📜  docker secrets max lenght - Shell-Bash (1)

📅  最后修改于: 2023-12-03 14:40:49.714000             🧑  作者: Mango

Docker Secrets: Maximum Length

In Docker, secrets are used to securely store sensitive information such as passwords, API keys, or certificates. The docker secrets command is used to manage secret data within a Docker swarm. One important aspect of secrets is their maximum length, which determines the size limit for storing sensitive data.

Maximum Length Limit

The maximum length limit for a Docker secret varies depending on the version of Docker you are using. As of Docker 20.10, the maximum length of a Docker secret is 500,000 bytes (or 500 KB). This means that any secret added or updated in the swarm should not exceed this length limit.

Handling Secret Length Limitations

When handling secrets, it is important to keep in mind the maximum length limitation and ensure that the sensitive data can fit within this size restriction. If a secret exceeds the maximum length, Docker will not allow you to add or update the secret in the swarm.

To handle secret length limitations effectively, consider the following steps:

  1. Carefully review the secret data: Analyze the sensitive information you intend to store as a secret and ensure it is concise and doesn't contain unnecessary data. This will help reduce the risk of exceeding the maximum length limit.

  2. Compression or encryption: If the secret data is still too large to fit within the length limitation, consider compressing or encrypting the data before storing it as a secret. Docker does not provide built-in compression or encryption mechanisms for secrets, so you will need to handle this external to Docker.

  3. Splitting the secret: If the secret's length is unavoidable and exceeds the maximum limit even after compression or encryption, you may need to split the data into multiple smaller secrets. This can be achieved by dividing the data logically and using unique names for each part.

Example Code Snippet

To demonstrate the usage of Docker secrets and its maximum length limitation, here is an example code snippet using the Docker CLI:

# Create a secret from a file
$ echo "mysecretpassword" | docker secret create my_secret_password -

# List all secrets
$ docker secret ls

# Inspect a specific secret
$ docker secret inspect my_secret_password

# Update a secret
$ echo "newpassword" | docker secret update --secret-add-rm my_secret_password -

# Remove a secret
$ docker secret rm my_secret_password

Remember to replace my_secret_password with your desired secret name and adjust the secret data accordingly.


Understanding the maximum length limitation of Docker secrets is crucial when it comes to securely storing sensitive data within a Docker swarm. By being aware of this limitation, carefully reviewing the secret data, and implementing appropriate strategies such as compression, encryption, or splitting, you can effectively manage secrets within Docker.