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📜  使用 LINQ 打印姓名以字符“S”开头的员工的 C# 程序

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:54:55.585000             🧑  作者: Mango

使用 LINQ 打印姓名以字符“S”开头的员工的 C# 程序

LINQ 被称为语言集成查询,它是在 .NET 3.5 中引入的。它使 .NET 语言能够生成查询以从数据源中检索数据。它消除了编程语言和数据库之间的不匹配,并且无论使用哪种类型的数据源,用于创建查询的语法都是相同的。在本文中,我们将学习如何使用 LINQ 打印姓名以字母“S”开头的员工的详细信息。因此,为了完成我们的任务,我们使用 Where() 方法。此方法根据谓词过滤给定的值序列或数组,要使用此方法,您需要在程序中添加 System.Linq 和 System.Collections.Generic 命名空间。



Input : List of Employees:
        {{id = 101, name = "Sravan", age = 12},
         {id = 102, name = "deepu",  age = 15},
         {id = 103, name = "manoja", age = 13},
         {id = 104, name = "Sathwik", age = 12},
         {id = 105, name = "Saran",  age = 15}}
Output : {{id = 105, name = "sravan", age = 15},
          {id = 104, name = "Sathwik",age = 12},
          {id = 105, name = "Saran",  age = 15}}
Input : List of Employees:
        {{id = 102, name = "deepu",  age = 15},
         {id = 103, name = "manoja", age = 13}}
Output : No Output



// C# program to display the details of those 
// employees whose name starts with character "S"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Employee{
// Declare 4 variables - id, name, 
// department, and salary
int id; 
int salary;
string name;
string department;
// Get the to string method that returns 
// id, name, department, and salary
public override string ToString()
    return id + " " + name + " " + 
       salary + " " + department;
// Driver code
static void Main(string[] args)
    // Declare a list variable 
    List emp = new List()
        // Create 5 Employee details
        new Employee{ id = 101, name = "Sravan", 
                      salary = 12000, department = "HR" },
        new Employee{ id = 102, name = "deepu", 
                      salary = 15000, department = "Development" },
        new Employee{ id = 103, name = "manoja", 
                      salary = 13000, department = "HR" },
        new Employee{ id = 104, name = "Sathwik", 
                      salary = 12000, department = "Designing" },
        new Employee{ id = 105, name = "Saran", 
                      salary = 15000, department = "Development" }
    // Iterate the Employee by selecting Employee 
    // name starts with S
    IEnumerable result = emp.Where(x => x.name[0] == 'S');
    // Display employee details
    Console.WriteLine("ID  Name  Salary  Department");
    foreach (Employee e in result)
        // Call the to string method


ID  Name  Salary  Department
101 Sravan 12000 HR
104 Sathwik 12000 Designing
105 Saran 15000 Development