📜  FIFO 推送重标签算法

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:56:06.220000             🧑  作者: Mango

FIFO 推送重标签算法

push-relabel 算法(或者,pre flow-push 算法)是一种用于计算流网络中最大流量的算法。 Push-relabel 算法以比 Ford Fulkerson 方法更本地化的方式工作。 push-relabel 算法不是检查整个残差网络来寻找增广路径,而是一次对一个顶点工作,只查看残差网络中顶点的邻居。


push relabels 算法可以从流体流动的角度来理解。所有顶点代表管道连接点,所有有向边代表具有特定容量的管道。每个顶点都有两个特殊属性。它们包含一个水库来存储任何多余的流量,并且顶点与水库一起放置在特定高度的平台上。

我们只能将流向下推,即从较高高度的顶点到较低高度的顶点。最初,源的高度为 V(顶点数),而汇的高度为 0。所有其他顶点的高度为 0,并随着算法的进行而增加。首先,我们将尽可能多的流量从源头发送到其所有中间顶点,并将其存储在它们的水库中。

现在源的所有中间顶点都溢出了。我们不能向前推动流,因为它们将位于高度 0。为了向前发送流,我们必须将它们的高度增加 1。




  1. 推:推操作应用于溢出的顶点以推动流向前。该算法找到u的相邻顶点,这些顶点的高度低于u 。对于每个这样的相邻顶点,它发送最大可能的流量,即u 处多余流量的最小值和连接 uv的边的容量。
  2. 重新标记:重新标记操作应用于溢出的顶点u以增加其高度。该算法找到具有最小高度的u的相邻顶点v 。然后更新
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    Error: Nothing to show, formula is empty


通用的 push-relabel 算法使用一个 initialize - pre flow函数。该函数在下面介绍,然后是算法。

FIFO Push-Relabel vs Push-Relabel

FIFO push relabel 是对原始 push relabel 的优化。我们不是花费线性时间寻找溢出的顶点,而是将所有溢出的顶点组织在一个队列中。这样做可以让我们在恒定时间内找到一个溢出的顶点。这将时间复杂度从 O(V 2 E) 降低到O(V 3 )。

FIFO Push-Relabel算法的实现

示例问题陈述:在下面的代码中,有向图已被封装在一个已首先实现的 DirectedGraph 类中。它包含一个嵌套类 Vertex,它封装了图形的边缘。考虑下面给出的图表 -

