++ program for a linear time solution for stock
// span problem without using stack
using namespace std;
// An efficient method to calculate stock span values
// implementing the same idea without using stack
void calculateSpan(int A[], int n, int ans[])
    // Span value of first element is always 1
    ans[0] = 1;
    // Calculate span values for rest of the elements
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        int counter = 1;
        while ((i - counter) >= 0 && A[i] >= A[i - counter]) {
            counter += ans[i - counter];
        ans[i] = counter;
// A utility function to print elements of array
void printArray(int arr[], int n)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        cout << arr[i] << " ";
// Driver program to test above function
int main()
    int price[] = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
    int n = sizeof(price) / sizeof(price[0]);
    int S[n];
    // Fill the span values in array S[]
    calculateSpan(price, n, S);
    // print the calculated span values
    printArray(S, n);
    return 0;

// Java program for a linear time
// solution for stock span problem
// without using stack
class GFG {
    // An efficient method to calculate
    // stock span values implementing the
    // same idea without using stack
    static void calculateSpan(int A[],
                              int n, int ans[])
        // Span value of first element is always 1
        ans[0] = 1;
        // Calculate span values for rest of the elements
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            int counter = 1;
            while ((i - counter) >= 0 && A[i] >= A[i - counter]) {
                counter += ans[i - counter];
            ans[i] = counter;
    // A utility function to print elements of array
    static void printArray(int arr[], int n)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            System.out.print(arr[i] + " ");
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int price[] = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
        int n = price.length;
        int S[] = new int[n];
        // Fill the span values in array S[]
        calculateSpan(price, n, S);
        // print the calculated span values
        printArray(S, n);
/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */

# Python3 program for a linear time
# solution for stock span problem
# without using stack
# An efficient method to calculate
# stock span values implementing
# the same idea without using stack
def calculateSpan(A, n, ans):
    # Span value of first element
    # is always 1
    ans[0] = 1
    # Calculate span values for rest
    # of the elements
    for i in range(1, n):
        counter = 1
        while ((i - counter) >= 0 and
              A[i] >= A[i - counter]):
            counter += ans[i - counter]
        ans[i] = counter
# A utility function to print elements
# of array
def printArray(arr, n):
    for i in range(n):
        print(arr[i], end = ' ')
# Driver code
price = [ 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 ]
n = len(price)
S = [0] * (n)
# Fill the span values in array S[]
calculateSpan(price, n, S)
# Print the calculated span values
printArray(S, n)
# This code is contributed by Prateek Gupta

// C# program for a linear time
// solution for stock span problem
// without using stack
using System;
public class GFG {
    // An efficient method to calculate
    // stock span values implementing the
    // same idea without using stack
    static void calculateSpan(int[] A,
                              int n, int[] ans)
        // Span value of first element is always 1
        ans[0] = 1;
        // Calculate span values for rest of the elements
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            int counter = 1;
            while ((i - counter) >= 0 && A[i] >= A[i - counter]) {
                counter += ans[i - counter];
            ans[i] = counter;
    // A utility function to print elements of array
    static void printArray(int[] arr, int n)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            Console.Write(arr[i] + " ");
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int[] price = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
        int n = price.Length;
        int[] S = new int[n];
        // Fill the span values in array S[]
        calculateSpan(price, n, S);
        // print the calculated span values
        printArray(S, n);
// This code has been contributed by 29AjayKumar


