📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-18 08:37:09             🧑  作者: Mango
解析程序用于查找要从中下载库的位置。依赖项解析器还处理常见任务。 Ivy提供两种类型的解析器。
Sr.No. | Name (Type) & Description |
1 |
IvyRep (Standard) Locates Ivy files on ivyrep and artifacts on ibiblio. |
2 |
IBiblio (Standard) Locates artifacts on ibiblio. |
3 |
BinTray (Standard) Locates artifacts on bintray. |
4 |
Packager (Standard) Locates Ivy files and packaging instructions via URLs, creates artifacts using instructions. |
5 |
FileSystem (Standard) Locates Ivy files and artifacts on local file system. |
6 |
URL (Standard) Locates Ivy files and artifacts on repositories which can be accessed using URLs. |
7 |
MirroredURL (Standard) Locates Ivy files and artifacts on repositories which can be accessed using URLs from a mirror list. |
8 |
VFS (Standard) Locates Ivy files and artifacts on repositories which can be accessed using Apache Commons VFS. |
9 |
SSH (Standard) Locates Ivy files and artifacts on repositories which can be accessed using SSH. |
10 |
SFTP (Standard) Locates Ivy files and artifacts on repositories which can be accessed using SFTP. |
11 |
Jar (Standard) Locates Ivy files and artifacts on repositories within a jar. |
12 |
Chain (Composite) Delegates the search to a chain of sub resolvers. |
13 |
Dual (Composite) Delegates the search to a one resolver and artifacts to another. |
14 |
OBR (Standard) Resolve modules as OSGi bundles listed by an OSGi obr.xml. |
15 |
Eclipse updatesite (Standard) Resolve modules as OSGi bundles which are hosted on an Eclipse update site. |
16 |
OSGi-agg (Composite) Delegates the search to a chain of sub resolvers supporting OSGi bundles. |
让我们在E:> ivy2文件夹下的新项目中创建Tester.java,build.xml和ivy.xml,类似于IVY-解决任务一章中所述。在E:> ivy2下创建一个设置文件夹。在设置文件夹中创建ivysettings.xml。
由于我们已经准备好所有文件。只是去控制台。浏览至E:> ivy2文件夹,然后运行ant命令。
E:\ivy > ant
Buildfile: E:\ivy2\build.xml
[ivy:resolve] :: Apache Ivy 2.5.0 - 20191020104435 :: https://ant.apache.org/ivy
/ ::
[ivy:resolve] :: loading settings :: url = jar:file:/E:/Apache/apache-ant-1.9.14
[ivy:resolve] :: resolving dependencies :: org.apache#chained-resolvers;working@
[ivy:resolve] confs: [default]
[ivy:resolve] found commons-lang#commons-lang;2.6 in public
[ivy:resolve] found com.tutorialspoint#test;1.0 in local
[ivy:resolve] found junit#junit;3.8.1 in public
[ivy:resolve] downloading C:\Users\Acer\.ivy2\local\com.tutorialspoint\test\1.0\
jars\application.jar ...
[ivy:resolve] .. (1kB)
[ivy:resolve] .. (0kB)
[ivy:resolve] [SUCCESSFUL ] com.tutorialspoint#test;1.0!application.jar (13ms)
[ivy:resolve] :: resolution report :: resolve 1085ms :: artifacts dl 22ms
| | modules || artifacts |
| conf | number| search|dwnlded|evicted|| number|dwnlded|
| default | 3 | 3 | 1 | 0 || 5 | 1 |
Total time: 9 seconds