📜  MySQL和Oracle之间的区别

📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-19 09:19:27             🧑  作者: Mango


MySQL和Oracle是小型和大型公司中使用的两个著名的关系数据库。尽管Oracle Corporation支持两个数据库,但它们也有很多差异。与MySQL相比,Oracle是更强大的软件。在本节中,我们将基于各种参数比较MySQL和Oracle数据库系统之间的差异。


MySQL是流行的数据库管理系统,用于管理关系数据库。它是Oracle公司支持的开源数据库软件。与Microsoft SQL Server和Oracle Database相比,它是快速,可伸缩且易于使用的数据库管理系统。它通常与PHP脚本一起使用,以创建功能强大且动态的服务器端或基于Web的企业应用程序。

它由瑞典公司MySQL AB开发和支持,并用C和C++编程语言编写。许多大小公司都使用MySQL。 MySQL支持使用C,C++和Java语言的许多操作系统,例如Windows,Linux,MacOS等。



  • MySQL是一个关系数据库管理系统,易于使用。我们仅需使用一些简单的SQL语句即可构建MySQL并与之交互。
  • 这是安全的,因为密码是在MySQL中加密的。
  • 它遵循客户端/服务器架构。
  • 它是免费和开源的。
  • 它是可扩展的。
  • 它允许事务回滚,提交和崩溃恢复。
  • 它提供了高性能,高灵活性和高生产率。


Oracle是一个关系数据库系统,提供了自动驱动,自我保护,自我修复,旨在消除易于出错的手动数据库管理。 Oracle是可以在各种操作系统上运行的跨平台数据库系统。它允许快速安全地存储和检索数据。它对学生免费,但不能用于商业目的。它是第一个为商业目的而开发的,使用查询语言来操纵数据的数据库软件。 Oracle于1980年发布,具有基本的SQL功能。该软件是可扩展的,可移植的,分布式的和可编程的。



  • Oracle数据库是跨平台的,因为它可以在各种操作系统上运行,例如Windows,Linux,Mac等。
  • 它支持逻辑数据库结构,该结构允许与数据库进行交互而无需知道数据的物理存储。
  • 它是可扩展的,可移植的,分布式的和可编程的。
  • 它可以快速处理大量数据。
  • 它支持ACID属性,使我们能够维护您数据的完整性和可靠性。
  • Oracle具有网络堆栈,使我们能够与oracle数据库在不同平台上顺利地通信应用程序。
  • 它具有一个恢复管理器工具,可提供冷,热和增量数据库备份和恢复。



Comparison Basis MySQL Oracle
Introduction It is an open-source, cross-platform relational database management system built by Swedish Company MYSQL AB and currently supported by the Oracle. Oracle is a relational database system (RDBMS) that implements object-oriented features. It allows to store and retrieve data quickly and safely. It can handle a large amount of data.
Release It was released in 1995. It was released in 1980.
Cost It is free and open-source. It is licensed under the GNU. It is licensed for commercial purposes, but it provides the express edition for free. The express edition is recommended for students only.
Scalability MySQL database is used for small and big businesses. Oracle database is used for very large scale deployments.
Data Partitioning It does not support data partitioning. It supports data partitioning.
Security It requires a username, password, and host to access the database. It requires a username, password, and profile validation to access the database.
System Type It only works with the static system. It can work with both static and dynamic systems.
Null Value MySQL supports the null value. Oracle does not support the null value.
Character MySQL support only two characters that are CHAR and VARCHAR. Oracle supports four different characters that are CHAR, VARCHAR2, NCHAR, and NVARCHAR2.
Backup Mechanism It offers only two backup mechanisms that are mysqlhotcopy and mysqldump. It offers many backup mechanisms that are backup, hot backup, import, export, etc.
XML Support It does not support XML. It supports XML.
Storage Features It contains only a few storage features like tablespace, synonym, packages, and many others. It supports many storage features that are tablespace, synonym, packages, etc.
Locking facility MySQL has only a table locking facility. Oracle has table locking as well as a row locking facility.
Language support MySQL support only SQL language. Oracle supports both SQL and PL/SQL languages.
Operating System Support It supports the following Operating System:
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux
  • UNIX
  • z/OS
  • BSD
  • Symbian
  • AmigaOS
It supports the following Operating System:
  • Windows
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux
  • UNIX
  • z/OS