// C program for the above approach
#define SIZE 7
// change size of  stack from here
// change this char to int if
// you want to create stack of
// int. rest all program will work fine
typedef int stackentry;
typedef struct stack {
    stackentry entry[SIZE];
    int top;
// stack is initialized by setting top pointer = -1.
void initialiseStack(STACK* s) { s->top = -1; }
// to check if stack is full.
int IsStackfull(STACK s)
    if (s.top == SIZE - 1) {
        return (1);
    return (0);
// to check if stack is empty.
int IsStackempty(STACK s)
    if (s.top == -1) {
        return (1);
    else {
        return (0);
// to push elements into the stack.
void push(stackentry d, STACK* s)
    if (!IsStackfull(*s)) {
        s->entry[(s->top) + 1] = d;
        s->top = s->top + 1;
// to pop element from stack.
stackentry pop(STACK* s)
    stackentry ans;
    if (!IsStackempty(*s)) {
        ans = s->entry[s->top];
        s->top = s->top - 1;
    else {
        // '\0'  will be returned if
        // stack is empty and of
        // char type.
        if (sizeof(stackentry) == 1)
            ans = '\0';
            // INT_MIN  will be returned
            // if stack is empty
            // and of int type.
            ans = INT_MIN;
    return (ans);
// The code for implementing stock
// span problem is written
// here in main function.
int main()
    // Just to store prices on 7 adjacent days
    int price[7] = { 100, 80, 60, 70, 60, 75, 85 };
    // in span array , span of each day will be stored.
    int span[7] = { 0 };
    int i;
    // stack 's' will store stock values of each
    // day. stack 'temp' is temporary stack
    STACK s, temp;
    // setting top pointer to -1.
    // count basically signifies span of
    // particular day.
    int count = 1;
    // since first day span is 1 only.
    span[0] = 1;
    push(price[0], &s);
    // calculate span of remaining days.
    for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
        // count will be span of that particular day.
        count = 1;
        // if current day stock is larger than previous day
        // span, then it will be popped out into temp stack.
        // popping will be carried out till span gets over
        // and count will be incremented .
        while (!IsStackempty(s)
               && s.entry[s.top] <= price[i]) {
            push(pop(&s), &temp);
        // now, one by one all stocks from temp will be
        // popped and pushed back to s.
        while (!IsStackempty(temp)) {
            push(pop(&temp), &s);
        // pushing current stock
        push(price[i], &s);
        // appending span of that particular
        // day into output array.
        span[i] = count;
    // printing the output.
    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        printf("%d ", span[i]);

1 1 2 4 5 1 

上述方法的时间复杂度为 O(n^2)。我们可以在 O(n) 时间内计算库存跨度值。

如果我们知道 i 之前的最近一天,我们可以很容易地计算出 i 天的 S[i],使得当天的价格大于 i 天的价格。如果存在这样的一天,我们称其为 h(i),否则,我们定义 h(i) = -1。
跨度现在计算为 S[i] = i – h(i)。请参见下图。

为了实现这个逻辑,我们使用堆栈作为抽象数据类型来存储天 i、h(i)、h(h(i)) 等。当我们从第 i-1 天到第 i 天时,我们弹出股票价格小于或等于 price[i] 的天数,然后将第 i 天的值推回堆栈。



// C++ linear time solution for stock span problem
using namespace std;
// A stack based efficient method to calculate
// stock span values
void calculateSpan(int price[], int n, int S[])
    // Create a stack and push index of first
    // element to it
    stack st;
    // Span value of first element is always 1
    S[0] = 1;
    // Calculate span values for rest of the elements
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        // Pop elements from stack while stack is not
        // empty and top of stack is smaller than
        // price[i]
        while (!st.empty() && price[st.top()] < price[i])
        // If stack becomes empty, then price[i] is
        // greater than all elements on left of it,
        // i.e., price[0], price[1], ..price[i-1].  Else
        // price[i] is greater than elements after
        // top of stack
        S[i] = (st.empty()) ? (i + 1) : (i - st.top());
        // Push this element to stack
// A utility function to print elements of array
void printArray(int arr[], int n)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        cout << arr[i] << " ";
// Driver program to test above function
int main()
    int price[] = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
    int n = sizeof(price) / sizeof(price[0]);
    int S[n];
    // Fill the span values in array S[]
    calculateSpan(price, n, S);
    // print the calculated span values
    printArray(S, n);
    return 0;


// Java linear time solution for stock span problem
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class GFG {
    // A stack based efficient method to calculate
    // stock span values
    static void calculateSpan(int price[], int n, int S[])
        // Create a stack and push index of first element
        // to it
        Stack st = new Stack<>();
        // Span value of first element is always 1
        S[0] = 1;
        // Calculate span values for rest of the elements
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            // Pop elements from stack while stack is not
            // empty and top of stack is smaller than
            // price[i]
            while (!st.empty() && price[st.peek()] <= price[i])
            // If stack becomes empty, then price[i] is
            // greater than all elements on left of it, i.e.,
            // price[0], price[1], ..price[i-1]. Else price[i]
            // is greater than elements after top of stack
            S[i] = (st.empty()) ? (i + 1) : (i - st.peek());
            // Push this element to stack
    // A utility function to print elements of array
    static void printArray(int arr[])
    // Driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int price[] = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
        int n = price.length;
        int S[] = new int[n];
        // Fill the span values in array S[]
        calculateSpan(price, n, S);
        // print the calculated span values
// This code is contributed by Sumit Ghosh