0 -> 1的边将被一个顶点对象V(1, 3)封装,其中 1 是目的地,3 是权重。它将存储在邻接矩阵的索引 0 处。这是上图的邻接矩阵。

0: [[1, 3], [3, 4]]
1: [[2, 1]]
2: [[3, 2]]
3: []
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
// DirectedGraph class explained above
class DirectedGraph {
    public static class Vertex {
        // number of the end vertex
        // weight or capacity
        // associated with the edge
        Integer i;
        Integer w;
        public Vertex(Integer i, Integer w)
            this.i = i;
            this.w = w;
    final ArrayList > adjacencyList;
    int vertices;
    public DirectedGraph(int vertices)
        this.vertices = vertices;
        adjacencyList = new ArrayList<>(vertices);
        for (int i = 0; i < vertices; i++)
            adjacencyList.add(new ArrayList<>());
    public void addEdge(Integer u, Integer v,
                        Integer weight)
            .add(new Vertex(v, weight));
    boolean hasEdge(int u, int v)
        if (u >= vertices)
            return false;
        for (Vertex vertex : adjacencyList.get(u))
            if (vertex.i == v)
                return true;
        return false;
    // Returns null if no edge
    // is found between u and v
    DirectedGraph.Vertex getEdge(int u, int v)
        for (DirectedGraph.Vertex vertex :
            if (vertex.i == v)
                return vertex;
        return null;
public class MaxFlow {
    private final int source;
    private final int sink;
    private final DirectedGraph graph;
    private DirectedGraph residualGraph;
    public MaxFlow(DirectedGraph graph,
                   int source,
                   int sink)
        this.graph = graph;
        this.source = source;
        this.sink = sink;
    private void initResidualGraph()
            = new DirectedGraph(graph.vertices);
        // Construct residual graph
        for (int u = 0; u < graph.vertices; u++) {
            for (DirectedGraph.Vertex v :
                 graph.adjacencyList.get(u)) {
                // If forward edge already
                // exists, update its weight
                if (residualGraph.hasEdge(u, v.i))
                    residualGraph.getEdge(u, v.i).w
                        += v.w;
                // In case it does not
                // exist, create one
                    residualGraph.addEdge(u, v.i, v.w);
                // If backward edge does
                // not already exist, add it
                if (!residualGraph.hasEdge(v.i, u))
                    residualGraph.addEdge(v.i, u, 0);
    public int FIFOPushRelabel()
        LinkedList queue
            = new LinkedList<>();
        // Step 1: Initialize pre-flow
        // to store excess flow
        int[] e = new int[graph.vertices];
        // to store height of vertices
        int[] h
            = new int[graph.vertices];
        boolean[] inQueue
            = new boolean[graph.vertices];
        // set the height of source to V
        h = graph.vertices;
        // send maximum flow possible
        // from source to all its adjacent vertices
        for (DirectedGraph.Vertex v :
             graph.adjacencyList.get(source)) {
            residualGraph.getEdge(source, v.i).w = 0;
            residualGraph.getEdge(v.i, source).w = v.w;
            // update excess flow
            e[v.i] = v.w;
            if (v.i != sink) {
                inQueue[v.i] = true;
        // Step 2: Update the pre-flow
        // while there remains an applicable
        // push or relabel operation
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            // vertex removed from
            // queue in constant time
            int u = queue.removeFirst();
            inQueue[u] = false;
            relabel(u, h);
            push(u, e, h, queue, inQueue);
        return e[sink];
    private void relabel(int u, int[] h)
        int minHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (DirectedGraph.Vertex v :
             residualGraph.adjacencyList.get(u)) {
            if (v.w > 0)
                minHeight = Math.min(h[v.i],
        h[u] = minHeight + 1;
    private void push(int u, int[] e, int[] h,
                      LinkedList queue,
                      boolean[] inQueue)
        for (DirectedGraph.Vertex v :
             residualGraph.adjacencyList.get(u)) {
            // after pushing flow if
            // there is no excess flow,
            // then break
            if (e[u] == 0)
            // push more flow to
            // the adjacent v if possible
            if (v.w > 0 && h[v.i] < h[u]) {
                // flow possible
                int f = Math.min(e[u], v.w);
                v.w -= f;
                residualGraph.getEdge(v.i, u).w += f;
                e[u] -= f;
                e[v.i] += f;
                // add the new overflowing
                // immediate vertex to queue
                if (!inQueue[v.i] && v.i != source
                    && v.i != sink) {
                    inQueue[v.i] = true;
        // if after sending flow to all the
        // intermediate vertices, the
        // vertex is still overflowing.
        // add it to queue again
        if (e[u] != 0) {
            inQueue[u] = true;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        final int vertices = 6;
        final int source = 0;
        final int sink = 5;
        DirectedGraph dg
            = new DirectedGraph(vertices);
        dg.addEdge(0, 1, 16);
        dg.addEdge(0, 2, 13);
        dg.addEdge(1, 2, 10);
        dg.addEdge(2, 1, 4);
        dg.addEdge(1, 3, 12);
        dg.addEdge(3, 2, 9);
        dg.addEdge(2, 4, 14);
        dg.addEdge(4, 5, 4);
        dg.addEdge(4, 3, 7);
        dg.addEdge(3, 5, 20);
        MaxFlow maxFlow
            = new MaxFlow(
                dg, source, sink);
            "Max flow: "
            + maxFlow.FIFOPushRelabel());

