📌  相关文章
📜  在Python中查找字符串中每个单词的频率

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:01.692000             🧑  作者: Mango




Input :  str[] = "Apple Mango Orange Mango Guava Guava Mango" 
Output : frequency of Apple is : 1
         frequency of Mango is : 3
         frequency of Orange is : 1
         frequency of Guava is : 2

Input :  str = "Train Bus Bus Train Taxi Aeroplane Taxi Bus"
Output : frequency of Train is : 2
         frequency of Bus is : 3
         frequency of Taxi is : 2
         frequency of Aeroplane is : 1

方法 1 使用 list():

string_name.split(separator) method is used to split the string 
by specified separator(delimiter) into the list.
If delimiter is not provided then white space is a separator. 

For example:
CODE   : str='This is my book'
OUTPUT : ['This', 'is', 'my', 'book']

4.遍历新列表,并使用count函数(即string.count( 字符串 [iteration]))在每次迭代中找到单词的频率。

string_name.count(substring) is used to find no. of occurrence of 
substring in a given string.

For example:
CODE   : str='Apple Mango Apple'
# Python code to find frequency of each word
def freq(str):
    # break the string into list of words 
    str = str.split()         
    str2 = []
    # loop till string values present in list str
    for i in str:             
        # checking for the duplicacy
        if i not in str2:
            # insert value in str2
    for i in range(0, len(str2)):
        # count the frequency of each word(present 
        # in str2) in str and print
        print('Frequency of', str2[i], 'is :', str.count(str2[i]))    
def main():
    str ='apple mango apple orange orange apple guava mango mango'
if __name__=="__main__":
    main()             # call main function

# Python3 code to find frequency of each word
# function for calculating the frequency
def freq(str):
    # break the string into list of words
    str_list = str.split()
    # gives set of unique words
    unique_words = set(str_list)
    for words in unique_words :
        print('Frequency of ', words , 'is :', str_list.count(words))
# driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    str ='apple mango apple orange orange apple guava mango mango'
    # calling the freq function


Frequency of  apple  is :  3
Frequency of  mango  is :  3
Frequency of  orange  is :  2
Frequency of  guava  is :  1

使用 set() 的方法 2:
3.对集合进行迭代,并使用count函数(即string.count( 字符串[iteration]))在每次迭代中找到单词的频率。


# Python3 code to find frequency of each word
# function for calculating the frequency
def freq(str):
    # break the string into list of words
    str_list = str.split()
    # gives set of unique words
    unique_words = set(str_list)
    for words in unique_words :
        print('Frequency of ', words , 'is :', str_list.count(words))
# driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    str ='apple mango apple orange orange apple guava mango mango'
    # calling the freq function


Frequency of  apple  is :  3
Frequency of  mango  is :  3
Frequency of  orange  is :  2
Frequency of  guava  is :  1

方法 3(使用字典)

# Find frequency of each word in a string in Python
# using dictionary.
def count(elements):
    # check if each word has '.' at its last. If so then ignore '.'
    if elements[-1] == '.':
        elements = elements[0:len(elements) - 1]
    # if there exists a key as "elements" then simply
    # increase its value.
    if elements in dictionary:
        dictionary[elements] += 1
    # if the dictionary does not have the key as "elements" 
    # then create a key "elements" and assign its value to 1.
        dictionary.update({elements: 1})
# driver input to check the program.
Sentence = "Apple Mango Orange Mango Guava Guava Mango"
# Declare a dictionary
dictionary = {}
# split all the word of the string.
lst = Sentence.split()
# take each word from lst and pass it to the method count.
for elements in lst:
# print the keys and its corresponding values.
for allKeys in dictionary:
    print ("Frequency of ", allKeys, end = " ")
    print (":", end = " ")
    print (dictionary[allKeys], end = " ")
# This code is contributed by Ronit Shrivastava.