# Python linear time solution for stock span problem
# A stack based efficient method to calculate s
def calculateSpan(price, S):
    n = len(price)
    # Create a stack and push index of first element to it
    st = []
    # Span value of first element is always 1
    S[0] = 1
    # Calculate span values for rest of the elements
    for i in range(1, n):
        # Pop elements from stack while stack is not
        # empty and top of stack is smaller than price[i]
        while( len(st) > 0 and price[st[-1]] <= price[i]):
        # If stack becomes empty, then price[i] is greater
        # than all elements on left of it, i.e. price[0],
        # price[1], ..price[i-1]. Else the price[i] is
        # greater than elements after top of stack
        S[i] = i + 1 if len(st) <= 0 else (i - st[-1])
        # Push this element to stack
# A utility function to print elements of array
def printArray(arr, n):
    for i in range(0, n):
        print (arr[i], end =" ")
# Driver program to test above function
price = [10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80]
S = [0 for i in range(len(price)+1)]
# Fill the span values in array S[]
calculateSpan(price, S)
# Print the calculated span values
printArray(S, len(price))
# This code is contributed by Nikhil Kumar Singh (nickzuck_007)


// C# linear time solution for
// stock span problem
using System;
using System.Collections;
class GFG {
    // a linear time solution for
    // stock span problem A stack
    // based efficient method to calculate
    // stock span values
    static void calculateSpan(int[] price, int n, int[] S)
        // Create a stack and Push
        // index of first element to it
        Stack st = new Stack();
        // Span value of first
        // element is always 1
        S[0] = 1;
        // Calculate span values
        // for rest of the elements
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            // Pop elements from stack
            // while stack is not empty
            // and top of stack is smaller
            // than price[i]
            while (st.Count > 0 && price[(int)st.Peek()] <= price[i])
            // If stack becomes empty, then price[i] is
            // greater than all elements on left of it, i.e.,
            // price[0], price[1], ..price[i-1]. Else price[i]
            // is greater than elements after top of stack
            S[i] = (st.Count == 0) ? (i + 1) : (i - (int)st.Peek());
            // Push this element to stack
    // A utility function to print elements of array
    static void printArray(int[] arr)
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++)
            Console.Write(arr[i] + " ");
    // Driver method
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int[] price = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
        int n = price.Length;
        int[] S = new int[n];
        // Fill the span values in array S[]
        calculateSpan(price, n, S);
        // print the calculated span values
// This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu


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时间复杂度:O(n)。乍一看,它似乎超过了 O(n)。如果我们仔细观察,我们可以观察到数组的每个元素最多从堆栈中添加和删除一次。所以最多总共有 2n 次操作。假设堆栈操作需要 O(1) 时间,我们可以说时间复杂度为 O(n)。
辅助空间:在所有元素按降序排序的最坏情况下为 O(n)。



// C++ program for a linear time solution for stock
// span problem without using stack
using namespace std;
// An efficient method to calculate stock span values
// implementing the same idea without using stack
void calculateSpan(int A[], int n, int ans[])
    // Span value of first element is always 1
    ans[0] = 1;
    // Calculate span values for rest of the elements
    for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
        int counter = 1;
        while ((i - counter) >= 0 && A[i] >= A[i - counter]) {
            counter += ans[i - counter];
        ans[i] = counter;
// A utility function to print elements of array
void printArray(int arr[], int n)
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        cout << arr[i] << " ";
// Driver program to test above function
int main()
    int price[] = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
    int n = sizeof(price) / sizeof(price[0]);
    int S[n];
    // Fill the span values in array S[]
    calculateSpan(price, n, S);
    // print the calculated span values
    printArray(S, n);
    return 0;


// Java program for a linear time
// solution for stock span problem
// without using stack
class GFG {
    // An efficient method to calculate
    // stock span values implementing the
    // same idea without using stack
    static void calculateSpan(int A[],
                              int n, int ans[])
        // Span value of first element is always 1
        ans[0] = 1;
        // Calculate span values for rest of the elements
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            int counter = 1;
            while ((i - counter) >= 0 && A[i] >= A[i - counter]) {
                counter += ans[i - counter];
            ans[i] = counter;
    // A utility function to print elements of array
    static void printArray(int arr[], int n)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            System.out.print(arr[i] + " ");
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int price[] = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
        int n = price.length;
        int S[] = new int[n];
        // Fill the span values in array S[]
        calculateSpan(price, n, S);
        // print the calculated span values
        printArray(S, n);
/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */


