用于创建指定目录的压缩存档的 Shell 脚本
存档是将一组文件或文件夹存储到一个文件中的简单过程。有时我们可能需要从单个文件夹中创建一个压缩档案,以便我们可以与他人共享或用于其他目的。在 Linux 中,为了简化任务,我们可以创建一个 shell 脚本,通过仅提供文件夹名称来自动化创建存档的过程。
Tar 是 Tape Archive的首字母缩写词。它最初由 John Gilmore 于 1979 年 1 月在 AT&T 贝尔实验室创建。创建 tar实用程序的主要目的是从许多文件中有效地创建一个存档。 tar 命令从多个文件创建单个存档。这个新创建的存档也称为 tarball。 tar也可用于提取存档。
tar [option] [archive-filename] [file-or-folder-to-be-archived]
Sr. no. | Options (short forms) | Options (expanded forms) | Description |
1. | -c | –create | To create Archive |
2. | -x | –extract | To extract one or more file(s) from the archive |
3. | -f | –file=archive-name | To create an archive with a given filename/archive-name |
4. | -t | –list | To list the names of all the files in the archive. |
5. | -u | –update | To update the file in archives and add files to the end of the archive. |
6. | -v | –verbose | To display Verbose Information. |
注意:此处,archive-name 应替换为您要为存档提供的名称。
# Here we are checking if the directory name
# is provided in the argument or not.
# -z will check for the null string
# and $1 will check if the positional argument
# is passed or not
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
# If the name of the folder was not specified
# in the argument
# Then the following message will be displaed
# to the screen
echo "Warning : Please provide the folder name as an argument"
exit 0
# We need to verify whether the directory name
# entered by user really exists or not
# -d flag will be true if the directory name
# exists
if [ -d "$1" ]; then
# if directory control will enter
# creating a variable filename to hold the
# new file name i.e. new_archieve current date
# it will end with the extension ".tar.bz2".
filename="new_archive $(date '+%d-%m-%y').tar"
# Using tar --create option to create the
# archive and --file to set the new filename
tar --create --file="$filename" "$1"
echo "Archive successfully created."
# if the folder name does not exists
# we will simply display the following message
# to the screen
echo "WARNING: Directory name doesn't exists: $1"