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📜  如何使用Python检查星座?

📅  最后修改于: 2022-05-13 01:55:09.949000             🧑  作者: Mango


在本文中,我们将了解如何在使用 Beautifulsoup 的前一天、当天和后一天获得星座运势。


  • bs4 : Beautiful Soup(bs4) 是一个Python库,用于从 HTML 和 XML 文件中提取数据。这个模块没有内置于Python。要安装此类型,请在终端中输入以下命令。
pip install bs4
  • requests Request 允许您非常轻松地发送 HTTP/1.1 请求。这个模块也没有内置于Python。要安装此类型,请在终端中输入以下命令。
pip install requests


步骤 1:导入模块

requests 模块允许您使用Python发送 HTTP 请求。 HTTP 请求返回一个响应对象,其中包含提到的网页的所有响应,而 BeautifulSoup 是一个Python库,用于从 HTML 和 XML 文件中提取数据。

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# importing necessary modules
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 
def horoscope(zodiac_sign: int, day: str) -> str:
      # website taking the user input variables
    url = (
    # soup will contain all the website's data
    soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, 
    # print(soup)
    # we will search for main-horoscope
    # class and we will simply return it
    return soup.find("div", class_="main-horoscope").p.text

if __name__ == "__main__":
      # dictionary for storing all zodiac signs
    # asking for user's input
    print('Choose your zodiac sign from below list : \n',
    zodiac_sign = dic[input("Input your zodiac sign : ")]
    print("On which day you want to know your horoscope ?\n",
          "Yesterday\n", "Today\n", "Tomorrow\n")
    day = input("Input the day : ").lower()
    # the data will be sent to the horoscope function
    horoscope_text = horoscope(zodiac_sign, day) 
    # then we will simply print the resulting string

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def horoscope(zodiac_sign: int, day: str) -> str:
    url = (
    soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content,
    # print(soup.find("div", class_="main-horoscope").p.text)
    return soup.find("div", class_="main-horoscope").p.text
if __name__ == "__main__":
    dic = {'Aries': 1, 'Taurus': 2, 'Gemini': 3,
           'Cancer': 4, 'Leo': 5, 'Virgo': 6,
           'Libra': 7, 'Scorpio': 8, 'Sagittarius': 9,
           'Capricorn': 10, 'Aquarius': 11, 'Pisces': 12}
    print('Choose your zodiac sign from below list : \n',
    zodiac_sign = dic[input("Input your zodiac sign : ")]
    print("On which day you want to know your horoscope ?\n",
          "Yesterday\n", "Today\n", "Tomorrow\n")
    day = input("Input the day : ").lower()
    horoscope_text = horoscope(zodiac_sign, day)

第 2 步:定义“星座”函数

该函数将采用两个变量作为输入“zodiac_sign”和“day”,这将是用户指定的星座和用户想知道他们的星座的日子。然后这将被馈送到网站 url,在我们的例子中,将分别是“{day}”和“{zodiac_sign}”部分中的 www.horoscope.com。

这将确保我们想要的数据来自用户输入的指定日期和星座。之后,一个 HTTP 请求将被发送到该网站,在美丽汤的帮助下,我们将从网站的 HTML 文件中提取数据。



# importing necessary modules
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup 
def horoscope(zodiac_sign: int, day: str) -> str:
      # website taking the user input variables
    url = (
    # soup will contain all the website's data
    soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, 
    # print(soup)
    # we will search for main-horoscope
    # class and we will simply return it
    return soup.find("div", class_="main-horoscope").p.text 



注意:这只是 HTML 代码或原始数据。


首先,我们将所有十二生肖的字符串作为键存储在一个字典中,一个特定的数字作为它们的值。然后我们将要求用户输入他们的星座,它会从我们的字典中给出一个数字并将其存储为“zodiac_sign”,同样,我们将在“day”变量中存储日期。然后将其推送到 horoscope函数,该函数将生成我们最后返回的字符串。该字符串将是网站所告知的星座。


if __name__ == "__main__":
      # dictionary for storing all zodiac signs
    # asking for user's input
    print('Choose your zodiac sign from below list : \n',
    zodiac_sign = dic[input("Input your zodiac sign : ")]
    print("On which day you want to know your horoscope ?\n",
          "Yesterday\n", "Today\n", "Tomorrow\n")
    day = input("Input the day : ").lower()
    # the data will be sent to the horoscope function
    horoscope_text = horoscope(zodiac_sign, day) 
    # then we will simply print the resulting string



import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def horoscope(zodiac_sign: int, day: str) -> str:
    url = (
    soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content,
    # print(soup.find("div", class_="main-horoscope").p.text)
    return soup.find("div", class_="main-horoscope").p.text
if __name__ == "__main__":
    dic = {'Aries': 1, 'Taurus': 2, 'Gemini': 3,
           'Cancer': 4, 'Leo': 5, 'Virgo': 6,
           'Libra': 7, 'Scorpio': 8, 'Sagittarius': 9,
           'Capricorn': 10, 'Aquarius': 11, 'Pisces': 12}
    print('Choose your zodiac sign from below list : \n',
    zodiac_sign = dic[input("Input your zodiac sign : ")]
    print("On which day you want to know your horoscope ?\n",
          "Yesterday\n", "Today\n", "Tomorrow\n")
    day = input("Input the day : ").lower()
    horoscope_text = horoscope(zodiac_sign, day)
