Java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime 类用于获取表示该文件时间戳的值,即该文件上次修改、访问或创建的时间。
public final class FileTime
extends Object
implements Comparable
方法:Method Description compareTo(FileTime other) This method compares the value of two FileTime objects for the order. equals(Object obj) This method tests this FileTime for equality with the given object. from(Instant instant) This method returns a FileTime representing the same point of time value on the time-line as the provided Instant object. from(long value, TimeUnit unit) This method returns a FileTime representing a value at the given unit of granularity. fromMillis(long value) This method returns a FileTime representing the given value in milliseconds. hashCode() This method computes a hash code for this file time. to(TimeUnit unit) This method returns the value at the given unit of granularity. toInstant() This method converts this FileTime object to an Instant. toMillis() This method returns the value in milliseconds. toString() This method returns the string representation of this FileTime.
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileTime;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class GFG {
public static void main(String[] args)
// Variables for storing time values
long v1 = 21;
long v2 = 356;
// Creating an Instant.
Instant instant
= Instant.parse("2017-02-03T10:37:30.00Z");
// Creating FileTime object using from
// Method This method takes an Integer
// value and a timeunit as parameters.
FileTime filetime2
= FileTime.from(v2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
// Creating FileTime object using fromMillis method.
FileTime filetime1 = FileTime.fromMillis(v1);
// Creating FileTime object using from Method
// This method takes an Instant as parameters.
FileTime filetime3 = FileTime.from(instant);
// Method to convert this filetime to an instant.
Instant instantFromFileTime = filetime3.toInstant();
// Method to convert filetime1 to this timeunit.
// Method to check if filetime1
// is equal to filetime2 or not.
if (filetime1.equals(filetime2))
System.out.println("FileTime are equal");
System.out.println("FileTime are not equal");
// Method to print hashvalue of filetime1.
// Method to convert filetime1 to milliseconds.
// Method to comapre filetime1 and filetime2.
// Method to print string
// representation of filetime1.
FileTime are not equal