# Python3 program for a linear time
# solution for stock span problem
# without using stack
# An efficient method to calculate
# stock span values implementing
# the same idea without using stack
def calculateSpan(A, n, ans):
    # Span value of first element
    # is always 1
    ans[0] = 1
    # Calculate span values for rest
    # of the elements
    for i in range(1, n):
        counter = 1
        while ((i - counter) >= 0 and
              A[i] >= A[i - counter]):
            counter += ans[i - counter]
        ans[i] = counter
# A utility function to print elements
# of array
def printArray(arr, n):
    for i in range(n):
        print(arr[i], end = ' ')
# Driver code
price = [ 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 ]
n = len(price)
S = [0] * (n)
# Fill the span values in array S[]
calculateSpan(price, n, S)
# Print the calculated span values
printArray(S, n)
# This code is contributed by Prateek Gupta


// C# program for a linear time
// solution for stock span problem
// without using stack
using System;
public class GFG {
    // An efficient method to calculate
    // stock span values implementing the
    // same idea without using stack
    static void calculateSpan(int[] A,
                              int n, int[] ans)
        // Span value of first element is always 1
        ans[0] = 1;
        // Calculate span values for rest of the elements
        for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
            int counter = 1;
            while ((i - counter) >= 0 && A[i] >= A[i - counter]) {
                counter += ans[i - counter];
            ans[i] = counter;
    // A utility function to print elements of array
    static void printArray(int[] arr, int n)
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            Console.Write(arr[i] + " ");
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        int[] price = { 10, 4, 5, 90, 120, 80 };
        int n = price.Length;
        int[] S = new int[n];
        // Fill the span values in array S[]
        calculateSpan(price, n, S);
        // print the calculated span values
        printArray(S, n);
// This code has been contributed by 29AjayKumar


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  1. 在这种方法中,我使用了数据结构堆栈来实现这个任务。
  2. 这里使用了两个堆栈。一个堆栈存储实际股票价格,而另一个堆栈是临时堆栈。
  3. 库存跨度问题仅使用 Stack 的 Push 和 Pop 函数来解决。
  4. 只是为了获取输入值,我采用了数组“价格”并存储输出,使用了数组“跨度”。



// C program for the above approach
#define SIZE 7
// change size of  stack from here
// change this char to int if
// you want to create stack of
// int. rest all program will work fine
typedef int stackentry;
typedef struct stack {
    stackentry entry[SIZE];
    int top;
// stack is initialized by setting top pointer = -1.
void initialiseStack(STACK* s) { s->top = -1; }
// to check if stack is full.
int IsStackfull(STACK s)
    if (s.top == SIZE - 1) {
        return (1);
    return (0);
// to check if stack is empty.
int IsStackempty(STACK s)
    if (s.top == -1) {
        return (1);
    else {
        return (0);
// to push elements into the stack.
void push(stackentry d, STACK* s)
    if (!IsStackfull(*s)) {
        s->entry[(s->top) + 1] = d;
        s->top = s->top + 1;
// to pop element from stack.
stackentry pop(STACK* s)
    stackentry ans;
    if (!IsStackempty(*s)) {
        ans = s->entry[s->top];
        s->top = s->top - 1;
    else {
        // '\0'  will be returned if
        // stack is empty and of
        // char type.
        if (sizeof(stackentry) == 1)
            ans = '\0';
            // INT_MIN  will be returned
            // if stack is empty
            // and of int type.
            ans = INT_MIN;
    return (ans);
// The code for implementing stock
// span problem is written
// here in main function.
int main()
    // Just to store prices on 7 adjacent days
    int price[7] = { 100, 80, 60, 70, 60, 75, 85 };
    // in span array , span of each day will be stored.
    int span[7] = { 0 };
    int i;
    // stack 's' will store stock values of each
    // day. stack 'temp' is temporary stack
    STACK s, temp;
    // setting top pointer to -1.
    // count basically signifies span of
    // particular day.
    int count = 1;
    // since first day span is 1 only.
    span[0] = 1;
    push(price[0], &s);
    // calculate span of remaining days.
    for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
        // count will be span of that particular day.
        count = 1;
        // if current day stock is larger than previous day
        // span, then it will be popped out into temp stack.
        // popping will be carried out till span gets over
        // and count will be incremented .
        while (!IsStackempty(s)
               && s.entry[s.top] <= price[i]) {
            push(pop(&s), &temp);
        // now, one by one all stocks from temp will be
        // popped and pushed back to s.
        while (!IsStackempty(temp)) {
            push(pop(&temp), &s);
        // pushing current stock
        push(price[i], &s);
        // appending span of that particular
        // day into output array.
        span[i] = count;
    // printing the output.
    for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        printf("%d ", span[i]);
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