Python| os.DirEntry.stat() 方法
Python中的OS 模块提供了与操作系统交互的功能。操作系统属于 Python 的标准实用程序模块。该模块提供了一种使用操作系统相关功能的可移植方式。
os 模块的os.scandir()
对象,对应于指定路径给定的目录中的条目。 os.DirEntry
注意: os.DirEntry
Syntax: os.DirEntry.stat(*, follow_symlinks = True)
follow_symlinks: A boolean value is required for this parameter. If the entry is a symbolic link and follow_symlinks is True then the method will operate on the path symbolic link point to. If the entry is a symbolic link and follow_symlinks is False then the method will operate on the symbolic link itself. If the entry is not a symbolic link then follow_symlinks parameter is ignored. The default value of this parameter is True.
Return value: This method returns an os.stat_result object for the entry. Following are the attributes of os.stat_result object:
- st_mode: It represents file type and file mode bits (permissions).
- st_ino: It represents the inode number on Unix and the file index on Windows platform.
- st_dev: It represents the identifier of the device on which this file resides.
- st_nlink: It represents the number of hard links.
- st_uid: It represents the user identifier of the file owner.
- st_gid: It represents the group identifier of the file owner.
- st_size: It represents the size of the file in bytes.
- st_atime: It represents the time of most recent access. It is expressed in seconds.
- st_mtime: It represents the time of most recent content modification. It is expressed in seconds.
- st_ctime: It represents the time of most recent metadata change on Unix and creation time on Windows. It is expressed in seconds.
- st_atime_ns: It is same as st_atime but the time is expressed in nanoseconds as an integer.
- st_mtime_ns: It is same as st_mtime but the time is expressed in nanoseconds as an integer.
- st_ctime_ns: It is same as st_ctime but the time is expressed in nanoseconds as an integer.
- st_blocks: It represents the number of 512-byte blocks allocated for file.
- st_rdev: It represents the type of device, if an inode device.
- st_flags: It represents the user defined flags for file.
代码: os.DirEntry.stat()
# Python program to explain os.DirEntry.stat() method
# importing os module
import os
# Directory to be scanned
# Path
path = "/home / ihritik"
# Print status of all
# files in the above
# specified path
# Using os.scandir() method
# scan the specified directory
# and yield os.DirEntry object
# for each file and sub-directory
print("Status of all files in path '% s':" % path)
with os.scandir(path) as itr:
for entry in itr :
# Check if the entry
# is a file
if entry.is_file() :
# Print file status
print("Status of % s:" %
print(entry.stat(), "\n")
Status of all files in path '/home/ihritik':
Status of file.txt:
os.stat_result(st_mode=33248, st_ino=801366, st_dev=2056, st_nlink=2, st_uid=1000,
st_gid=1000, st_size=409, st_atime=1566360293, st_mtime=1566287810,
Status of tree.cpp:
os.stat_result(st_mode=33188, st_ino=801364, st_dev=2056, st_nlink=1, st_uid=1000,
st_gid=1000, st_size=820, st_atime=1565604415, st_mtime=1565604415,
Status of graph.cpp:
os.stat_result(st_mode=33188, st_ino=801237, st_dev=2056, st_nlink=1, st_uid=1000,
st_gid=1000, st_size=1729, st_atime=1561515200, st_mtime=1561515069,
Status of abc.txt
os.stat_result(st_mode=33434, st_ino=801196, st_dev=2056, st_nlink=1, st_uid=1000,
st_gid=1000, st_size=0, st_atime=1560204341, st_mtime=1560204341,
参考资料: https://docs。