📜  RSpec-匹配器

📅  最后修改于: 2020-12-06 10:55:33             🧑  作者: Mango

如果您还记得我们最初的Hello World示例,则其中包含以下内容:

expect(message).to eq "Hello World!"

关键字eql是RSpec “匹配器”。在这里,我们将介绍RSpec中的其他类型的匹配器。



Matcher Description Example
eq Passes when actual == expected expect(actual).to eq expected
eql Passes when actual.eql?(expected) expect(actual).to eql expected
be Passes when actual.equal?(expected) expect(actual).to be expected
equal Also passes when actual.equal?(expected) expect(actual).to equal expected

describe "An example of the equality Matchers" do 

   it "should show how the equality Matchers work" do 
      a = "test string" 
      b = a 
      # The following Expectations will all pass 
      expect(a).to eq "test string" 
      expect(a).to eql "test string" 
      expect(a).to be b 
      expect(a).to equal b 


Finished in 0.036 seconds (files took 0.11901 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures



Matcher Description Example
> Passes when actual > expected expect(actual).to be > expected
>= Passes when actual >= expected expect(actual).to be >= expected
< Passes when actual < expected expect(actual).to be < expected
<= Passes when actual <= expected expect(actual).to be <= expected
be_between inclusive Passes when actual is <= min and >= max expect(actual).to be_between(min, max).inclusive
be_between exclusive Passes when actual is < min and > max expect(actual).to be_between(min, max).exclusive
match Passes when actual matches a regular expression expect(actual).to match(/regex/)

describe "An example of the comparison Matchers" do

   it "should show how the comparison Matchers work" do
      a = 1
      b = 2
      c = 3        
      d = 'test string'
      # The following Expectations will all pass
      expect(b).to be > a
      expect(a).to be >= a 
      expect(a).to be < b 
      expect(b).to be <= b 
      expect(c).to be_between(1,3).inclusive 
      expect(b).to be_between(1,3).exclusive 
      expect(d).to match /TEST/i 


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1 example, 0 failures



Matcher Description Example
be_instance_of Passes when actual is an instance of the expected class. expect(actual).to be_instance_of(Expected)
be_kind_of Passes when actual is an instance of the expected class or any of its parent classes. expect(actual).to be_kind_of(Expected)
respond_to Passes when actual responds to the specified method. expect(actual).to respond_to(expected)

describe "An example of the type/class Matchers" do
   it "should show how the type/class Matchers work" do
      x = 1 
      y = 3.14 
      z = 'test string' 
      # The following Expectations will all pass
      expect(x).to be_instance_of Fixnum 
      expect(y).to be_kind_of Numeric 
      expect(z).to respond_to(:length) 


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1 example, 0 failures



Matcher Description Example
be true Passes when actual == true expect(actual).to be true
be false Passes when actual == false expect(actual).to be false
be_truthy Passes when actual is not false or nil expect(actual).to be_truthy
be_falsey Passes when actual is false or nil expect(actual).to be_falsey
be_nil Passes when actual is nil expect(actual).to be_nil

describe "An example of the true/false/nil Matchers" do
   it "should show how the true/false/nil Matchers work" do
      x = true 
      y = false 
      z = nil 
      a = "test string" 
      # The following Expectations will all pass
      expect(x).to be true 
      expect(y).to be false 
      expect(a).to be_truthy 
      expect(z).to be_falsey 
      expect(z).to be_nil 


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1 example, 0 failures



Matcher Description Example
raise_error(ErrorClass) Passes when the block raises an error of type ErrorClass. expect {block}.to raise_error(ErrorClass)
raise_error(“error message”) Passes when the block raise an error with the message “error message”. expect {block}.to raise_error(“error message”)
raise_error(ErrorClass, “error message”) Passes when the block raises an error of type ErrorClass with the message “error message” expect {block}.to raise_error(ErrorClass,“error message”)

将以下代码保存到名称为error_matcher_spec.rb的文件中,并使用以下命令运行它-rspec error_matcher_spec.rb

describe "An example of the error Matchers" do 
   it "should show how the error Matchers work" do 
      # The following Expectations will all pass 
      expect { 1/0 }.to raise_error(ZeroDivisionError)
      expect { 1/0 }.to raise_error("divided by 0") 
      expect { 1/0 }.to raise_error("divided by 0", ZeroDivisionError) 


Finished in 0.002 seconds (files took 0.12101 seconds to load) 
1 example, 0 failures