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// DirectedGraph class explained above
class DirectedGraph
  public class Vertex
    // number of the end vertex
    // weight or capacity
    // associated with the edge
    public int i;
    public int w;
    public Vertex(int i, int w)
      this.i = i;
      this.w = w;
  readonly public  List > adjacencyList;
  public int vertices;
  public DirectedGraph(int vertices)
    this.vertices = vertices;
    adjacencyList = new List >(vertices);
    for (int i = 0; i < vertices; i++)
      adjacencyList.Add(new List());
  public void addEdge(int u, int v,
                      int weight)
      .Add(new Vertex(v, weight));
  public bool hasEdge(int u, int v)
    if (u >= vertices)
      return false;
    foreach (Vertex vertex in adjacencyList[u])
      if (vertex.i == v)
        return true;
    return false;
  // Returns null if no edge
  // is found between u and v
  public DirectedGraph.Vertex getEdge(int u, int v)
    foreach (DirectedGraph.Vertex vertex in
      if (vertex.i == v)
        return vertex;
    return null;
public class MaxFlow {
  private readonly int source;
  private readonly int sink;
  private readonly DirectedGraph graph;
  private DirectedGraph residualGraph;
  MaxFlow(DirectedGraph graph,
          int source,
          int sink)
    this.graph = graph;
    this.source = source;
    this.sink = sink;
  private void initResidualGraph()
      = new DirectedGraph(graph.vertices);
    // Construct residual graph
    for (int u = 0; u < graph.vertices; u++) {
      foreach (DirectedGraph.Vertex v in
               graph.adjacencyList[u]) {
        // If forward edge already
        // exists, update its weight
        if (residualGraph.hasEdge(u, v.i))
          residualGraph.getEdge(u, v.i).w
          += v.w;
        // In case it does not
        // exist, create one
          residualGraph.addEdge(u, v.i, v.w);
        // If backward edge does
        // not already exist, add it
        if (!residualGraph.hasEdge(v.i, u))
          residualGraph.addEdge(v.i, u, 0);
  public int FIFOPushRelabel()
    List queue
      = new List();
    // Step 1: Initialize pre-flow
    // to store excess flow
    int[] e = new int[graph.vertices];
    // to store height of vertices
    int[] h
      = new int[graph.vertices];
    bool[] inQueue
      = new bool[graph.vertices];
    // set the height of source to V
    h = graph.vertices;
    // send maximum flow possible
    // from source to all its adjacent vertices
    foreach (DirectedGraph.Vertex v in
             graph.adjacencyList) {
      residualGraph.getEdge(source, v.i).w = 0;
      residualGraph.getEdge(v.i, source).w = v.w;
      // update excess flow
      e[v.i] = v.w;
      if (v.i != sink) {
        inQueue[v.i] = true;
    // Step 2: Update the pre-flow
    // while there remains an applicable
    // push or relabel operation
    while (queue.Count!=0) {
      // vertex removed from
      // queue in constant time
      int u = queue[0];
      inQueue[u] = false;
      relabel(u, h);
      push(u, e, h, queue, inQueue);
    return e[sink];
  private void relabel(int u, int[] h)
    int minHeight = int.MaxValue;
    foreach (DirectedGraph.Vertex v in
             residualGraph.adjacencyList[u]) {
      if (v.w > 0)
        minHeight = Math.Min(h[v.i],
    h[u] = minHeight + 1;
  private void push(int u, int[] e, int[] h,
                    List queue,
                    bool[] inQueue)
    foreach (DirectedGraph.Vertex v in
      // after pushing flow if
      // there is no excess flow,
      // then break
      if (e[u] == 0)
      // push more flow to
      // the adjacent v if possible
      if (v.w > 0 && h[v.i] < h[u]) {
        // flow possible
        int f = Math.Min(e[u], v.w);
        v.w -= f;
        residualGraph.getEdge(v.i, u).w += f;
        e[u] -= f;
        e[v.i] += f;
        // add the new overflowing
        // immediate vertex to queue
        if (!inQueue[v.i] && v.i != source
            && v.i != sink) {
          inQueue[v.i] = true;
    // if after sending flow to all the
    // intermediate vertices, the
    // vertex is still overflowing.
    // add it to queue again
    if (e[u] != 0) {
      inQueue[u] = true;
  public static void Main(String[] args)
    int vertices = 6;
    int source = 0;
    int sink = 5;
    DirectedGraph dg
      = new DirectedGraph(vertices);
    dg.addEdge(0, 1, 16);
    dg.addEdge(0, 2, 13);
    dg.addEdge(1, 2, 10);
    dg.addEdge(2, 1, 4);
    dg.addEdge(1, 3, 12);
    dg.addEdge(3, 2, 9);
    dg.addEdge(2, 4, 14);
    dg.addEdge(4, 5, 4);
    dg.addEdge(4, 3, 7);
    dg.addEdge(3, 5, 20);
    MaxFlow maxFlow
      = new MaxFlow(
      dg, source, sink);
      "Max flow: "
      + maxFlow.FIFOPushRelabel());
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

Max flow: 23

时间复杂度: O(V 3 )