📅  最后修改于: 2020-11-29 06:00:45             🧑  作者: Mango
Index | Conditions | Explanation |
1) | AND Condition | It is used when 2 or more conditions to be met. |
2) | OR Condition | It is used when any one of the conditions are met. |
3) | AND & OR | It is used when AND & OR both conditions are met. |
4) | LIKE Condition | Use simple pattern matching (wildcards) in a where clause. |
5) | RLIKE Condition | Use regular expression matching in a where clause |
6) | IN Condition | It is used as an alternative to multiple OR conditions |
7) | NOT condition | It is used to negate a condition |
8) | IS NULL condition | It is used ti test for a null value. |
9) | IS NOT NULL Condition | It is used to test for a not null value. |
10) | BETWEEN Condition | It is used to retrieve within a range (inclusive). |
11) | EXISTS Condition | It is used specify if condition is met then subquery returns at least one row. |