📜  BTC vs BCH – 比特币和比特币现金之间的 7 个区别

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:58:10.780000             🧑  作者: Mango

BTC vs BCH – 比特币和比特币现金之间的 7 个区别

比特币是第一个加密货币,被公认为数字黄金。由于更多的交易对和更高的流动性,它的交易量也很高。简单地说比特币很受欢迎是一种轻描淡写的说法。比特币是几乎每个人都知道的术语,从小孩到老人。它确实已经成为家喻户晓的名字。如果你让任何人说出他们最先想到的一种加密货币,那就是比特币它是有史以来第一个出现的加密货币,也是迄今为止最有价值的。比特币(或 BTC)也被首选作为数字货币和通胀对冲工具。

比特币与比特币现金差异-BTC 和 BCH 之间

相比之下,比特币现金(或 BCH)是一种加密货币,它是作为一种廉价且易于操作的电子支付机制而开发的。比特币现金在加密领域扎根,交易时间更快,因为它具有更大的块大小并且一次可以处理更多交易。每条区块链只能创造2100 万枚硬币,发行的硬币数量每 21 万个区块减半。预计 2140 年将是最后一个 BTC 和 BCH 被开采的年份。




在了解BTC 和 BCH 之间的描述性差异之前,让我们快速了解一下比特币现金的硬分叉。

2017 年 5 月 23 日,占比特币持有实体总数约85%的大量比特币商人和矿工举行闭门会议,决定比特币的未来会是什么样子。会议的结果是SegWit2x 升级

SegWit2x 或隔离见证是提议的升级,它可能通过隔离块有限空间之外的数据并将块的大小调整为 2MB 来扩展比特币。这意味着通过硬分叉来实现。该提案遭到社区的抵制,因为没有考虑集中力量,即比特币的主要代码库。

在这场辩论中,支持小区块的人反对增加区块大小,因为这会导致全节点托管困难,这可能会使货币中心化。另一方面,支持更大区块大小的人们争论的是一种敏捷的解决方案,这会引发比特币交易费用飙升的旗帜,这可能会使比特币的增长陷入困境。这场辩论引发了硬分叉,因为支持更大区块的个人决定在 2017 年 8 月 1 日分叉比特币的区块链。因此,比特币现金应运而生。



S.No.FactorsBitcoin or BTCBitcoin Cash
1.Market PenetrationWhen it comes to investor confidence and market penetration, BTC emerges as the superlative currency. Bitcoin is the segment’s base currency, and almost all currencies trade against it.  BCH is a younger currency as opposed to BTC, which holds the position of being the first crypto-currency in the domain. BCH is still in the process of being recognized and can potentially become a top asset in the market.
2. Overall ScalabilityThe maximum block size of a BTC is 1MB. This results in lesser scalability, due to the execution of lesser transactions per second with respect to BCH.Bitcoin Cash’s maximum block size is 32MB. This facilitates more scalability, providing BCH with the execution power to make more transactions per second.
3. DevelopmentThe development community of BTC is said to lack effective leadership. The group is said to be disintegrated and as a result, has slower implementations and updates. This does hold BTC back, and other third-generation currencies can take lead due to this issue. The development team of BCH is fast and adroit at implementing updates. The BCH team believes in Satoshi Nakamoto’s (Creator of Bitcoin) pioneering vision for Bitcoin – A decentralized electronic cash system that can take the place of fiat currencies. 
4. ProfitabilityBTC is more costly to move around in the exchanges. BTC has a slower moving rate and costs way more per transaction. Due to this, it becomes less profitable than BCH. BCH is comparatively cheaper to move around in exchanges. It has a faster-moving rate and hence costs way less per transaction. This makes it more profitable than BTC.  
5. Token IssuanceFor issuing tokens through the BTC network, the projects have to leverage the Omni layer. It is a protocol built to develop and trade smart contracts and custom digital assets.Simple Ledger Protocol or SLP is a token mechanism developed by Bitcoin Cash. It enables its users to issue and trade electronic tokens that are based on the same security model of BCH
6. SecurityBTC is considered to be more secure than BCH due to its smaller-sized blocks that can gyrate in a better manner. BCH is pertinently less secure than BTC due to its larger-sized blocks.
7.Transaction FeesBTC has significantly more transaction fees than BCH.BCH typically has lesser transaction fees compared to BTC.

所以到现在为止,你一定对比特币现金和比特币的区别有了一个清晰的认识。要获取有关比特币货币政策的更多信息,请单击此处。 它们都是很好的通胀对冲工具,可以帮助您分散投资组合。但在你将血汗钱投资到加密货币之前,你应该做大量的研究。我们希望这对您有所帮助。
